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“Lollipop Mishap”

Kim and I just drove through Miracle Village, as we had to drop off a few construction workers. On one of the roads in the village, I saw three children hanging around outside of a small house. I asked the woman in Creole if the children were hers. She responded,[…]

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Lives of purpose…

“Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” – Job 8:7 | KJV Such an apt Bible verse to describe the Agricultural Training Center (ATC) staff now. Through your faithful support, we now have 18 people on ATC staff, all of who started from very “humble[…]

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LAC TV Program “The Compassion of Christ” Begins Saturday!

This week Love A Child takes you to Old Letant, a poor fishing village in Haiti. Relying on the volatile industry for food, these families know hunger all too well. Children spend their days at the lake fishing for scraps, giving what they can to their mothers so their siblings[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Sowing and Reaping.” So you, “thought you married Rachael?” It is impossible to plant onions and expect carrots… It is “God’s law of sowing and reaping,” “seedtime and harvest.” Throughout our lives, we are constantly “planting or sowing.” But, we can expect that when we have “sown” some bad things,[…]

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Sarah… Doing “Very Well…”

We took in Sarah and her brother, Joseph, when they were under two. Parents had died, and both had malnutrition. God has been good… Sarah has been in college for cosmetology! She has had a lot of struggles due to eye infections in both eyes. However, the Lord has helped[…]

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“Soccer Super-Fans”

Haitians LOVE soccer! They live it and breathe it. They follow the game with passion and know more about what is happening on the world soccer stage than most Americans. I am sure you know that Love A Child helps the Haitian people in many ways, and you have probably[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Rock-Solid” The men have been hard at work pouring the concrete foundation of the new Love A Child Mechanics Shop. This building will be used to maintain and repair the many Love A Child vehicles that we use for ministry. The foundation must support a very heavy load. From huge[…]

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From Humble Beginnings

We are all so proud of this young man. If you look at him today, he looks like a completely different human being than when he was first brought to Love A Child. We truly serve a miracle working God. Moses’ entire existence has been, and continues to be, a[…]

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Massive Problem, Mighty Miracle

Imagine having no water at your house; no cooking, no bathing, no cleaning. It would definitely complicate your life in a major way. Now imagine you have no water in your entire city with no ability to get relief or repairs: no public works department, no on-call emergency response crew,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Shine On” If you have ever walked up to the Love A Child Children’s Home at night, you would agree that it is a beautiful sight. The building’s lights are solar-powered and illuminate the dark Haitian backdrop. When night falls, the surrounding village becomes completely dark, but the Children’s Home[…]

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