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Dotting the Landscape

There are still thousands of displaced earthquake victims living in tents in south Haiti. Can you believe it has been over a year since these families’ homes were destroyed? I cannot imagine what it must be like to sleep in the elements every night with just a tarp or tent over my head.

We are continuing to build Gabion houses for these victims affected by last summer’s earthquake. Though you do not read about it in the news or see it on your television much, does not mean that the problem went away.

We have identified many families that are in desperate need of a house. There are no streets or addresses where these people live. So, we have marked their locations using GPS coordinates. If we were to put dots on a map of south Haiti with all these coordinates, it would be peppered with points representing families in need.

Praise God there are some finished Gabion houses “dotting the landscape” in the areas surrounding the epicenter. And there are other houses in various phases of construction. But the need for more is still so great. We must fill in more “dots”. So many people need our help.

Please pray that God would provide the funds to finish putting these families in homes. We have faith that it can be done. Like Bobby always says, “Faith does not know we do not have the money.” These families have GREAT NEED, but we have GREAT FAITH!

Jesse Ostrander

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Dancing with the Maasai Mara Warriors!

Last evening was our last time here in beautiful Maasai Mara! Africa is full of colorful people and the Maasai Mara Warrior tribe is more colorful than them all!

Their main color is red! They jump very, very high when they are dancing! They usually go through the crowd and get guys to try to “out-jump” them and one visitor did!! Then, they pick some women from the audience to dance with them! It was fun!

Before the Maasai Mara got involved in conservation and wildlife protection, they killed wild animals, especially lions, giraffes, and others. Now, they work in tourism as guides, translators, cleaning crews, waitresses, etc. Some have high government jobs. They now protect the animals and still make a living selling their jewelry, etc… Wonderful people!

Today, we are leaving for Nairobi by small plane. Sunday, we leave for Miami. Monday, we travel to Haiti by the back door. We had a wonderful time here in Africa! The people are so precious. We’ve missed Haiti. We love you.

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field


Let me tell you a story… Years ago, just before I met sherry, I had gone into an orange grove in Florida with my friend, John Mahon. We prayed all night from dusk until dawn under the orange tree. I was praying for one thing only. I was praying that the Lord would give me $10,000. The next morning, when I was crawling out from under the orange tree, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Bobby, I will give you $10 today, not $10,000.” I realized that was the money that I needed for that day, not $10,000. If the Lord had given me the $10,000, I would not have known how to spend it wisely for the Lord’s work.


“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
(Not necessarily all your wants, but He will supply all your needs!)

Bobby Burnette

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for reading Sherry’s 6:00 p.m. posts about the Love A Child children. She loves doing these posts because she loves the children. Bobby and Sherry will be in Africa from July 13th through July 25th. When they return to Haiti, they will resume the 6:00 p.m. post. Please check back then!

Thank you, and God bless you!

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The king up close!

Some have asked us whether the lions are a long way off when we take their pictures. These lion pictures you see here are probably no more than 5 feet away!

We were in an open vehicle with no sides or windows… The secret is they are full. Ha! They had just killed a zebra and had a good meal.

Africa is beautiful, colorful, and clean, and the people are wonderful! Kenya has done a great job preserving and protecting its beautiful animals.

We love the African people, but our hearts are in Haiti every day.

We return to Nairobi tomorrow. On Sunday, we fly into Miami. Monday, we fly into Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Then we drive 5 hours, crossing the border into Haiti. We live in Fond Parisien, about 20 miles from the border.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Can’t wait till we get back. The children of Haiti will steal your heart!

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette


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God is our refuge

Haiti is a land rich in history. Nearby one of the Gabion house construction sites in the mountains, one of the workers took us to a place the locals are very proud of. We walked for about a mile on an animal path through sugar cane fields and dense vegetation. Our impromptu guide then pointed up to the side of a cliff face. We noticed an opening to a giant cave.

