"Sou Moulin" is a village not far from us. Like many other villages in Haiti, this is a tough time for trying to get food. Most roads are blocked by gang members, so mothers cannot get to the market to sell their items. This forces many children to drink "salt water" at least once a day to take the hunger away. Others resort...
Sarah will be graduating this coming week from her first year in Beauty College! This is her passion! She has another year to go! Sarah and her brother, Joseph, came to us when they were both small. Both had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. Their mother had died in childbirth. Sarah had always been a good student, and...
We are so thankful the Lord has allowed us to build a beautiful Malnutrition Center Clinic for babies, toddlers, and young children. This Malnutrition Center was only a "dream," but it happened! We want to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries - Hand of Hope for sponsoring this building project! Up until this Clinic was built, we...
"Give Your Way Out!" "The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth, shall be watered also." Proverbs 11:25 I was fortunate to have been brought up in a poor family, but with a mother who loved to give. And, when I married, I married someone who "loved to give." We both realized...
We have 85 “Love A Child” children. This is Dieuferly; we found him in the mountains of Covant, Haiti (Bel Fontaine), many years ago. He was not yet “four,” and had badly crippled clubfeet. At that time, we were extremely poor and had a rented building for our orphanage. We really struggled to feed the...
Dumolia is a wonderful, sweet girl. We've had her since she was 3 years old, I believe. We don't know what happened in the village where she lived, but she either fell or was pushed into a tub of boiling water. We took her in, took care of her, and sent her on several trips...
Good news from Villa Hermosa, Dominican Republic! Over the weekend, David and Angie George of David George Worldwide Ministries, have been giving out school backpacks to the poor Haitian and Dominican children who live in Villa Hermosa where our Love A Child church is that David George sponsored to build. They also went to two poor...
“More Precious than Gold…” Really? How could a trial be “more precious than gold?” “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” I Peter 1:7 In Numbers...
Zoey is now 3, going to kindergarten "two." She is a doll! She always hangs out with the "big sisters," so she is more like a young girl than a 3-year-old. She is very polite and extremely intelligent! She is very close to her "poppy Bobby!" She loves to sit on his lap and hug...
Yesterday, we received two great miracles! The first was for Dimelia, as most of you know, we have had since she was a little girl, 3 or 4. She had been badly burned. As a result, she spent years going back and forth to the Shriners Children’s Hospital in Boston. When she was in 12th...