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Update on Jonas

Little Jonas has only been in school for about a week! He is “about” ten years old. He is the sweet little boy that we found in the mountains, working alongside the adults… He actually “worked for food!”

Jonas’s mother and father had died, and there were no living relatives in his area. So, since his father died, some of the people in the village (especially one big mean lady) took him as a slave to work in their gardens… They would feed him “maybe once a day,” but beat him often and made fun of him…

Until we came to that village and brought him home with us. We legally brought him out of being a slave child “restavek,” and probably saved his life.

Jonas had been beaten more times than you could imagine.

It was hard for him to adjust to school… Take, for example, something simple, like holding a pencil or a crayon. He had never done that! He had only held a large hoe in his hands… never a piece of chalk or a crayon or a pencil!! He had never had a shower… In fact, he got scared at our Children’s Home, because he said, “water was falling from the top, inside the bathroom!” But the saddest thing was that he “had never had a hug!” No one had ever played a game with him, or hugged him, or had ever given him love…

But now, Jonas is like all the other little boys… He plays soccer and “tries to play” basketball. All the children love him… And all of us “love Jonas.”

Imagine, this year will be his “first Christmas!!” Wow! Isn’t God good?! “He lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill and setters him among princes..” I Sam. 2:8

Jonas will go far in his life… We all love his sweet smile! Sherry

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Update on Tent Distribution for Earthquake Victims

Enclosed is a map of southern Haiti, where we have distributed tents for the earthquake victims. On Monday, we distributed 140 tents in Plaisance de Sud. Today 240 tents will go to Arnaud.

So far, we have distributed almost 1,200 tents. One picture you will see here is of the Haitians being taught how to put up a tent.

Thank you, Hubert, to you and all your crew for all the hard work each day.

This coming week Sherry and I will be traveling to Jeremie to distribute several hundred tents through Mayor Yvrose.

Thank you!
Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“Be Not Weary in Well Doing.”

My mother was a “Saint,” and still is. Her name is Marion Barner and she went to be with the Lord years ago. Since I was a little girl, I remember that even though we were very poor, my mother was always giving. When Bobby and I were married and had children, we were preaching on the street corners and had very little food to eat. My mother made sure we had food and milk for the children… but, she was like that to “everyone.” She was always giving food, and most times, people would come to her house and sit at the table because she was ready to give them something to eat. There was always someone who needed “a little money” to get by. There was always someone who needed “a ride to the grocery store.”

She was never too busy. She never got tired and weary, helping others. Until the day she passed away, she was always “looking to give.” Some people always “look to receive,” but not her. “She lived, to give,” and never got tired of giving and, she was always “blessed!”

Living in Haiti has taught me a lot about giving. There is “always a knock at the gate.” There is “always some mother who needs food for her children.” There is “always a call from our Birthing Center,” about a mother who has no clothes, or no food, or no money to get home. Do we ever get “tired of giving?” Sometimes, here in Haiti, people are pulling at you all day long. They all have needs, but we try to do something to help each one and that’s not easy. The “cry of the poor,” is something you “hear with your heart,” and not your ears.

Apostle Paul said, “and let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

So, let’s not get tired of helping, giving, going, listening for a need. We will soon be “reaping!” God sends people to you because He knows you will listen with your heart and help!


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Keep Those Girls Working

This is Kristela! She is hard-working but mischievous! She helps me quite a lot in the depot and she will do any “dusty, dirty, or heavy work” there is. And this time, she’s wearing “Poppie’s hat!” She and the other girls help a lot in the Children’s Home and with other projects. It is her responsibility to be the “first kid up at 4:30 am,” and turn on the Christian music to wake up the kids. The first song is “Every Praise,” by Hezekiah Walker. She turns it up “full blast,” and all the kids get up and get cleaning and working! We work hard and “play hard!”
Kristela is funny, happy, and just a sweet girl! She is in 10th grade! There’s no telling what she will be or do in life! We met her mother years ago in a Mobile Clinic! Her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother were all Voodoo. We are so glad we rescued her when her mother died. We all love Kristela! – Sherry

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Thankful and Happy

This little Grandma touched our hearts. When the earthquake happened all of her children and grandchildren who lived with her left Grandma to travel and live in Port Au Prince when their house was destroyed. Her tent was put up just before it started raining.

