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Our Zoey…

Hard to believe little Zoey is 3 years old! We found her “thrown away on the dirt road” before you get to New Letant. She’s telling us she wants to be a nurse! Her daily job is cleaning her room. She tries to make her bed and if she can’t do it, she has lots of sisters who jump in and help! Zoey loves to play with dolls and she loves to clean her room! She is a very special little girl, and always sweet, kind, and polite. Her favorite person is “Poppie Bobby!” We all love Zoey.


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Roobens and John Peter live in the Iyev area of South Haiti. They are two of the hundreds of hungry children who live in the epicenter of the earthquake. We just delivered rice, beans, and cooking oil to them. So many happy and thankful families. Thank you to our friends who helped make this possible.

Love is something you do!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Villa Hermosa, Dominican Republic

David George just sent these pictures of construction work being done on the Love A Child land purchased next to the Love A Child church which David raised the money through his friends to build. David and his wife, Angie, are now raising the funds to build a Children’s Outreach on the land. Wow!

He will be bringing a team in on July 18th to work on the project to build a large, nice wall around the land. They will be putting in a basketball court, a large playground, and a Children’s Outreach building. We are so excited!! This will help bring the kids off the streets into a safe Christian atmosphere. PTL!

We love David and Angie George, and we are so proud of them both. Probably most of you don’t know this, but David George is on our Love A Child Board of Directors. David founded “David George Worldwide Ministries.”

Love is something you do!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“If God be for us, who can be against us?”  (Romans 8:31)

We all have battles to fight, and at times the enemy seems to surround us. But God is for us and on our side. This week you are not fighting the battle alone. Jesus said, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Honoring a Great Man of God

Bobby and I just recently flew in from Haiti for a special event. Our pastor, Reverend Joe Ronsisvalle, has been preaching now for 60 years at Rockledge Christian Center. And he just turned 90! We are so proud of him being faithful all these years. Someone told us today that the record for a pastor preaching at the same church is 57 years, so Pastor Joe has done a great job!

I actually met Bobby under a gospel tent when I was 17 and he was 18. We were having a Valentine’s Banquet at our church, so I invited Bobby. After the banquet, he asked me to marry him and I said, “Yes!” (But we waited two years to “try the spirits!!” Ha!) So, Bobby and I have had Pastor Joe as our pastor since then. We were married in his church, and he performed the ceremony, along with Bobby’s pastor, Pastor Pinkney.

When we were first married, Bobby came to Pastor Joe and told him that he wanted to preach in a church. Pastor Joe told Bobby that “if he wanted to preach so badly to get a soapbox and a bullhorn and go to the poor African American projects, outside, under the stars!” He was trying to let Bobby know that we must start preaching with the poor first, “if” we are really called. About a week later, Pastor Joe heard a loud noise and the sound of a horn and lots of commotion down the street. He got in his car and there was Bobby, on the soapbox, preaching!

Pastor Joe and his church have supported us all these years since we moved to Haiti. He is from a large Italian family of 11 kids! All of them Christians! Now, most of his family has gone to be with the Lord and he has turned the church over to a young man, who has a “Joshua” spirit. Pastor Joe is still there, working around the church, doing what needs to be done. He loves God so much that he can be happy mowing the yard or raking the leaves! We are honored to have grown up under his ministry.

Bobby and Sherry

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A Voice Like An Angel

Lovely has grown into a beautiful young woman. One of her relatives, Madamn Cheap Cheap, used to sell us tickets and Haitian items that we bought for our partners back home in the States. She explained that Lovely’s mother had a serious illness which she passed on to Lovely. We were told that her mother had died of this illness and her father had abandoned her.

Lovely was a “very sick little baby” and she is still under medical care to this day. When she is not in school, she helps at the Children’s Home by cleaning, ironing, caring for the children, and anything else. The most amazing thing about Lovely is her voice! She sings like an angel. She has great faith in God that He will heal her!!! The “Spirit of the Lord” is upon her life. She wants to be a lawyer for the poor… “Defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and the needy…” – Psalms 82:3

Everyone loves Lovely!


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More Wonderful News!

Here is Hebert, our Love A Child representative, with Marie Helene Joseph with her holding tarps to cover the leaking roof of her old mud house walls with a thatched roof. The inside is damaged from the earthquake on August 12th. We are building her a new Gabion house that will withstand future earthquakes and hurricanes.

Here she is standing in the middle of her new house under construction praising the Lord! We are building the Gabion house in the third section of Petit-Trou-de-Nippes in the town of Lierve near the epicenter of the earthquake. By faith, we are building a lot more houses for the poor people who lost everything. Faith doesn’t know we don’t have the money! Love is something you do…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

There is he that scattered, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tends to poverty. “The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.” Proverbs 11:24 & 25

God blesses the liberal soul! We cannot outgive God.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Update on Wilguens “Jacque”

Wilguens “Jacque” (Alias, Grandpa)

Wilguens is one of the sweetest but strangest little guys we have! He is very unusual. For one thing, I can never find him, but he is there! He is now 10 years old and in the 5th grade. Wilguens is tall for his age. In the picture, he has a nice new shirt on, but the way he is standing, he looks like an old man!

Wilguens loves to play with his brothers. He learns quickly and also loves to read the Bible! Although he is shy, he will work hard, clean, and do anything asked.

Fabiola is his sister. When their mother died, their father could not care for them, and sometimes, he left the children for days at a time with no food. He knew it was best to give them to Social Services.

Wilguens is known for dancing, “like King David,” in the Bible. He wants to be a mechanic and by the way he is going, he may do just that. Of course, lots of children “change course,” in their lives, but we are ready in any way to help him and we love him, Sherry

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Good Semi-Container News!

As you know, the 400 Mawozo Gang (Papaya Gang) a few days ago, kidnapped Casimi, along with our semi-tractor and a 40-foot container of FMSC meals. Casimi was released the same day without a ransom being paid. They kept our semi-tractor and container full of FMSC meals.

Nelio, our Haitian director negotiated with the gang. They said they would release our semi-tractor and container without ransom, but without the 1280 boxes of food. They said, “Casimi, come get the semi-tractor and empty container.” It was being kept inside the 400 Mawozo compound! Then at different times, they would change their minds at the “drop of a hat!” The reason was that they are all on heavy drugs and alcohol and they make irrational decisions in the spare of a moment. They will kill you without thinking twice. Thursday was July 7th. One year ago President Jovenel was assassinated. The U.S. Embassy put out a warning for Thursday and Friday.

Good news!!! Yesterday, Casimi brought back our semi-tractor and an empty container to Love A Child. How he did it, is beyond me. How the Lord does a lot of things is beyond me!

Casimi said that on Monday morning he will be back at Customs with our semi-tractor to bring out more FMSC containers for Love A Child!! Really, it’s unbelievable! Casimi has “nerves of steel,” and is very brave. Casimi and Nelio have been talking to the gangs. If God can open the Red Sea for Moses we can have our containers of food. We are not giving up… going forward!! The children and Haitian families are desperate for their food.

This is an emergency… Please pray for Casimi Monday, along with us and the missionaries left in Haiti. Pray for Haiti… Thank you for your prayers and support.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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