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Jonas… “You Really Think He’s Happy?” Ha!

Jonas. This kid has a smile that reaches from the east to the west. This big grin is his “everyday grin,” since we rescued him from being a slave child. Sweet, adorable Jonas had lost his mother and father and was abandoned by a lady who made him a “restavek[…]

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God Will Bring Forth The Harvest!

Wow!! The Agricultural Training Center (ATC) workers brought us a whole truckload of vegetables and fruit! When you plant a seed it will grow, and the Lord will give a harvest! Thank you, our friend David Balsbaugh, President of “Hope Seeds,” for all these seeds. Look what happened! God bless our[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“I WILL NOT FAIL THEE…” Joshua 1:5 I think any young man would have stood there in fear and trembling, as he looked around at the 1,000,000 plus, Israelite slaves… knowing that “Moses was dead!” God had told Joshua, “Moses, my servant is dead!” (He’s not coming back from the[…]

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Barry… “God is a God of the Second Chance”

We always get questions like “How did you start your orphanage in Haiti?” Well, we never had intended on having an orphanage. We were content with our Christian Schools… The Artibonite area was one of the areas where we began to work. We started with a school. We also had[…]

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Word From the Mission Field

If you’re looking for something to be filled in your life, you’re looking for more friends, more love, more joy, or more patience, then listen as Bobby explains the merits and wisdom behind Galatians 6:7. Love is something you do!

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Another Village Named “Nan Gaya…” Happy and Thankful!

Here is another village area named Nan Gaya receiving their monthly Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals. These meals are life and death to them. They depend upon our meals each month. Other villages will be receiving their meals today, too. Without you, we could not do this. We are[…]

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More Food and Happy Faces!

Our food distribution team took Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals to a village area named “Nakou.” Today is Friday and our food distribution team will be going to seven more villages. The families are praising the Lord! Thank you for all your help, prayers, and financial support. By faith,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Stop Grumbling… Be Content” My father and mother raised five of us kids in the hills of Pennsylvania. My father fixed televisions for a living, but we were very, very poor. Finally, he applied and got a job in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Everyone was so excited to move. My dad told[…]

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Bringing Up Moses

It was a hot, sweaty day when an older man was passing through a village and heard the cry of a baby… faintly. There was no one around and all he could see was a Haitian “outhouse.” He followed that faint whimpering cry to the inside of a filthy-smelling outhouse.[…]

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Our big four-wheel “diesel engine” blue box food truck with our driver was taken by the Papaya Gang this morning. The driver has been freed and we have our food truck back! PTL! We had no food onboard… our truck was coming here to pick up food to distribute. Favor of[…]

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