Sherry has received her new renewed passport! Farmer John and I flew into Florida yesterday to meet our wives. Today, two of our beautiful friends are getting married this afternoon on beautiful Sanibel Island. Tomorrow, we have brunch with friends and wedding guests. After brunch, Sherry and I will drive to Miami to prepare to...
Hubert, our Love A Child representative, and his team brought food to 200 families in an extremely remote area by the name of Backaye, in the south of Haiti yesterday. It was a very difficult area to travel to. The food trucks had to cross two rivers, four times, in order to reach the people. Many...
Luke 16:19-21 tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus. The Bible tells us that the rich man was clothed with purple and linen and had huge feasts every day, but just outside his gate was a poor man named Lazarus that was full of sores and only desiring the “crumbs” that fell from...
Jonas. This kid has a smile that reaches from the east to the west. This big grin is his "everyday grin," since we rescued him from being a slave child. Sweet, adorable Jonas had lost his mother and father and was abandoned by a lady who made him a "restavek slave." The word "Restavek," means...
Wow!! The Agricultural Training Center (ATC) workers brought us a whole truckload of vegetables and fruit! When you plant a seed it will grow, and the Lord will give a harvest! Thank you, our friend David Balsbaugh, President of “Hope Seeds,” for all these seeds. Look what happened! God bless our Love A Child ATC sustainability...
"I WILL NOT FAIL THEE..." Joshua 1:5 I think any young man would have stood there in fear and trembling, as he looked around at the 1,000,000 plus, Israelite slaves... knowing that "Moses was dead!" God had told Joshua, "Moses, my servant is dead!" (He's not coming back from the mountain as he has done...
We always get questions like “How did you start your orphanage in Haiti?” Well, we never had intended on having an orphanage. We were content with our Christian Schools… The Artibonite area was one of the areas where we began to work. We started with a school. We also had Mobile Clinics. One day, during...
If you’re looking for something to be filled in your life, you’re looking for more friends, more love, more joy, or more patience, then listen as Bobby explains the merits and wisdom behind Galatians 6:7. Love is something you do!
Here is another village area named Nan Gaya receiving their monthly Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals. These meals are life and death to them. They depend upon our meals each month. Other villages will be receiving their meals today, too. Without you, we could not do this. We are very thankful for FMSC meals......
Our food distribution team took Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals to a village area named "Nakou." Today is Friday and our food distribution team will be going to seven more villages. The families are praising the Lord! Thank you for all your help, prayers, and financial support. By faith, moving forward! Missionary Bobby Burnette