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Nan Gaya Food Distribution

Yesterday, our workers and some of our Haitian sons went to six different locations to deliver meals. One of the locations was Nan Gaya. In each Feed My Starving Children box is 216 meals, made with rice, carrots, peas, vegetables, soy, minerals, vitamins, plus much more. A lot of things[…]

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LAC TV Program “Face to Face” Begins Friday!

This week your heart will be moved as Love A Child TV takes you to the village of Tifon, Haiti, where two women toil strenuously with no reward. A grandmother, after losing her daughter, takes on the responsibility of providing for her grandchildren; her young granddaughter is often left responsible[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Afraid of change? I really felt like giving this scripture this morning, because someone is getting ready to make a move and is “afraid of change.” But God is speaking to you and saying, “Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid of change…” “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out[…]

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Off to School for Zachary!

Unbelievable!! I cannot believe they put Zachary in school!!! He is only two!!! Well, in Haiti, they start early!! Zachary is the baby of the family. Seeing him in his little school uniform is a miracle because he wasn’t supposed to be alive. As the story has been told, Zachary’s mother[…]

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Tents in Arnaud Nipps

Here are just a few tents out of the 240 tents given out yesterday in an area called Arnuad Nipps. This area is deep in the interior inside the earthquake zone. The families are so thankful and happy. More tents are being given out today and all this week. God[…]

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Misery in Mon Oreg

When a young girl is burned in an accident, her mother is left helpless. Too poor to get the medical help her daughter requires, she is left to hope and pray for the assistance she needs. You are the reason mothers see their children healed, and children like Chenia get the[…]

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Their Valuable Food

Our drivers have been working hard to get containers out of the Customs area and bring them all the way here to Love A Child. During these perilous times in Haiti, it is so dangerous to go to the Port and get our containers out of Customs. There are “gangsters[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

This scripture is so true… “… He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 When we soweth a bountiful harvest, we shall reap a[…]

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Update on Jonas

Little Jonas has only been in school for about a week! He is “about” ten years old. He is the sweet little boy that we found in the mountains, working alongside the adults… He actually “worked for food!” Jonas’s mother and father had died, and there were no living relatives[…]

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Update on Tent Distribution for Earthquake Victims

Enclosed is a map of southern Haiti, where we have distributed tents for the earthquake victims. On Monday, we distributed 140 tents in Plaisance de Sud. Today 240 tents will go to Arnaud. So far, we have distributed almost 1,200 tents. One picture you will see here is of the[…]

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