After exploring the recesses of this mighty cave, he shared with us the history of this place. He described it as a refuge for the French during the Haitian uprising more than 220 years ago. Many French people died violently in the revolution. But this place served as a hiding place for the last French families that were able to escape with their lives. The man was proud of the fact that the people in this area helped the French in their time of trouble. They could have easily killed them.

As I was listening to this young man tell us about the history of this grand cave, I was reminded about our refuge, our hiding place in times of trouble. Put your faith in God. In times of stress, insurmountable problems, or conflict, find a resting place in Jesus. The Bible says he is our ever-present help. We can run to Him. We can take shelter in Him. Thank you, Lord, for being our refuge!

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Jesse Ostrander

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Word from the Mission Field

“As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee.” Joshua 1:5-6

We could just title this “Big Shoes to Fill!”

Have you ever felt incompetent to do something that someone asked of you? Maybe you felt “afraid,” or that “you could not do the task as well as the person before you?” No one in the Bible had the right to feel this way more than Joshua. He was the young man that Moses, the servant of God, had chosen to throw his mantle on. This was the same Moses who saw God in the burning bush! This was the same Moses that stood before Pharaoh and commanded, “Let my people go!” This was the same Moses whose rod turned into a viper and swallowed up the vipers of Pharaoh’s magicians. This was the same Moses who spoke “plagues into existence” which killed many Egyptians but protected God’s people. He was the same Moses who got water from a rock for 100,000 people to drink; the same Moses who asked God for help, and God fed the people every day with manna and quail; the same Moses who commanded the Red Sea to part and swallow Pharaoh’s army; the same Moses who came down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments written by the very finger of God.

So how would you like to “fill his shoes?” But yet here was Joshua, taking on the mantle of Moses! He may have felt a little taken aback by this new leadership role, but God said, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of a good courage.”

I feel that these scriptures are for someone right now. Perhaps the Lord has laid something on your heart to do and you are afraid… Maybe you do not feel worthy, or perhaps you feel like this is “overwhelming.” But God is saying, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.” Be not afraid! God is on your side! Now, begin to praise the Lord and thank Him for His divine direction and protection!

You may have “big shoes to fill, but your feet will grow into them!” Sherry

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Latest News

Hi everyone,

Thank you for reading Sherry’s 6:00 p.m. posts about the Love A Child children. She loves doing these posts because she loves the children. Bobby and Sherry will be in Africa from July 13th through July 25th. When they return to Haiti, they will resume the 6:00 p.m. post. Please check back then!

Thank you, and God bless you!

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King of the Jungle

Today we are in the area of Massai Mara. This big, huge lion and one other were under a tree. They had just killed a zebra! The big lion, you see, was there to protect “the rest of his meal,” along with another lion who was “sleeping on the job!”

This is also the area of the great migration of mostly “Wilderness Beasts.” As far as you can see, the animals were running to cross the river to get to the other side where there was more fresh grass and rain. It would have been impossible to count them, but waiting in the river, were crocodiles! This happens in the dry season at this time. The animals want to cross over for rain and fresh green grass.

This is just some of the handiwork of God’s creation. Bobby and I love animals so much! Once you see them in the wild, in their natural habitat, you will never want to visit a zoo again.

We serve an “amazing Creator!”

Bobby and Sherry

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Coconut Thanks

This man was at one of the dedications of a Gabion house. He was so grateful for all that Love A Child is doing in his area. We are building more Gabion houses every day for the families and are continuing to distribute thousands of meals. The need is great, and Love A Child is making an impact here.

The man thanked us several times with tears in his eyes but wanted to express his gratitude with a gift. He climbed a nearby tree and came back with coconuts! The crew drank the sweet milk with joy and ate the fresh coconut. They were delicious! The man was thankful.

A wise man once told me that the most powerful word anyone can say is “Thank you.” So like this man, I say Thank You! Love A Child, and you are partners in this work!

May we all express our gratitude in a tangible way and never forget to say these two powerful words, “Thank You!”

Jesse Ostrander

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