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Haiti News Update:

Two of the 17 missionaries have been released. I have been told that the two that were released were very ill and had to be released. The 400 Mawazo gang (Papaya Gang) still have the 15 missionaries. We cannot begin to imagine what those poor missionaries are going through, including their children… must be a living nightmare. They have all been separated from each other. Please keep these missionaries in your prayers. Now it has been weeks. I’m so concerned for them.

Sherry and I were supposed to fly direct from the Grand Canyon, after being with our children for Thanksgiving, back to Haiti. We were advised to wait just a little bit. We received a phone call three days ago from our Haitian director saying “wait again.” We have changed our ticket again to fly into Haiti very soon, (can’t say the date for security reasons). Now we are being told not to fly into Port-au-Prince, Haiti… it’s too dangerous, but change our ticket and fly into Santo Domingo. Then drive from Santo Domingo to Fond Parisien, Haiti. We are praying for wisdom…. we want to fly directly into Port-au-Prince.

Our road through Croix Des Bouquet, then through Ganthier, then into Fond Parisien is very dangerous with the 400 Mawazo gang… now there is a new gang from Ganthier up in our area of Fond Parisien. The new gang, called “Five Star,” is shooting and robbing people on the road. You see there is only one road in and out.

A bit of good news… Mr. Nixon e-mailed us yesterday saying two of our people went into a village to pick up a malnutrition baby and ran into the 400 Mawzao gang. They knew our guys worked for Love A Child. They told our two men we will not touch or hurt anyone from Love A Child. We love, Love A Child! Thank the Lord for that… We just hope they keep their word.

We are praying they will come to know Jesus. Claiming Haiti for Christ!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“Face to the Wall.”

There comes a time in the life of every one of us, where we are facing a problem that seems “insurmountable…” a mountain too high to climb. We have faced that several times in our lives. I can remember when Bobby had a doctor’s appointment and the doctor had “bad news.” I can remember when our daughter had a horrible illness. I can remember one day, when we called to check on our account at the bank and it was down to “zero.”

There are times when we face something, that we hurt so bad, we feel that there is no medicine for the “pain.” There’s a great man in the Bible named “Hezekiah.” He was the king of Judah and he loved God and stood for the righteous… but, the Bible says, that one day, “he was sick unto death.” That might have been bad enough, but to top it off, in comes the Prophet Isaiah with a word from God, Thus saith the Lord, “Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die, and not live.” Isaiah 38:2

But listen to what Hezekiah did, “Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord.” The result was that God “added 15 years to his life.”

There will come a time in our life, when it looks like the worst thing in the world is upon us. We must “turn our face to the wall,” and get ahold of God! And, I know He will answer! Faith works and Jesus never fails!


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Julia… a Great Lab Tech

We brought our first four children home from a mud hut in the village of “Babylon,” (L’Estere), in the L’Artibonite area. The next four came from Petionville… Julia, Dana, (Yolande), Florence and Franceau. These four children were sick and brought by their mother to our house in the mountains, and we felt even then that God had a plan for their lives. Soon after this, their mother died and their father could not take care of them, so we brought them into our orphanage. We had to send Julia and Florence to the Hospital for asthma and severe breathing problems. They were very sick.

After they were healed, they went to school. Dana, (Yolande), took five years of studies to become a “Pre-School” teacher and works at our Fond Parisien Love A Child School. Florence got a partial grant for college and went to Italy to study Radiology, and soon Physical Therapy. We hope she returns to Haiti, but if not, she may find a job overseas. Their brother, Franceau, decided to take Theology because someday, he will probably Pastor a Church.

Julia, (pictured above), took Phlebotomy and now, she is working at our Love A Child Birthing Center as a Lab Tech, and she is a good one. She got married about a year ago. We were so sad that we could not attend her wedding, due to the kidnappings and the gangs… but she is doing well, and has a wonderful husband and does a great job for Love A Child!

Our children are growing up, and becoming “part of the Love A Child Staff!” We love them all, and thank our partners for sponsoring these wonderful children like Julia!!!


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Rocks for the First House in Nippes

PTL! This is blind Grandma Mersilla praising the Lord for the construction beginning of her Gabion house! I will never forget the day when we were all there giving her a tent to live in because she lost her house in the earthquake. Oh, she praised the Lord… just like today when the rocks and sand began to come. Her little granddaughter saved her life! Hubert is delivering all the sand and rocks for all the houses. All of these houses are made from local materials and all local labor. This provides lots of jobs for everyone, especially now since the earthquake and all the trauma in Haiti.

The Gabion house is a three-bedroom, with a living room and kitchen. The walls are mostly two feet thick made from rocks and cement and will withstand future earthquakes and most hurricanes.

I’m so excited about this project… We gave tons and tons of food to the people after the earthquake. Then we went back in and gave out hundreds of tents for the people to sleep in who had lost EVERYTHING. The Lord has laid it heavy upon our hearts to build these houses for the people. I told the Lord we have needs for Love A Child. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “When we help to meet their need, God will meet our needs abundantly!” For those of you that want to help, the Lord will meet your needs abundantly too. Each Gabion house costs $9,000 for a three-bedroom, with a living room and kitchen.

PTL! We received another $9,000 check in the mail today. Whether you can give a small amount or a large amount, please pray about how you can help. Thank you in advance.

