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Djonsly… What a miracle kid!

Little did Djonsly’s mother know that he had cancer hiding behind his right eye, pushing the eye outside the socket! Like the widow woman with an issue of blood (Luke 8:43-48), she went from doctor to doctor… only the doctors in Haiti would not “even look at him.” They had no compassion for him at all… but, his praying “mom,” wouldn’t give up. God spoke to her about a mission called, “Love A Child,” and she brought her son to our Jesus Healing Center Clinic.

When our doctors took him in, their hearts melted. This would require a certain surgery not done in Haiti, so we went to work. We had a good connection with a Hospital in the States and someone on the inside, who said, “if you can get him to us, we will take care of him.”

We did and they did! They removed cancer from behind his eye. He lost that eye but was in good condition. After several operations, he left the U.S. to go back to Haiti. But, what we did not realize was that, at the time of the second surgery, his Visa had run out!

It took us a year, of begging, pleading, finding the right attorney, and the right Congressman to renew Djonsly’s Visa. It was very stressful for us because every day, we saw people crossing our borders illegally, and yet, here was one young man, an A student, who needed his Visa renewed in order to get another surgery (who could not travel back to the States). (And, this surgery did not cost the taxpayers anything!!)

Finally, we got him to the D.R. to fly out (because we could not go through the main Port-au-Prince Airport in Haiti, due to gangs!). God worked other miracles when we arrived at the ticket counter, but just to let you know, God is a BIG GOD! Djonsly made it to the hospital, where the doctors found out that he had “only one lung left!” (This was due to treatment he had at a Haitian Hospital, right before he left…)

Now, the doctors are watching Djonsly and checking him constantly to see when and if cancer returns. Djonsly and his mom are right next to the Hospital and he is checked constantly to see when he will need the surgery. In the meantime, he is going to school (not sure if it is on the internet or home school), but he is a straight-A student! Djonsly wants to be a doctor.

We have no words to praise God, but with tears in our eyes, we want to thank you, our wonderful partners, who stood with us in prayer, and those who helped pay for his ticket to the U.S.!

We love you all!!!


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Another warm story from the earthquake

Madamn Jacqueline Maçon lost her left leg when her business in Port-au-Prince fell on her in the earthquake of 2010. After the trauma of losing her business and her leg, she moved to her house in Lazile in the south of Haiti to escape the aftershocks and the fear of another quake in Port-au-Prince. In August of 2021, a major earthquake struck the department of Nippes in the south and leveled Jacqueline’s house in Lazile.

Being a Christian, Mrs. Maçon prayed for God to intervene on her behalf, that week Jessie Ostrander from Love a Child found her in front of her destroyed house, hungry and tired from her loss of everything. Immediately Love A Child provided a tent for her to get out of the rain and food to sustain her and her family. Eight months later Madamn Jacqueline and her family have a new house provided by Love A Child and are praising God for his provision!

Hubert, Love A Child Representative

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LAC TV Program “Heart of Compassion 2022” Begins Friday!

Love A Child travels up 5,400 feet to the remote village of Gobert. Your heart will break as you witness what these mountain people endure. Children pass around a cup of saltwater to hold off hunger pains. Parents work extremely hard, knowing it’ll never be enough to support their families. Farmers rely on crops that are as unreliable as they are delicate. Tears and frustration are common, but a simple box of food that you can provide is a miracle! Join us as we brave the heights to serve our neighbors in Haiti.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Together we are changing lives!

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Word from the Mission Field

“Watching You from the Grandstand”

Note: This scripture is for someone who has been discouraged about “all those things happening to you” and you can’t understand “why?”

Ever wonder why you are having such a hard time? Things may not be going right, and in fact, they turned completely around and things have gone “from bad to worse.” Let’s see why this is happening…

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin (or that thing that is hindering you or nagging at you) which doth so easily beset us (notice that he said, “us”), and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

The answer is easy. You are being tested because God has confidence in you! Someone, or some people, are “watching you run the race.” That’s why you must not be discouraged, because “you are about to turn the corner” of this finish line! God knows that people are watching you, and God has confidence in you, that you will come through this test and win the race!! Always remember, “they (those around you) are watching you from the grandstand!” So, run the race!! Don’t give up! Never give up!!


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Jameson… “Looks Like a Professor!”

We first discovered this sweetie when his mother brought him to us from a village across from “Old Letant.” His mother had brought him to our old Clinic because he had sores all over him, in his eyes, and he was the most miserable little boy in the world.

He was in constant pain in his eyes and all over his body from a strain of eczema. The doctor we had then did not know what his problem was until we took him in, and began to study his condition. We still have no idea “what brings it on,” but he has spent most of his life being a horribly miserable and very depressed little boy. We finally knew what he had and how to treat it.

Today, he is doing well in school, but his eyes have been affected by the sun and he must wear sunglasses outside and eyeglasses in school. His room mother has to make sure he doesn’t take in too much sun. Jameson is such a sweetie! If we had to take in any more boys, they would have to be sweet as he is! We all love this kid!!!


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Progress Going Forward!

Today, Bryon, Mark, Joker, and Philimond are erecting our huge emergency diesel tank we just had made! These are hard days in Haiti. There’s always a fuel, gas, or diesel shortage… or fuel trucks can’t get through to deliver.

