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Word From the Mission Field

“Someone Is Watching You.” We pray for many things each day… wisdom (of course, we need that), financial help, healing, and the list goes on. But, what about souls? When we first came to Haiti, it was difficult to learn how to win people to the Lord… especially witch doctors.[…]

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Davidson (Jonathan)… A Cinematographer

It was a cool Christmas evening 19 years ago, when little old Grandma Noel, came into our old, rented orphanage building in Bois Monquette, Haiti. She had been traveling over the rugged mountains of Bel Fontaine, with a male family member. Each one was carrying an infant, and both were[…]

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More From Church this Morning!

Here are some more pictures from church this morning here at Love A Child. One of the photos is of our children standing in front of the church with us. It’s fun going to church with all of our children. Ha! When we started our church here, it was a[…]

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The Tomb is Empty!

Jesus has risen!! But, he’s coming back!! This morning, we were blessed with the presence of the Lord here this morning, because, as Bobby preached, “The Tomb is Empty!!” Our church in Fond Parisien is doing great!! This morning, the choir sang like angels! Our Love A Child children danced[…]

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Word From the Mission Field

THE EMPTY TOMB! “They found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre… And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.” Luke 24:2-3 The two angels in shining garments said these words… “He is not here, but is risen; remember how he spake unto you when[…]

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Roselyne… Home is Always, Home!

Roselyne will be in her third year of medical college at University Lumiere, here in Haiti. It is tough but Dr. Barthelemy, our head doctor here at our Jesus Healing Center, is always encouraging her. She has always volunteered in our Mobile Clinics. In fact, that is where we found her… in[…]

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Last night was the final service of our open-air Crusade at Gwo Maché Mirak. Thank you for helping sponsor this three-day open-air crusade under the stars for the League of Pastors in this area of Fond Parisien. Pastor Jonas is the president. Hundreds of people raised their hands asking the[…]

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Word From the Mission Field

“Being Faithful with the Little Things…” When Bobby and I got married, we had only $40. Later that day, my brother gave us $100, so we started our young married life with $140. Bobby sold citrus trees for a living and it was tough making ends meet. We read that Jesus said, “Go ye[…]

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Update on Kenson

Kenson’s parents both died when he was very young and he was brought to our orphanage. He is another “zero stress” kid. Kenson is in “Canado Technique” school to learn to be a mechanic. But, to think that he gets dirty, and has grease on him, is difficult to comprehend. When he is “home,”[…]

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Huge Feeding Program in L’Artibonite 

Breaking News: We just received a phone call five minutes ago from Nelio Barthelemy, our Haitian Director. He was calling us from the area in Haiti called, “L’Artibonite.” We call this area a little nickname, “Bethel,” but years ago the people called it “Babylon!” This is a huge area, but[…]

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