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Word from the Mission Field

When the Devil starts messing, God starts blessing!!! Run Devil Run! “If God is for us, who can be against us?…” Romans 8:31   Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Ti Bobby… Another Love A Child Mechanic!

As you can see, “Ti Bobby,” is turning out to be another Love A Child mechanic… With all the vehicles taking the wear and tear of Haiti’s tough terrain, potholes on the roads, and not to mention, the “people on the road” that cannot drive, vehicles take a beating!! Bobby’s[…]

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“The Story of Two Mothers…”

Every day, many mothers come to our Love A Child Birthing Center. They receive wonderful care and medicine, safe childbirth with our competent staff, and the best midwives and doctors in any place around. They have beautiful recovery rooms, receive great food, and have Christian music playing outside by the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. And he (Elijah) said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee…” 2 Kings 2:9-10 Take time to read[…]

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$100,000 Matching Gift

Good news! PTL! The office back in Fort Myers today contacted the donor who pledged the $100,000 matching gift if our friends would give, and match it. The office wanted to give time for the postmark of April 17th to arrive. PTL! The numbers from our friends were $116,039.00!  Thank you, your[…]

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Lomene… Still Working on Those Eggs

This is Lomene. As many of you know, she was a “restavek slave child.” The first day we saw her in the mountains of Fond Parisien, she was about 7 years old and was caring for two families. She cooked and cleaned the yard and washed the dishes and took[…]

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Blessing the Poor

Just look at these incredible pictures of poor mothers receiving sandals! This may not be a “big thing” to you, but to these mothers who cannot afford to buy a pair of sandals, it is an amazing gift. Poor Haitian mothers do not spend money on themselves. Any money they[…]

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An Edible Plant Nursery Project

Here is a very good example of one of our “edible plants” nursery projects, growing and propagating mulberry trees. We started this years ago, in the very beginning of the Agricultural Training Center (ATC). We started with just one donated mulberry tree, which was donated from another agricultural missionary in[…]

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LAC TV Program “A Place for My People Part 2” Begins Friday!

Thousands of people lost everything in the August 2021 earthquake, and hundreds more homes were destroyed in the earthquake that struck this January. These people have been without permanent shelter, without food, and without hope. God gave us a mission, and with your generosity, we are in the process of[…]

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It’s one of the worst feelings imaginable! We have all experienced those horrible days at the beginning of Covid… staying inside our home… not allowed to go visit anyone or go to a grocery store. It was difficult to go to a doctor, and all the hospitals were filled. All[…]

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