I have really noticed a lot about prayer, faith in God, and standing in the gap…
The story of Abraham standing in the gap for the sinful, wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is amazing. Even though I have read it many times, I can always see “something else.”
In Genesis 18, Verses 20-33, there is a discussion between the Lord and Abraham. God wants to kill all the wicked people of these cities, and believe me, they were the “worst of the worst.” The Angels of the Lord left to do this work, and the Bible says, “But, Abraham stood yet before the Lord.” He was going to try to stand in the gap for the evil people of Sodom and Gomorrah and finally he and the Lord agreed, that if they could find “ten righteous,” they would not destroy the city.
And, we know the “rest of the story.” The Lord could not find ten righteous, and so the Lord destroyed both cities…
In Genesis Chapter 22, we see Abraham receiving a “death sentence” for his son, his only son, Issac… a young boy. Now, the Lord tells Abraham to “Take thy son, thine only son Issac, whom thou loves and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.” Gen. 22:2 “And Abraham rose early in the morning…”
I have always wondered why Abraham begged and negotiated and pleaded for God to save the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, but yet, when God tells Abraham to take his son, his only son, and offer him upon a certain mountain, I mean take a knife and slit his throat… with his small son looking up at him, and Abraham said “nothing.” In fact, Abraham got up “early in the morning” to make the trip. The Lord never stopped him “until Abraham had the knife in his hands!”
But then, as I read further, it all made sense. “By faith, when Abraham was tried, he offered up Issac… accounting that God was able to raise Issac up, even from the dead.” Heb. 17,18
Abraham had to “bargain” with God about Sodom and Gomorrah because God had not given him a “promise” yet that he would save the cities. But, Abraham did not need to ask God, or bargain with Him, or plead with Him, because God had already made Abraham “a promise.”
As far as the Lord is concerned, “A promise is a promise, and requires no bargaining tools.” So, don’t be discouraged if you have not seen “God’s Promise” in your life. He cannot break His Word. A Promise is a Promise! Have a great day and begin to praise God ahead of time!