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From the Outhouse to the Big House!

Yes! This is Moses, growing up! He is now in 9th grade. He is on the “short and stalky” side, while the other boys are “as tall as a coconut tree!” He is now 16! Moses said his favorite subject is French!! He loves soccer and he loves to sing!

He really wants to be a mechanic (well, we can always use another mechanic). It was 16 years ago that we got that call from Nelio, who is our administrator here in Haiti. He said the children’s hospital asked us to pick up a baby “who had been dropped into an outhouse” by his birth mother. She had gone to an outhouse to drop him in as she gave birth. An old man had heard his cry and tied a rope around his waist to go down in that filthy-smelling “cesspool.” He got a bucket and brought Moses up in a bucket, covered with feces!

God may have a bigger plan for him than “being a mechanic!” Let’s see what happens in Moses’ life!! By the way, his Haitian brothers and sisters call him, “bout ton ton” (Short Uncle!) Moses is a Miracle!


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A Great Need for Love A Child’s Children

For many months now, Jesse Ostrander has been helping us with many children’s medical needs in the Dominican Republic. Most of you know Jackson (Jasson), the young boy from the mountains of Savaan Pit. He had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. This kind of malnutrition affects the kidneys, as it has been doing.

We have had so many trips back and forth to doctors here in Haiti, but decided he would get better care in the D.R. with a doctor who specializes in children’s kidney conditions. Jesse has made many trips back and forth to the D.R. in regards to Jackson. Each time, he had to rent a car and rent a motel that length of time.

In addition, we have Yonel (Lionel). We got Yonel after his father had held his hand in boiling water until his fingers melted together. Jesse has found a surgeon to do this release on his hand, as soon as we get this visa. Jesse will have to rent a car in the capital and an apartment until Yonel’s surgery is finished.

In addition, we have Daniel, who was born premature and with health problems. His right eye has had many problems and we have sent him to many doctors in Haiti, so we will have to take him to the D.R. also, in regards to his eye disease. And there are a few other children we have here, that will need to go.

A little while back, one of our donors thankfully bought us a Kia, so that “RL,” who pastors our church among the Haitians and Dominicans in a very poor area, can use the Kia in the area where the “batays,” are (where many Haitians work for $1 a day). We started this food outreach project and ministry a while back. We also work together with David George World Ministries, on church outreach and we are so thankful for this. This area is far from Santo Domingo (the capital).

Love A Child needs to buy a truck for Jesse to use where he works in the area of the Dominican Republic, the capital. This is where the hospitals and doctors are. We have been thinking about this and it will cost less money, in the long run, to buy a vehicle instead of renting a car. Jesse has been making many trips to the D.R., just for Jackson alone.

We will soon be able with the Lord’s help, to buy a pediatric dialysis machine for Jackson, that can be used here at Love A Child. Two of our nurses will be trained for this job in the capital. Jackson needs to start dialysis “very soon!” But, there are still several children who will need major dental and physical help, and we can get this in the D.R. We know that whatever the Lord does, he does a “first-class job,” and we always want to do a “first-class job,” in taking care of these children God has entrusted us with.

In closing, we cannot thank Jesse enough, for all his time, his hard work, and we thank God for the wisdom He has given Jesse, who works for Love A Child. We have an urgent need for a new “Kia,” four-door, diesel engine truck for Love A Child, in the D.R. (for the medical needs of our children), please let us know. Jesse, over the phone, has found the new Kia truck we need in Santo Domingo (capital) for $27,000.

I told Jesse to fly into Santo Domingo tomorrow and finalize the deal, and that by faith, this week, we will wire the money to the dealership. Please call the office in Fort Myers, Florida (239-210-6107) and ask to speak to Rad. For anyone who helps I will call and thank you personally from Haiti. Please pray that the Lord will meet the need. We love you.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“If God Be For Us.”

We have all read that scripture… “If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

God always wants to be the “Captain” of his host! He wants us to lean on Him and Him only… not on what we think we know, or who we know, or especially our thoughts, of “I know what I’m doing, Lord.”