Love is something you do…
Missionary Bobby Burnette

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“Little Cilenska’s Story”

Madamn Lagarde sat on the tap-tap (public transportation) with her baby Cilenska. She had used all her money for the tap-tap from a village called Balan. She had two other children at home, but her little baby girl, 8-month-old Cilenska, was “near to her heart.” However, due to the food shortage in Haiti, among the poor, she had very little to give the baby. Food was rare and so was water. She had to walk a long way to get water from “the pipes,” and that was a long way.

In her little two-room house, there were 9 people living there. That is one reason why her children were not getting enough food… all the relatives were living with her.

When she arrived at the Jesus Healing Center with her baby, Dr. Barthelemy examined the baby and it only weighed 5.3 kilos (11.7 pounds). The baby was not “happy and laughing and crawling and playing”… She was just “laying there!” So, Dr. Barthelemy sent the mother and child over to our Malnutrition Clinic. She would have to stay until he was well enough to go home, on “out-patient” care. They had to feed her 6 times a day.

Finally, after a while, she began to gain weight. She got up to 6.2 kilos. When checked again, she was allowed to go into our “out-patient” program. This meant that she would still receive the special milk formula but Madamn Lagarde would also have a large box of Feed My Starving Children food to take home.

Now, Cilenska is doing well, and loving every moment! She is giggly, happy, and on the road to recovery.

There are many little Cilenska’s that will be coming to our Malnutrition Clinic. Pray about helping to sponsor this wonderful outreach monthly. We have a medical staff, pediatrician, nurses, mommies, and special foods for these babies. Just look at Celenska’s mother and father and how happy they are. Cilenska is going home!

God bless you,

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Missionary’s Prayer”

The “spirit of fear” is a very real and strong spirit. It will “play with your mind” and make you fearful, afraid, and you may even want to go into hiding. It will make you withdraw from people and those you love because it is a spirit.

We missionaries that live in Haiti now must fight this “spirit” of fear from the gangs and the violence. They are kidnapping more people than ever before. They may block the roads and rob or rape you. They have bigger guns than the police, and now there are three major gangs in Haiti that feed off Voodoo, killing and threatening with severe violence.

I began to read Psalm 91, verse 4, this way… “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust…” This is a safe place to be right now in Haiti, and God is saying, ‘”Thou shalt not be afraid…”

It would be so easy to “go and hide somewhere,” but we must “hold the line” and keep on doing what God has called us to do. If not, we will not be able to do anything for God. God can lead, guide, and protect us. He can show us which street to go on and which street to avoid. He can give us “discernment,” so that we can know “who is an evil person or a gang member that may try to abduct us.”

The spirit of fear is real, but God is greater than anything. And we are “on the winning side” with Him. I know that some of you face fears too, but you cannot let fear control your life. God is greater than anything or anyone. So, this morning, begin to praise the Lord and give Him thanks for “what He is going to do!!” And let “faith” replace that fear in your life!! God loves you, and Bobby and I love you too!!


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Kenson… The Good Looking Mechanic!

When Kenson was born, his mother died, and his father brought him to our Love A Child Orphanage. He loves soccer and basketball and gets along well with the younger children. He is quiet and has a good personality. When he goes to Church, he tries to make sure that “everything matches!” He is always clean, even when he is dirty! Ha!

You will usually find him with his head stuck in a motor of one of our broken-down cars or trucks. But “he always looks good!!” He rarely looks dirty or greasy! He loves to dress up, and his sisters say, “he has a passion for fashion!” We love Kenson! He is going to a Mechanic School in Haiti! We can always use “another good mechanic.” With all our broken-down vehicles, he will have “job security!” Sherry

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The Jesus Healing Center

“God Gives the Cows Tails to Shoo Away the Flies” – A Haitian Creole Proverb

Warning: Graphic Photos

We had 150 patients waiting to see the doctors… All the patients had checked in and were waiting to see a doctor when we got the news that there had been an accident in front of Miracle Village, which is not far from us.

We heard that there was a motorcycle accident involving four people, but one of them was hurt worse than the others… Mackenson Meus.

Mackenson told the doctors and nurses that while he was driving on his motorcycle, he saw a truck coming out of the intersection, so he stopped to let the truck pass. That’s when another motorbike was coming full speed ahead, lost its brakes, and was coming right at Mackenson and the others. His foot was injured down to the bone and bleeding, and because Mackenson was thrown on his face, it was cut and bleeding badly.

Mackenson was taken to our ER, and the doctors went to work on him. After cleaning him up and getting his wounds sewn up, he was transferred to another hospital for continued care via our ambulance.

We are so thankful to our wonderful doctors and dedicated staff who know what to do and where we have to send the worst cases.

Haiti is a poor country, where the majority cannot receive good medical care due to a lack of money.

Our Haitian Pastor prays for each one so that they are touched by “the Great Physician!” We are so thankful for the Jesus Healing Center Clinic and for our wonderful doctors and nurses.


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LAC TV Program “Boots on the Ground” Begins Friday!

The recent earthquake in Haiti killed hundreds and injured thousands, leaving them with no food or shelter, suffering in the elements while a tropical storm ravaged what was left. The Love A Child staff spread out to hard-to-reach areas to provide thousands of bags of rice and beans to these devastated people, as well medical relief to the injured who cannot afford doctors or hospitals. Your charity makes all this possible! Let your heart be moved with the cry of the poor and broken. With your continued assistance, we can rebuild what they have lost.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Love is something you do!

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Word from the Mission Field

Steadfast, unmovable, always abounding:

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

We must be steadfast, unmovable in the work of the Lord. All our work for him is not in vain. We must go forward always abounding in the work of the Lord. Never give up!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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