Two of the 17 missionaries have been released. I have been told that the two that were released were very ill and had to be released. The 400 Mawazo gang (Papaya Gang) still have the 15 missionaries. We cannot begin to imagine what those poor missionaries are going through, including their children… must be a living nightmare. They have all been separated from each other. Please keep these missionaries in your prayers. Now it has been weeks. I’m so concerned for them.
Sherry and I were supposed to fly direct from the Grand Canyon, after being with our children for Thanksgiving, back to Haiti. We were advised to wait just a little bit. We received a phone call three days ago from our Haitian director saying “wait again.” We have changed our ticket again to fly into Haiti very soon, (can’t say the date for security reasons). Now we are being told not to fly into Port-au-Prince, Haiti… it’s too dangerous, but change our ticket and fly into Santo Domingo. Then drive from Santo Domingo to Fond Parisien, Haiti. We are praying for wisdom…. we want to fly directly into Port-au-Prince.
Our road through Croix Des Bouquet, then through Ganthier, then into Fond Parisien is very dangerous with the 400 Mawazo gang… now there is a new gang from Ganthier up in our area of Fond Parisien. The new gang, called “Five Star,” is shooting and robbing people on the road. You see there is only one road in and out.
A bit of good news… Mr. Nixon e-mailed us yesterday saying two of our people went into a village to pick up a malnutrition baby and ran into the 400 Mawzao gang. They knew our guys worked for Love A Child. They told our two men we will not touch or hurt anyone from Love A Child. We love, Love A Child! Thank the Lord for that… We just hope they keep their word.
We are praying they will come to know Jesus. Claiming Haiti for Christ!
Missionary Bobby Burnette