When Djonsly arrived at the hospital there were lots of tears from the nurses who knew him. They were so happy to see him and his mother, Marie. Djonsly was taken to the oncologist on Thursday morning. He had a CAT scan yesterday and it showed his lungs are in terrible shape. He went to...
Today, Philemond, our driver, is headed to the Dominican Republic, with Jasson, one of our LAC children. Many of you know that we found Jasson during a Mobile Medical Clinic in Savaan Pit. He had a huge swollen belly due to Kwashiorkor Malnutrition, so we brought him Love A Child. But, his Kwashiorkor had already...
“One last peek…” Some people just have to have it. “I’ll just smoke one more cigarette, and that will be my last… I’ll just have one more piece of chocolate cake, and then I’ll go on a diet… I’ll just work two more years, so I can pay off my car, and then I’ll obey...
"Little Samuel" is now five years old and in the 1st grade. He was brought to us at the age of two from the Department of Social Services. His father is unknown (he skipped town) and his mother could no longer care for him, so we took him in. Samuel is sort of big for...
I just had to share with you how part of the Gabion houses are made. All from local rocks, local wood, and all local labor. This provides jobs! I love this picture showing the side 2x4’s going up. They are coated with used motor oil and a special Haitian rock which is crushed up into...
What a blessing for a village of “mud huts” to have a beautiful church! This church was sponsored by David George Ministries. David George has been to Haiti many times. He took on the job of sponsoring this church to be built. The people and children of this poor village love their Church! They buy...
I will fear no evil! Fear is a spirit... Fear will take control of our lives if we let it. It's so easy to be afraid and the only thing we can think about is how big the problem is. God is bigger! If we go and take one glimpse into the realm of God and how big God...
Her mother died during a C-Section and her father deserted her to go to the Dominican Republic. He never returned for Ginyia. She had been raised by her 17-year old cousin, but when she could no longer take care of her, Ginyia was taken to the Department of Social Services. She was very shy but her...
Last week it was a joy dedicating some new Gabion houses and moving the families in who had lost their house in the January 24th earthquake! We have 24 Gabion houses under construction with more starting next week. I've signed by faith, a contract for the Opedal Construction company to build 100 Gabion houses at...
"It's Time to Move on!" In Deuteronomy, the first chapter, the Bible tells us that the Israelites had been in Mt. Horeb for about a year. But, it was time to move on, and now, the "rough stuff" lay ahead of them. The Lord said, "Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: Turn ye...