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Still A Little Girl At Heart

Rodna… She still loves dolls, but she’s all grown up!

Her mother died when she was born, and her father had to borrow the money for the funeral. It was told to us that the man her father “borrowed” the money from was so evil that he kidnapped the children until the money could be repaid. But, as the story goes, the kidnapper never returned the other children. Her father became so distressed that he could not work. Rodna suffered from malnutrition and was brought to our orphanage.

Rodna loves to work. She sweeps and mops the floors and is always cleaning. She irons clothes and helps take care of the little ones. She is “all girl,” but can shoot a basket and get it in the hoop!! She also loves jumping rope!! She still loves dolls and will be starting 7th grade! We love her!!


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Lovencia… The Rest of the Story

Little 19-month-old Lovencia is the youngest of four children. She lives with her parents in a very poor area of Haiti. The parents are so destitute, that they do not have enough food to feed their children, even two meals a day. The family’s staple diet is rice and sometimes “sugar.” (They use sugar to mix with water to drink!)

The mother, Madamn Marlene, knows how to find water to sell to the community for very little money or to collect stones by the river for her husband to break into small pieces to sell. But, even with these two jobs, they cannot meet the needs of the family of six. The father always eats first, with the largest portion, because he is the “bread-winner,” and right down from the oldest to the youngest. That is why so many children and babies, like Lovecia, have malnutrition.

A month ago, Madamn Marlene noticed that her baby had diarrhea and vomiting. Thinking that her baby had worms, she prepared a special “tea” for her, but, Lovencia grew worse… red, dry, brittle hair… thin arms, and a bloated belly… all signs of malnutrition, the killer of babies and toddlers in Haiti. (Special teas in Haiti can make the child far worse!)

She heard about our Jesus Healing Center, so she gathered up her baby and faced coming through the gangs and street people. When our doctors examined her, they knew that she must go straight to our Malnutrition Clinic. Here, Lovencia will eat “four times a day.” When Lovencia’s mother arrived, it was like “all Heaven came down.” The doctors assured her they would save her baby and get her healthy again.

Just look at Lovencia’s face. Could you even say “no” to her? Even though she doesn’t say a word, her eyes are talking to us, saying, “help me.” This is why we are still here in Haiti, “boots on the ground,” no matter what.


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What a beautiful name for a little baby with extreme malnutrition. But now, malnutrition is killing more babies here in Haiti than ever before…

Their parents are poor, like Lovencia’s mother. They want to “work” but cannot get through the gangs. This past Sunday, a group of gang members stopped a car on the way to church with five women in it. When the gangs told them to get out and give up their money, they refused. They were shot and killed and burned inside the car.

Other mothers try to make it to the open market to sell, and they cannot.

Now imagine a poor mother, trying to get to the market to sell a few cheap items, just to feed her family… and she runs into the gangs! She will not be able to sell, and her children will go hungry.

Check back later for “Lovencia’s Story.” It will bring tears to your eyes.


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Word from the Mission Field

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory…” (Philippians 4:19)

When Bobby and I got married, we “were very poor.” In fact, on our wedding day, he had sold citrus trees for $1 and made $40. My brother gave us $100 for a wedding gift and we started our lives together; honeymoon and all with $140.

Bobby was called by God to preach the gospel, but it was tough. We ministered in “open-air” meetings on the side of the road with a megaphone, and we had chairs that we borrowed from the funeral home! We were so, so poor. Bobby decided to ask God for some money so that we could get started well in the ministry. So, he fasted and prayed in the orange groves and asked God for $10,000! He prayed and prayed and prayed for $10,000, but God only gave him $10! Bobby said, “Lord, I have prayed and prayed, and I need $10,000!!” God said, “Bobby, you are a private in my army and you are asking for $10,000? I gave you $10!” God knew that we would probably spend the money foolishly and we didn’t need $10,000. We just needed $10 to get us to the next town!

God has never promised us that He would supply all our “wants!” We are spoiled children. He promised to supply “all our needs,” according to His riches in glory! Isn’t God good?! He has never failed us, and He gives us what “we need!” Have a great day!