I love the Books of 1st and 2nd Samuel and especially the stories of David. But, I always wondered why God, who loved David so much, was so angry with him for “numbering the people in his army?” Wouldn’t it make sense, in the natural, to know how many of what kind of soldiers we have ready for battle? In the natural, that would be correct… But, the Lord wants us to depend on Him and not on statistics.

So David sent Joab, head of his host, to number all the people who could fight. This took nine months and twenty days! As soon as the words were out of Joab’s mouth, giving the number, “David’s heart smote him after that he had numbered the people.” II Samuel 24:10

And for that, God made David choose one of three punishments He would have out… The Lord wanted David to know that he must depend on God alone, the same as when he fought the Giant. “If God be for us, who can be against us?” You and God are a MAJORITY! You don’t need anyone else to fight your battle!!! God has already won it!


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Follow Your Dream

I wanted to bring you up to date on this wonderful, sweet, and mindful young man, Jean Edwouard. We first laid eyes on him when we were with a team from “Feed My Starving Children.” We were feeding children and giving out food to the people in Old Letant. It is such a poor village, worse than most. I happened to see a small boy toting a big six-gallon bucket of water on his head. His little legs were wobbling as he took the heavy bucket from his head and placed it on the ground. He looked to be no older than six. Then, he went out and found small sticks to make a fire and started to cook. I asked him who he was cooking for, and he explained to us his situation, about his aunt and uncle and all that. “Do you go to school?” I asked. “No,” he quietly replied. I knew then that he was a restavek slave child and would always be one if we didn’t do something.

I went over to his aunt and told her that “he was going home with us.” We took him to our orphanage, got him a physical, and put him in school. He is now in his senior year. In a couple of months, he will graduate and will look forward to attending a school or university that teaches sewing and how to make dresses, suits, etc. That is his passion.

He is “all boy” on the soccer field and tough when playing basketball. We want him to “follow his dream.” He will be looking for a college in a safer place in Haiti. I told him, “Follow your dream and do what makes you happy!” I know he will!!


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The Story of Johnny Oxena. His Dead Father Sent “Zombies” to Help Him.

Five-year-old Johnny Oxena lost his father one year ago, so now, he is living with his mother, in Croix des Bouquets, Haiti. He has four brothers and sisters and his mother is the only “bread-winner” in the family, so food is a problem. But there are also many other problems. His mother, Madamn Lalane Cineasse, does all kinds of little jobs to try to earn money to buy food for all five children. Life is difficult. There is little money for food, and “no money” for a doctor or medicine.

The area of Croix des Bouquets has become one of the most dangerous “war zones” in Haiti! Every day, the gangs rob and steal cars, trucks; they kill and kidnap. No one is safe. If the gangs say, “no one travels,” then “no one travels.” But Johnny developed a horrible skin disease on his head and had been suffering for two months. Since his mother had no money, she boiled “leaves,” to put on his head.

This family is not Christian, in fact, they trust in Voodoo. Madamn Lalane said that her dead husband sent “zombies” to her son and that is why he has the infection. So, she had to go to a witch doctor to “remove the zombies” from Johnny’s head! But, with everything she did, Johnny’s head got worse! The results were worse every day and more infections were spreading! Every time he scratched his head, it began to bleed. She decided to “take a chance” and go through Croix des Bouquets to come to our Jesus Healing Center! That day, the roads were blocked by gangs, but she made it through, somehow. God opened the way for her, but she did not realize it was the Lord!

When he arrived, he did not even have to wait! Dr. Barthelemy stands outside every morning, looking and searching for the worst cases, so they don’t have to wait! He saw little Johnny and took him right in! The doctor said that he had a parasite in his scalp and sent him to our “Wound Care,” area. The nurses took good care of him, washing his head with distilled water and removing all his hair and scabs. After that, they cleaned his head with Betadine and put special ointments on him, and gave him antibiotics.

