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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

"Nothing to Lose." Mark 5:29 Jesus had just finished ministering to a huge crowd when he decided to get on a boat and go over to the other side of the sea. All of a sudden, a ruler of the synagogue, Jarius, comes and falls at the feet of Jesus, begging Him to come and...
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Stanley… A Big Brother

Stanley… A Big Brother

We often share pictures of our older children, because they are still a very important part of our lives. You see in Haiti, the government of Haiti wants orphanage kids “out” when they are 18. Most orphanages do this... and often, the child doesn’t know where to go or how to exist. Once years ago,...
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In the Hills Above “Petit Rivier…”

In the Hills Above “Petit Rivier…”

This lady lost her house and was injured in the earthquake that happened on the 24th in south Haiti. She was sleeping outside with no covering, now she has a warm tent to protect her from the cold and rain. She was also given food. This was yesterday when Hubert put her tent up. Thank...
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Update on Djonsly… A Miracle!!

Update on Djonsly… A Miracle!!

As many of you know, Djonsly is the young man who came to us several years ago here at our Love A Child Clinic with his eyeball hanging on the outside of his eye. His mother had taken him to doctor after doctor, to try to get help, but there was none. The Lord spoke...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Ride Out the Storm!” I don’t like riding in small airplanes or small boats. I have been in both and have had bad experiences, but God brought me through!! Years ago, Bobby decided to get his “airplane license” so that he could go to Haiti and other islands to preach the gospel. Bobby has a...
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Happy Birthday Jovanie

Happy Birthday Jovanie

We first saw this little girl when she was about six years old. She had red hair from Malnutrition. She was not being well cared for, and we decided we would take her in. As some children do, she had her struggles in College. She was studying to be a nurse. There were many times...
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The Story of “New Letant…” and Their Struggles 

The Story of “New Letant…” and Their Struggles 

This is the village of "New Letant" in Haiti. This village actually was a village of mud huts down by Lake Azuei, about a 10-minute drive from Love A Child. These people used to live by the lake in mud huts... We had actually built each one a nice home and put furniture in it...
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Here is another warm story

Here is another warm story

Madama Veinsil waits on the goat path each day asking for food. She has a stalk of sugarcane to beat on a rock trying to drink the juice to live one more day. Hubert, who gives out the food for Love A Child, saw her on the goat path and gave her some rice, beans,...
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LAC TV Program “Boots on the Ground RR” Begins Friday!

LAC TV Program “Boots on the Ground RR” Begins Friday!

The earthquake that struck Haiti on August 14, 2021, killed hundreds and injured thousands, leaving them with no food or shelter in the face of a tropical storm. With an airplane, cargo ship, helicopter, and several trucks, the Love A Child staff delivered thousands of bags of rice and beans and provided medical relief to...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Accustomed to Being Bound…” I don’t believe any one of us could ever appreciate the great burden Moses had of leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. God had spoken to Abraham (Abram) and told him that the children of Israel, the seed of Abraham, would be in bondage for 400 years. To be bound...
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