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First Harvest of the Millet Seed Trial

You may recall that about two months ago, a good donor sent us two 50-pound sacks of millet seeds to trial for our chicken feed project to help remote villages support free-range chickens for eggs and meat. Yesterday, Wilner and his team harvested the first of the trial millet.  It[…]

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Love A Child

Haiti Update

Thank the Lord, so far, Haiti is still calm. We are taking it one day at a time, believing for the best. However, Haiti and its politics are very unpredictable. All of the warring gangs and opposing groups in the government have brought great suffering to poor Haitian people and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Judge not, that ye be not judged…” Matthew 7:1 When my mother was alive, she was a “saint.” She never spoke ill of anyone, and she loved every one, but most of her friends were kinda “nutty.” She had one friend, who was supposed to be a “lady preacher.” I will[…]

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Lovely…A Young Lady Full of Faith!

We are so blessed to have “Lovely” in our family. As some of you may know, someone told us about Lovely when she was a baby. Her mother had died, and her father abandoned her. (We were told her mother died of AIDS, but we are not sure). An elderly[…]

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Medical Staff Dorm Update!

The construction workers are laying the tile in the new medical staff dorm! They have been working into the late hours of the night. They are so happy to have a job. Haitians are very hard workers. Mark Ostrander is buying the furniture in America as I write this. We[…]

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Love A Child


This morning we were supposed to have been in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, at the hospital with Dieuferly, for his club feet prep and operation. Sad, to say we are still here in Haiti due to the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. The border is closed, and all flights to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“If we doubt we will do without: But let that man ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded-man[…]

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Update on Nelson

“Is this the same little boy?” Is this the same little boy who sat naked on the ground, in the heat of the sun, with no food and water? Is this the same little boy who could not stand at all? Is this the same little boy whose stomach was swollen with[…]

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Noah, Continued from Yesterday

Yesterday, we shared a few pictures of little Noah, at his Pres-School III graduation. Today, you can see “the rest of the story!” He and the other little boys had to march up the aisle dancing with a little girl! That was bad enough… But they made Noah bow on[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“When I see the blood…” It’s a song that I have heard in many different churches for years and years… I heard them singing this song in Creole here in Haiti… “When I see the blood… I will pass over you.” We forget the importance of “being covered by the[…]

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