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Word from the Mission Field

“Don’t Even Take a Peek!” There’s something that the Lord just hates about “broken focus.” Anytime we take our eyes “off of Him” we lose track of what we are supposed to do. Lot’s wife is a good example… When the Lord sent word through His angels to Lot that[…]

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The Big Wedding Day

It is a major thing in Haiti, for any child who comes from an orphanage, to get married! This is rare. But we are so blessed with good children, especially the boys, who get married! Most young men get a girl pregnant and run off and leave her. So, the[…]

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Slippery Steps

I grew up in the hills of Pennsylvania, so “Bobby married a Yankee!” I grew up in a family of five tough little kids and we were always in the snow and on the ice. But as I grew older, I realized how dangerous the ice can be. I have[…]

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$100,000 Matching Challenge, Please Pray

Living here in Haiti has broken our hearts more than you can imagine. Each day that goes by brings another story of a hungry child, a poor mother left to survive with her children, a village that needs food, or medical care… not to mention the challenges of raising [children[…]

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George is Getting Married and Love is in the Air!

“Georges… AKA George!” His story is amazing! I used to go to downtown Port-au-Prince “by myself” to buy medicines for my Mobile Clinics. (Can’t do that now, due to the gangs.) I always bought my medicines from one particular pharmacy and grew to be friends with a young lady at[…]

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Feeding the Children and Families of “Blanket”

Blanket is a small village between a “rocky road in the mountains” and a “rocky riverbed.” There are no beautiful gardens in this area… there is no good soil to grow gardens. What little land people have has been handed down from generation to generation. There are no jobs in[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Keep on Knocking!” Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, a Bible teaching was sweeping across the States. Not to be critical, because many who were teaching this were men of God. However, I could never wrap my brain around it. They were preaching that “you only had to ask God[…]

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$100,000 matching gift challenge, please pray

Living here in Haiti has broken our hearts more than you can imagine. Each day that goes by brings another story of a hungry child, a poor mother left to survive with her children, a village that needs food, or medical care… not to mention the challenges of raising [children[…]

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Yonel… “Nine Mangos!”

I can remember the day we found Yonel like it was yesterday. We had been doing a Mobile Clinic in the mountains and a poor, elderly grandma brought Yonel and his sister to us. His sister was too far gone to save and we were not sure Yonel would live.[…]

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Update on Jasson

We want to thank the Lord for the “good report” that Jasson (Jackson) got today! Tuesday, our driver Philimond drove Jasson across the border of Haiti into the Dominican Republic for some more tests. As many of you know, Jasson had developed severe “Kwashiorkor Malnutrition” when we found him in[…]

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