We decided to have a backup diesel fuel supply tank always ready in case of emergency. Here at Love A Child in Fond Parisien we have no electric power, we must use big generators which burn a lot of diesel to keep everything going. Our Children’s Home, water supply, Jesus Healing Clinic, Birthing Center, Malnutrition Center, radio station, warehouses, plus a lot more.

Please pray that in the future, the only way to go is solar power. In the last two months, diesel has more than doubled in price!

I want to thank an anonymous donor for paying for all of this. Thank you! PTL!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Latest Haiti Update

Please pray…

Today, Casimi cannot come with our 40-foot container of food. He cannot make it through all the gunfire. We now have several Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) containers backed up in customs which we cannot pull out because of the danger on the road. The late fees are $70.00 per container per day.

We need our FMSC meals… the people are desperate for food. Please pray…

Our Love A Child ambulance could not leave with an emergency patient because of the road — gang shootings. Please pray for Noel one of our workers who is in terrible unbearable pain. The gangs always let our ambulances through but today way too much shooting and trouble are on the road.

In some areas, several thousand people had to leave their homes due to gangs. Haiti needs help from someone. Haiti is not able to overcome these gangs by itself.

The Haitian people are suffering more than you can imagine. The children break our hearts.

Thank you for your prayers…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

Be not weary…

“But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

I know some of you reading this may be a missionary. You are weary, tired, and maybe even feel like giving up. So many times, Sherry and I have felt like this in Haiti. Don’t be weary. Don’t give up. You will be reaping great things that the Lord has in store for you.

You may be a pastor and have these same feelings. Don’t be weary. Don’t give up. God will keep every promise he has made you!

The best is yet to come!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Sarah… She’s Got Her Own “Beauty Shop” Going On!

Sarah and her brother, Joseph, both had severe malnutrition when they were brought to us. After a while, both outgrew their malnutrition. Both attended school, and now Joseph is studying to be a mechanic, and Sarah is studying to be a beautician.

When Sarah first chose a college profession, it was an accounting course. I just couldn’t see her taking this course, but she felt that she could do it. Within several months, she came home for a weekend crying her eyes out. She was not happy at college, but she did not want to disappoint us. I told her, “Sarah, find what you love to do and do it! Then, it won’t be like having to work, because you would be doing what you love to do. Now, what do you love to do?”

With tears in her eyes, she said, “Mom, I want to be a beautician and create beautiful hair-dos, and do nails!” I said, “That’s the gift that God has planted in you. It is the ‘seed’ growing and as long as you put the Lord first, you will succeed!”

She just finished braiding her sister Dumolia’s hair! It was beautiful and took hours to do, but it was just “fun” for Sarah! So many people in the States take a job “just to make money,” and they are so miserable! It causes stress, and unhappiness when God intended for us all to be happy!!! I know many people could never live in an orphanage and hear loud music being played all day… even if it is Christian music! Some people could not stand the fact that there will always be a “knock on your door” and an “Oh mom, I forgot to tell you we needed $10 for an exam.”

God has given each of us a “gift,” as He has Sarah. We must use what God has given us, plant it and make that seed grow! I know that someday Sarah will have her own “Beauty Shop!” I know God will give her a good husband and a family and she will be happy!!! Why? Because that’s what God wants for All of His Children! Thank you for your love and care and sponsorship of these precious children!!!

We love you!


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Haiti Update

If someone does not rescue Haiti from the gangs, the violence, and the political and economic turmoil I don’t know what is going to happen to the precious children and people of Haiti. When you cannot travel down the road in the major areas of Haiti without having fear of being kidnapped, shot, or robbed, it can be very stressful.

Just this morning Casimi, our Food Truck Driver, called saying he cannot make it to Love A Child with our 40-foot container of food. He had to stop in the middle of the road from gunfire and the gangs fighting each other. As you know, the “400 Papaya Gang” kidnapped Casimi and our two security people, along with our semi-tractor pulling our container. By a divine miracle and favor from the Lord, within 35 hours they were set free!

I’ve never seen in all of our years in Haiti so many Haitians desperate for food. Our containers coming in each month from Feed My Starving Children are vital. I used to buy extra rice from the Port-Au-Prince port, but now it is way too dangerous for Casimi to travel there and back with our container picking up the rice we would buy in bulk.

This morning I had a trip planned for Jesse Ostrander, Watson, Dieuferly, and Philimond to travel to South Haiti to do some updates on our Gabion house building project, which is going very well. (No gangs in south Haiti, thank the Lord.)

However, the route was too dangerous to travel there, so I canceled the trip yesterday for today. Yesterday Mark and Jesse Ostrander had to come across the border of the Dominican Republic to travel to Love A Child.

Love A Child is very close to the border and it is safer to come in this way. Pray for the missionaries who are still in Haiti. They are heroes, indeed. Probably 80% of the missionaries have left Haiti. Many of the missionaries have children and it’s not safe, so they had to leave. I know the Lord has called us to Haiti and its people. We have more work to do than ever.

Pray for Haiti! If someone doesn’t send help I don’t know what will happen. The police try their best being understaffed, and are never paid as they should be… and the gangs have bigger guns. We are claiming Haiti for Christ! This storm will pass… The best is yet to come!!!

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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