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Growing “Food for Life…” Sustainability Helping Haitians to Help Themselves

I recall 9 years ago when we were just starting our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) as part of our Sustainability Outreaches, we began our “Edible Plant Nursery” with one small avocado tree and a young breadfruit sapling. I wondered if I could wait long enough to see the future harvests that we knew, by faith, would be forthcoming. Now look at the perpetual harvests from those plantings from just a few years ago. Everyone in Haiti seems to love both avocados (zaboka) and breadfruit (lam). Now our edible plant garden at the ATC is bearing many breadfruit, and the larger garden verge’ at Love A Child Village (where the orphanage, clinics, etc. are) has this bountiful avocado tree. Wilner and his team have successfully propagated both our breadfruit and avocado trees, producing many new cuttings that one day will yield large harvests too for many other villages. The cycle of life we rely on in these gardens is a good illustration of the Biblical principles of sewing and reaping, whether it is plants for “food for life”, or souls for the Kingdom. Avocados are a healthy and tasty treat with any meal and are prized by Haitians who look forward to their harvest. Breadfruit is very nutritious, and high in potassium, helping to reduce blood pressure. Breadfruit can be used in almost any stage of its growth, often steamed, boiled, or fried like potatoes. Thank you to Wilner’s team and all of you who support our work. Your gifts are helping Haitians learn to help themselves.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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New TV Program “When it Rains it Floods” Begins Friday!

Living anywhere in Haiti is challenging, but the terrain in Boulay is exceedingly difficult to survive in. The families residing in the riverbed at the base of the mountain range are prone to flash floods. They are forever on edge; at the sound of rain, they must swiftly evacuate with their families to avoid being swept away, even in the dead of night. That’s just one of their many problems; they still contend with illness, starvation, and desperation. God revealed this tiny village to us, only minutes away from our own home, so that we could provide much-needed relief with the word of God and boxes of food.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Love is something you do!

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Word from the Mission Field

The God of “I Will Restore.”

Have you ever lost something? A job? A home? A car? A position? Just be patient… We not only serve a God of “more than enough,” but we serve a God of “Restoration.” We serve the “I will restore,” God.

I cannot count the things in our lives that were lost, mostly because we were poor. We could not see “God in these things” years ago, but as we kept on serving the Lord, we found out that He has restored everything that “the locust and palmerworm have eaten.”

The problem with most Christians is the “I want it right now,” attitude! I look back to the day when we had three checking accounts, and every one of them had “zero” dollars in them, and on that same day, Bobby got the message from his dermatologist that he had “six months to live.” Everything was gone, including our dreams of doing something for the Lord in Haiti! We were “below zero.” But, God wanted to test us, to see if we could still trust Him when things went down to zero! I cannot say it was easy, but I can say, “that the Lord restored everything the devil took from us.”

Today, if you are one of those many Christians who have “lost something” (it could be a husband or a wife, a job, or a child, health, or anything) the Lord is talking to you!

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.” Joel 2:25

Do not give up! We serve a God of “Restoration!” Have a blessed day!!! Sherry

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Africa, Here We Come!

Here we are at the Miami International Airport waiting to board for Kenya, Africa. When we have internet, we’ll be sending pictures of the Lord’s beautiful animals and the scenery of Africa. We have been saving our personal money for a while to do this adventure. At one point, we will be in a tent in the jungle. This is Sherry’s idea! Ha! We will also see where “Out of Africa” was made and visit Karen Blixen’s home.

I sent Sherry and our daughter to Africa in 2016. I didn’t go then, because I told them if I wanted to see a lion or an elephant, I would go to a zoo! They both came back closer to God they said. They said when you see the animals and all of God’s creation, you feel close to the Lord. PTL! Be looking for pictures when we have internet. Can’t wait until we can share it with you! Be sure and read Jesse Ostrander and Rad Hazelip’s social media posts in the meantime. Thank you for your prayers. We will be back in Haiti on the 25th. We love you!

Bobby and Sherry

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Latest News

Hi everyone,

Thank you for reading Sherry’s 6:00 p.m. posts about the Love A Child children. She loves doing these posts because she loves the children. Bobby and Sherry will be in Africa from July 13th through July 25th. When they return to Haiti, they will resume the 6:00 p.m. post. Please check back then!

Thank you, and God bless you!

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Kids Will Be Kids

It’s another hot summer day here at Love A Child. Bobby and Sherry are on their way to Africa, and people here are already missing their presence. But everything on the compound here in Fond Parisien continues to operate. The ministry must go on. There are people depending on us, people relying on Love A Child. But in the midst of all of the hustle and bustle to keep things flowing, a few “very clever” boys from the Orphanage (Children’s Home) found a way to get in some much-needed “gym time”.

Kim and I are here with our four children. My kids love hanging out with, and loving on, all of Bobby and Sherry’s kids (and there are a ton of them). While my sons, Braden and Brent, were spending time with some of the younger boys, someone had the bright idea to hit the Love A Child gym. They went to the gym. They all worked hard exercising. With joy and laughter, they lifted weights and worked hard, all of them happy, all of them carefree.

But after the workout, it became abundantly clear that “kids will be kids.” Whether they are here in Haiti at the Love A Child Children’s Home or in the States, kids will sometimes not make the best decisions. We found out later that my sons were hoodwinked by these 10 very young, very witty boys. These guys were supposed to be in their summer tutoring sessions at the school. But they felt the urge to skip. They wanted to have fun pumping up their little muscles instead of learning their math facts. But they got caught! The caretakers at the Children’s Home caught them. And now they are reaping the consequences.

Nevertheless, I am reminded of two very important truths.

