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Update on Dieuferly and Jasson

Dieuferly and little Jasson are on their way back from Santo Domingo today. It’s about a five-hour drive. Please pray for a safe trip on the road. Jasson met with his kidney specialist and had more blood tests and other checkups. The blood tests did not turn out well at[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God will restore! “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people[…]

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Update on Dieuferly

Yesterday, Jesse Ostrander took Jasson and Dieuferly across the border to the Dominican Republic for doctor’s appointments. Jasson will need to make some changes in his diet due to his kidney programs. Dieuferly had a “major” club foot surgery in the Dominican Republic about four months ago. It was a[…]

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Rice for Distribution in Nippes

This note just came in from south Haiti: Our rice is being unloaded today, then our huge sacks of beans will come along with the cooking oil! We are preparing for our food distribution in south Haiti for the earthquake victims. Thank you to our friends and partners… We have purchased $42,350 worth of rice,[…]

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Distributing Food Through Local Ministries

Ministries across Haiti rely on Love A Child to distribute thousands of meals to those in need. With the gangs getting more active, distributions have become more difficult, but we never give up hope! Only half of the ministries were able to safely make the trip, the rest are waiting[…]

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The Story of Alexandre Addline

This poor woman, Madamn Addline, found it hard to make a living… Her husband is a farmer, but it has been difficult to grow anything in the poor soil. Each day, Madamn Addline has struggled to help do her part to find food. She began selling soap and cheap perfume[…]

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LAC TV Program “A Grandmother’s Heart” Begins Friday!

Join us this week as we hear from families who have lost their sole provider. Your heart will break as you witness a grandmother who has buried her daughter and now must support her grandchildren; as her body ages, the physical labor required to provide is nearly impossible. Another mother[…]

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The Back Side of the Desert…

Have you ever thought about all the trials you have been through and wondered, “Why did the Lord allow that to happen? I go to Church, pay my tithes… I don’t steal or cheat… I love God. Why did that happen to me? I feel that I have been stuck[…]

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Daniella Update

Daniella is one of our sweetest girls. She is a twin to Daniel. Her mother was ready to go to the Hospital to have her babies, but there was danger in front of the Hospital. Men with guns told her mother to leave. So Daniella’s mother tried to give birth[…]

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Jackson Update

Here is Jackson and Jesse Ostrander in Santo Domingo with the kidney specialist, plus taking more blood tests. Love is something you do! Bobby Burnette

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