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Word from the Mission Field

LORD SEND ME! “Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8 Is the Lord calling you today? Is the Lord calling you to be a missionary to a foreign land? Is the Lord[…]

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Breaking News: God Answers Prayer!

Yesterday afternoon, Casimi, our semi-truck “food container driver,” along with three more of our guys were kidnapped. (Two of the guys were security.) The 400 Mawozo (Papaya Gang) took Casimi and the others, along with our semi and 40-foot container. Thankfully, Casimi had unloaded a full container of “Feed My Starving[…]

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Jonas… “Jesus Took Me Away.”

He doesn’t know how old he really is. He had never had a birth certificate, or a ball, or even a pair of old shoes to wear. He had never had a brother or a sister or even parents. He had never slept in a bed or sat at a[…]

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Pray For a Harvest

On April 12th, 13th, and 14th we will be joining together with the League of Pastors in this area to have a large crusade at our Miracle Market, Gwo Maché Mirak! An OPEN-AIR CRUSADE AT THE MARKET! Haiti is different than the states… when a church has a crusade, whether[…]

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“Don’t Be A Show-Off!”

There’s a big difference in “having a grateful, thankful heart” for what God has done for you. You may be even able to share your story, as long as you don’t brag about it, and as long as you “give God all the Glory.” But, sometimes there comes a time[…]

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Our Joseph…

His real name is Babeto Lyma, but we have always called him joseph. He and his sister Sarah were both brought to us with malnutrition. When their mother died, their father deserted them. Joseph was very frail and nearly died from severe malnutrition. But, the Lord healed him and helped[…]

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Malaika’s Story… “Blood to Drink”

Little Malaika was covered with sores when she was brought into our Jesus Healing Center. Her mother had ten children, three of them had died. In Haiti, sometimes the fathers believe the child is “not theirs.” It is an evil thing that people bound with Voodoo believe. So, the father[…]

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The Story of our Birthing Center… How it All Began

Since we began building on our Love A Child property, we had never had plans for a Birthing Center… We had plans for a warehouse, an orphanage, housing for missionaries, a clinic, a radio station, a mechanic shop, and an elementary and high school… We would see the ladies and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Divine Favor!” He had been a cripple since the age of about five. His nurse had grabbed him and fled, when the battle raged between Saul, his army, and David. When the child fell, he became a cripple. Years have gone by, and now David is king and on the throne.[…]

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From Rags to Riches

It was about four years ago that we received a call from the guys at our front gate, here at Love A Child. They said that “someone had left a baby” in the weeds and disappeared. We came quickly and found this little boy dropped off in the weeds, whimpering. He[…]

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