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The Story of Barry…

It was many years ago that we were doing Mobile Clinics in the village of L’Estere, Haiti. It is located in the L’Artibonite Valley, where the majority of the poor work for wealthy land owners “growing rice.” One day while in a Mobile Clinic there, someone called out, “Come quickly. A lady is dying!” We were so far from any clinic or hospital, and since I was not a doctor or nurse, I was frightened. The poor lady was laying on a mat on the dirt floor, barely breathing. She said, “Madamn Sherry, I have no husband and four children. Promise me that when I die, you will take care of my children.” I promised her… but at the same time, I was praying, “God, please don’t let her die!”

A short time later, we returned to the village and there was the group of “villagers” standing in a “wad” with four little hungry children in front of them. Sheline was the oldest, then Barry, Julianne and Jonise. All the villagers said, “You must take them! You promised their mother!” There was an elderly grandma standing with them and she said, “I’m giving you two white ones (two light colored children) and two black ones!” Then she said, “This is Barry! You need to beat him every day! He is DEZOID!” (BAD!!!)

When we got ready to leave the village, we loaded up the four children, who had never ridden in a “machine” and off we went. We did not even have an Orphanage to take them to; we soon found a rented building and that was the first step in our Orphanage! All the girls were easy to raise, but Barry… he was from “a different planet!”

But with a lot of patience, as Barry grew older, he became a good worker at our warehouse! He watches over all the food, and he is responsible for getting the food to far away villages, and over some dangerous roads! If he hadn’t been such a tough kid, it would be very difficult to find someone to organize all the feeding programs and make sure no one steals food! We came to find out that “God may not always give you what you want, but He will always give you what you need!!!”


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ATC Avocado Harvest

Look at the harvest of avocado this morning from our ATC program! The children here at our Children’s Home will love them! So healthy and delicious. Yum yum…

Wilner Exil and his team, along with the students, are doing a great job! This is a sustainability project teaching Haitians how to help themselves. I’m truly amazed at what all they grow and harvest.

Thank you Rad Hazelip for being the father of this project. Everything starts from a seed… and look what happens. Thank you to all of you who help support our LAC sustainability programs.

“Love is something you do…”

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Pastor Mark Ostrander Visits Haiti

Today we welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander coming in to work on our future mission team guest housing, among other projects. Pastor Mark is also on our board of directors and has been to Haiti around 600 trips! Thank you! When Pastor Mark comes, he flies in through the Dominican Republic, then Philemond from Love A Child picks him up at the airport and drives him around 5 hours to the Love A Child property.

The road from the Port-Au-Prince Airport is much too dangerous to travel here; things look bleak here in Haiti with all the gangs controlling certain crucial areas of Haiti, among all the other troubles. This storm will pass, and we’ll look to the future!

We are claiming Haiti for Christ!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

God can do the impossible!

“With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Mark 10: 27

The Lord taught me a very valuable lesson several years ago. We must do everything which is possible, but let God do the impossible!!!

Some Christians are so heavenly-minded, they are no earthly good. They want God to do everything. No, we must do our part. David put his hand in the bag and pulled out a stone, and slung the stone at the giant… God did the rest! First, he had to put his hand in the bag and pull the stone out! 1 Samuel 17: 49

Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water! First, Peter had to step out of the boat, God gave the miracle! Matthew 14: 29

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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What are We Concerned About?

So many people will be going to church this morning, whether you are going to a small church or a large church. Sometimes, God’s people get caught up in “things,” more than people…

But the Bible says, “If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” James 2:15,16

We want our church to be beautiful, but have we spent more money on the carpet than the poor widow down the street? Our work must be done “outside the church.” Jesus spent more time with the poor and sick than He did in the Temple. Our church is made better when we take God’s love, “outside,” so that they will see God’s love, and want to come “inside.” Have a blessed day, Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Stay on the Winning Side.”

After the Lord had given his people the land which He had promised them and after they had divided up the land, Joshua was about to die. He had just finished giving his last words and then, he said… “But cleave unto the Lord our God, as ye have done until this day. For the Lord hath driven out from before you great nations and strong; but as for you, no man hath been able to stand before you unto this day. One man of you shall chase a thousand; for the Lord your God, He it is that fighteth for you, as He had promised you.” Joshua 23:8-10

So today, no matter what you are going through, you are on the “winning side,” because God is fighting this battle for you! You are on the “winning side!”


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