This is the story of a little 17-month-old baby named Sawensley. He is from Peyi Pouri, far in the mountains... He is living with his mother and father, but his father is a farmer and the soil cannot produce anything... there is nothing to eat or sell. This is a big burden for the mother...
There is a Creole proverb that says, "Hunger makes the dog climb the coconut tree." It means, "when someone is hungry, they will do anything for food"... This area is called Nan Gaya. It is a village not far from us. The people there have a tough life, along with many other Haitians. The women...
“For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.” Proverbs 8:11 Solomon could have had anything he asked for, but he chooses wisdom! Lord today we seek after your wisdom. Bobby
I can close my eyes and see this little guy, about the age of two… a big swollen belly with worms and malnutrition. He was sitting on the dirty ground right beside a huge pig. He had no water and had not had any food all day. Other children would walk by him and slap...
These sweeties are pregnant moms at our Birthing Center! We have quite a few enrolled for Education Classes, Consultations, Birth Control, and of course... Childbirth! We are so thankful to Sarah Sandsted’s organization - Rebuild Globally. This is a wonderful organization that hired Haitians to make items such as sandals (and other items) using “things...
The Story of Madamn Marcelin Janique Haitians often wait “until it’s too late.” But with God, He is always on time. Today, the “Waiting Room” at our Jesus Healing Center Clinic was packed full. It was filled with patients. In most all clinics in Haiti, a person who has a really bad problem can sit and sit...
Sherry and I have lived in Haiti for the last 30 years. Our hearts are broken by the "cry of the poor" here in Haiti. The current political instability and deadly gang violence is the worst we've ever seen. Hunger is everywhere in Haiti, and little children are suffering the most. Your prayers, love, and...
"Almost..." What a powerful word. It can bring joy and gladness, and thankfulness... "I almost had a wreck, but God saved my life." Or, it can bring sadness... "I almost got that house I wanted." "I almost obeyed the Lord." "I almost told that man about Jesus." In Acts 26:28, I think is one of...
We could not possibly be any prouder of our children at Love A Child. They are reaching high for education and serving the Lord! They work hard to rise above the problems of Haiti... We found Roselyne when she was a young girl... We had a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains, and her poor...
It's the end of the year, and I know Love A Child has needs before the year is over that we were hoping to meet. The Lord has laid it open my heart in such a strong way to build as many homes as we can for the ones who lost their homes in the...