(1) The Bible says that the “joy of the Lord is our strength.” These boys were joyful, and they were strengthened. They had a blast with their two “big brothers” from the States building up their little muscles.

And (2) Bobby and Sherry have their hands full.

I know what it is like to be a father of four and some of the shenanigans that go with it. Can you imagine being the parent of 70 or 80? Wow, this is a big task! But these kids are loved. These kids are filled with joy. These kids are strong! The joy of the Lord is their strength.

Jesse Ostrander

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Word from the Mission Field


“By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.” Hebrews 11:27

Moses could see beyond what he could see in the natural.

We have never seen God, but yet we can look all around us and see him every day, in the clouds, sun, moon, beautiful rolling hills, trees, and the magnificent ocean.

We live in this flesh, and we have natural things all around us. I’m sitting here looking beyond all of the things I can see. I’m believing in the Lord for things I cannot see with my natural eye! I’m looking into the invisible with the eye of faith. Oh, I see God doing great things! What do you see today?

Bobby Burnette

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Our Future Chef!

Lomene is now 21 years old and in college at Maison Menagere Anne Marie Desvarieux. She has come a long way from being a “restavek slave child.” She is now fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a professional chef! Lomene loves to cook!!

When her mother died, her father took her to live with his other “wives” where she had to cook and wash for two families. She had to haul water and work hard. That day, when I saw her in that dirty dress, doing all that work, I said, “That’s it! She’s coming home with me.”

Lomene is so happy and doing a great job! She just needs a little help with “Poppie’s eggs!” Ha! This young girl will go a long way! Sherry

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Traveling to Kenya, Africa Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning, we will start our Kenya, Africa trip to go on two safaris and visit where they made the movie, “Out Of Africa,” and see the home where Karen Blixen lived. We love history and the animals of Africa.

We have been saving our personal money to travel to Africa and go on a safari for a while. Actually, as many of you know, we were supposed to leave for Africa last year on August 14th. Sherry and I had flown down to Miami on the 13th, to stay at the hotel, inside the airport. On July 13th last year, the spirit of the Lord spoke to my heart while in Miami to “cancel our African trip and buy a ticket leaving for Haiti on the 14th.” The spirit of the Lord had led Sherry the same way. We were in total agreement.

As we were boarding the plane on August 14th for Haiti, the stewardess stopped us in the middle of boarding. After a while, she told us that a 7.3 magnitude earthquake had hit Haiti. In about one hour we resumed boarding the plane. When we landed, we found out the 7.3 magnitude earthquake had struck South Haiti. We immediately started buying food, along with our Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals. With many of you helping, we were able to ship in “tons and tons of food to Jeremie and the South area” to many locations. Plus, with many of you helping, we purchased over 2,000 nice camping tents, to sleep “8 to 10 people” for those families who lost their homes in the earthquake. Then after this, we began to build those families a strong, beautiful “Gabion” house! The Lord knew we were supposed to be in Haiti on August 14h, not Africa!

Hopefully, we will be boarding the plane for Nairobi, Africa tomorrow morning. If the Lord speaks to us to change course in the morning, we will, “without hesitation.” Sherry has us in two locations, staying in a tent in the jungles (her idea) ha! Whenever we can get internet, we will be sending you pictures from Africa of the animals and the beauty of Africa.

Note: Jesse Ostrander and his wife, Kim, who are at Love A Child, will be doing our Facebook and our website posts while we are gone.

Rad Hazelip will be giving you our Agriculture Training Center updates every Thursday and Tuesday.

Please be sure and follow what’s happening in Haiti each day. Very exciting! Our children at our “Children’s Home” are wonderful! Be looking for pictures from Sherry and me. We love you and thank you for your prayers.

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

Matthew 25:21 “Well Done…”

When God speaks to us to do something, we must always be faithful to do it. Some people are afraid to make decisions because they might make the wrong one… But if you are doing something to glorify the Lord and His Kingdom, and you mess up, God looks at heart… He sees you as you are and He is always able to get you back on the right track.

I heard a message from Kathryn Kuhlman which really touched my heart. When she was a little girl, her mother had a place down in the basement to wash clothes. As many mothers did, in those days, her mother “boiled them,” especially sheets, etc. Kathryn used to help her mother “boil the clothes and hang them out to dry.” She wanted her mother to be proud of her. One day, her mother was in the middle of “boiling clothes,” and she received a phone call that someone was sick. She had to leave, but she told Kathryn, “I’ll be back soon. You stay here.”

After a while, Kathryn decided she would “surprise her mother,” and do something special… finish the laundry! She boiled “everything,” colored clothes, linens, woolens… everything! When she hung them out to dry, she didn’t notice that, “colors were running together,” and that the woolen clothes had shrunk! She brought everything inside, carefully folded them, put them in piles “in the kitchen,” so that she would see them as soon as she came in. She could not wait to see the joy on her mother’s face.

Late in the afternoon, her mother, tired and exhausted from being in the hospital all day with no food, slowly opened the door. She glanced at the colored items, faded into each other, and at the woolens shrunken down in size. A look of horror came on her face as she saw all of the clothes. Then, she looked at Kathryn, who was anticipating a word from her mother… a good word. Kathryn wiped tears from her eyes as she talked about this message… she said her mother looked at her and said, “Well done.”

Her mother knew she had done wrong, but her mother had “seen her heart.” Sometimes, we do the wrong things for a good reason for the Kingdom of God, and we mess up. But He is faithful and forgiving and will say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant…” Matthew 25:21

When we work hard in Haiti, we do not do it for any glory of man. We only want to hear those two words from Jesus… two words that cover any sacrifice we have made… any heartache… any disappointment… just two words… “Well done.” Have a great day! Sherry

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