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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

THE LORD HAS BENEFITS FOR THOSE WHO SERVE HIM… “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases…” (Psalm 103:2-3) God forgives our sins. The Bible says we have all “sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) The Lord heals our sickness. The Lord...
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Rodna “Rod”

Rodna “Rod”

Rodna Joseph is now 11 years old and in 6th grade! Her nickname from the kids is “Rod!” She loves science and social studies… and she still loves dolls! The main thing you need to know about her is that “She loves to cook spaghetti.” The only thing she loves more is “eating it!” Rodna’s...
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You’ll Never Believe What Caused This!

You’ll Never Believe What Caused This!

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere… but sadly enough, the lack of jobs, the insecurity of the country, lack of food and hospital care, are problems the poor face every day. There are now fewer functioning hospitals than ever before. Many times, the doctors cannot even make it to their job at...
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Thank you, World Vision!

Thank you, World Vision!

You are looking at a “very happy,” group of our Haitian construction workers, with their new work boots!! These beautiful work boots just arrived at our warehouse yesterday here in Haiti! The guys are so happy because “lots of accidents” can happen when using tools, etc. Many were wearing tennis shoes which had taken a...
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LAC TV Program “On the Edge of Survival” Begins Friday!

LAC TV Program “On the Edge of Survival” Begins Friday!

Love A Child is back in Old Letant for a food distribution. Your heart will be touched as you hear from two despondent mothers. With nothing but a roof over her head, one took in four desperate children. She’s thrifty, but with each passing day, the children wither away. Another moved her family here hoping...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“A testimony from the king with eagle feathers and bird claws…” King Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, had a heart full of pride, was bound by sin and never helped the poor. Because of this, God drove him from his Kingdom, and he actually became an animal. He ate grass with the other animals. His body...
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Update on Samuel

Update on Samuel

Samuel is now 18 and in 10th grade. He was born in the mountains of Greffin, which is far away. His mother died giving birth to Samuel, and his father could not care for him. At this time, we don’t know if he has any other siblings. When he came to our orphanage, he had...
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A “Struggle” Turns into a Blessing

A “Struggle” Turns into a Blessing

The young woman, Desilia, had led a rough life. The 26-year-old had lost three children... Her first child was a boy who died of a fever. Then, she recently lost her husband due to a pandemic fever in the Dominican Republic. She said she "didn't even find his body to bury him." Desilia lives with...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1 – Something I have learned in life is your name is your most valuable asset. When people think or hear your name, what do they think? Our name is more valuable than great riches, silver or gold. Bobby
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Lèwoch, Haiti: This Morning More Happy Families!

Lèwoch, Haiti: This Morning More Happy Families!

This morning our team delivered food to the village area of Lèwoch. They have been calling and calling for food. PTL! We made it there today! Lèwoch is probably about 40 minutes from where we live in our orphan's home. To get to Lèwoch, you must travel through a rocky river bed. All of these...
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