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Word from the Mission Field

“You can recover all…” We go through so many trials in our life. Sometimes, it feels as though Satan does nothing but steal, kill, and destroy any small thing that he can. Bobby and I have been through so many things when starting out in the ministry. It seemed sometimes that just[…]

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Yonel… Mercy Picked Him Up!

We first saw Yonel during a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains. His grandma had brought him and his young sister to us. They both were dying, but we thought we might be able to save Yonel. He had severe malnutrition. That day we left the mountains, he ate “eight[…]

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Love A Child

Latest Update

Good news! The doctor/hospital rescheduled Dieuferly’s operation on his clubfeet for this coming Tuesday morning. Thank you, RL, for all your help in the Dominican Republic working with the doctor. We will be leaving Haiti on Sunday for Santo Domingo. Dieuferly’s surgery prep will be on Monday. Thank you for[…]

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Haiti Update

PTL! The border opened this morning for travel to the Dominican Republic. RL, our contact in the DR, is working with the doctor and hospital today to reschedule Dieuferly’s clubfeet operation. I believe the surgery should be next week. Sherry and I will travel with Dieuferly there. The doctor will[…]

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The Story of Mdm Gerilus Dieulène

If it had not been for the Lord and our wonderful Love A Child midwives, we would have lost a baby and a mother… Today, there were fewer pregnant women at the Birthing Center due to the assassination of President Moïse. The streets had an “eerie calm,” and almost everyone[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Your calling from God may require you to walk away from something important to you. Comfort is habit-forming. James and John walked away from their fishing business. They were mending their nets when they had to obey the call of God. They left their nets, fishing boat, and their father[…]

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Dr. Roselyne?

Dr. Roselyne? What a wonderful young lady we have raised! We are so proud of Roselyne. She is studying to be a doctor. She is in her first year of college, but she studies “day and night.” When she comes home to Love A Child, she volunteers in the clinic[…]

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First Harvest of the Millet Seed Trial

You may recall that about two months ago, a good donor sent us two 50-pound sacks of millet seeds to trial for our chicken feed project to help remote villages support free-range chickens for eggs and meat. Yesterday, Wilner and his team harvested the first of the trial millet.  It[…]

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Love A Child

Haiti Update

Thank the Lord, so far, Haiti is still calm. We are taking it one day at a time, believing for the best. However, Haiti and its politics are very unpredictable. All of the warring gangs and opposing groups in the government have brought great suffering to poor Haitian people and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Judge not, that ye be not judged…” Matthew 7:1 When my mother was alive, she was a “saint.” She never spoke ill of anyone, and she loved every one, but most of her friends were kinda “nutty.” She had one friend, who was supposed to be a “lady preacher.” I will[…]

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