Our pastor prayed with his mother and she thanked the doctors and nurses because she had no money to go to a hospital with Johnny. God gave her the Jesus Healing Center to help, without paying one dime! We can reach so many people with our “love and hands-on,” touch. Sinners do not go to church… But, God has ways of bringing the church to the sinners, through many different ways. We know that God planted a seed in the heart of this mother and now, we pray that she will receive a real touch in her heart, from Jesus!

We wish to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries — Hand of Hope for their sponsorship of this beautiful clinic, monthly! We wish to thank all our wonderful partners who made this clinic possible to be built for the poor! God bless you!!!

Bobby and Sherry

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All Things Are Possible! Update on the Gabion Houses in Nippes

More Gabion houses are being built in the Nippes area, south Haiti, for the earthquake victims. These houses have started for these families.

Mr. Watson sent a note to Sherry and me (below). We have the money for 49 Gabion houses! I have signed a contract for 100 Gabion houses to be built for $9,000 per house… 100 houses cost $900,000.

I’m praying, asking the Lord how many to build? We will build anywhere from 100 houses to 1,000 houses. As the Lord supplies, we will build! Where there is a vision the Lord has the provision! Thank you to everyone who has helped and will help. We love you.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

“May God bless you again Sir Bobby and Mrs. Sherry. The last house in the lot of 20 is moving so fast. In fact, Love A Child gives joy to this family who never imagined they would have a home after losing theirs in the earthquake. LOVE IS SOMETHING YOU DO! Blessings, Watson”

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Word from the Mission Field

Time: Time is our most valuable currency. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law.” Galatians 4:4

Sometimes we all get in a hurry and ask God to hurry up in our lives. God has a time; God has a moment when his fullness of his will comes into our lives. We must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when his time comes our way to step in and do what the Lord has called us to do for him.

Bobby Burnette

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She is now 19 and in her last year of school. Lovely was brought to us by an older lady, who sold Haitian gift items on the streets of Port-au-Prince. Her name was “Madamn Cheap Cheap.” She told us about a baby whose mother had died and whose father abandoned her. The baby’s name was Lovely. One of her parents had an incurable disease.

We took Lovely in and what a sweet child she was! But, from the time she was born, she had a “lot” of health problems. She would have to go to a special hospital in another town in Haiti, for treatments…

But Lovely grew to love the Lord and to have great faith in God! She is now in her last year at school and doing very well.

Lovely loves to sing in Church! Her goal is to become a lawyer someday and help people who have a need but have little money! We love “Lovely” so much!! She is kind and humble and will go far in her life!


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Update from the Mission Field

Bobby and Sherry just called from the Children’s Home in Haiti to say they have no internet and have not had it all day. They do not know of any widespread problem or reason for the disruption in service but wanted everyone to know that they will be back with more updates and the “Latest News” from the mission field as soon as they can. They are safe, but just no internet connections for now. Thank you for your prayers.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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Food for the Hungry – Plaisance, Haiti

The 7.2 earthquake that hit the southern part of Haiti last August, still has many homeless, without food, and without hope.

The area of Plaisance, Haiti, was hit hard… So, in these areas, we are still distributing food… beans, rice, and cooking oil, to help them get back on their feet. This area was the “epicenter” ( hardest hit), and still today, they still have many earthquake tremors, as you can see online. But, because of you, our wonderful partners, our team is still there, distributing food and love and love. This is also the area where we are building our solid “Gabion houses,” which employs local help and uses materials easily available… i.e. rocks, etc. These Haitian people have a strong faith in God. Their stories tell of their bravery in the midst of this great catastrophe…

But, when this food is finished, we will be “out of food.” If the Lord is leading you to give in anyway, large, small, or the widow’s mite, we will buy the food and ship it by boat, and then by truck to the distribution sites. (In many places there are still no roads, so the boat is the best way, for now.)

We just wanted you to see that your “giving” is still making an impact in this hard-hit zone! Please continue to pray for the people and their children in the earthquake zones. God bless you and thank you with all our hearts.

Bobby and Sherry

Also, in this area, we are building the Gabion houses.

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