She was so thankful and happy. All-day today and this week tents will be given out to families deep in the interior.

The forgotten places. Thank you to all of our friends who made this possible.

This week I may be giving a special update on something that I believe the Lord is laying on our hearts.

We have given food and now hundreds of tents. What do we do with the poorest of the families who will not have the money to build back a small house? This would be a big step.

We love you…
Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

We have a lamp and light which will guide us through our darkest hour…

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

The word of God is as a lamp. I believe the most amazing ways we can see the power of the Word of God is when we walk through dark places in our life, how he guides each and every step of the way. The Word says it is both a lamp and a light.

The Word of God is our light and we will not stumble. The other day here in Haiti, I was walking in the dark. I almost fell and hurt myself as I stumbled on a large rock. As I came into the light I felt at peace because now I was walking in the light!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Our Lives are in His Hands

Our Love A Child girls are beautiful! Esther, left, is the youngest and in high school. She wants to be a vet when she finishes school. She is the sister of Widlene who is in college.

Dimelia, in the middle, is preparing to go to college, but in the meantime, she volunteers at our Birthing Center and does the sonograms. She wants to be a doctor. She may be going to college in Jamaica, Lord willing.

Fabienne is in college to be a Dental Hygienist. She has one year to go. When she finishes, she can work at our Love A Child Dental Clinic, inside our Jesus Healing Center. All our Haitian children have a dream. They struggle to fulfill their dreams in the midst of gangs on the street, and the constant fear of kidnappings. (The husband of one of our workers, was just kidnapped and not returned yet).

We ask everyone to pray for our children “every day.” Haiti has no security, and the gangs outnumber the police. But, our lives are in “His Hands,” and that’s the best place to be!!


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Tents for Widows and Grandmas

The earthquake that struck South Haiti, didn’t care if it affected the crippled, the children, the blind, or the elderly. The earthquake struck the most vulnerable, anywhere and everywhere. While we were giving away the tents that you, our friends and partners purchased, it was such a joy to give tents to the elderly widows and grandmas, whose houses were destroyed.

Here, we found a grandma that was blind. When the earthquake struck, she was terrified because she was by herself in her house, and the fear of being left behind almost gave her a heart attack… but, thankfully, her little granddaughter rescued her. The other sweet grandma was also by herself and nearly made it out as the house was collapsing. These three little frail widows, grandmas, are just some of the sweethearts you have given a new “temporary home,” to. You are keeping them out of the rain and when the weather changes, they will be out of the cold night air.

If it “were not for you,” these little widows would be sleeping each night under sticks, or pieces of palm branches, pieces of ripped tin, or torn clothing. We were talking to the last little grandma when the rain began to pour down… so, we opened the flap of her tent and helped her inside. She sat down, very thankful to be out of the cold, windy rain.

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27.

I believe James loved his Grandma as much as we love these.


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Word from the Mission Field

“Fear Hath Torment.”

We had just returned from handing out “family tents,” to those who had gone through the recent earthquake in South Haiti. We had worked tirelessly and so had our Haitian workers. We left early for Fond Parisien, but it was a long drive of six hours. We could have taken the fast route through the bad area of “Martissaint,” but it was full of gangs with guns, so, we took the long way around, which was several hours longer.

We were finally on the “home stretch” of getting home to Fond Parisien, when we went through an area in Haiti, where our older Haitian children go to University. All of a sudden, Philemond, our driver, had  “that look” on his face! We began to see trucks and cars and everyone in the distance turning around and heading back at us, at an incredible speed! When we called ahead, we realized that “gangs” had taken over that area and they were shooting everywhere! All of a sudden, I felt the “spirit of fear” try to overwhelm us. David said, in Psalms 64:1, “Hear my voice O, God, in my prayer; preserve my life from “fear of the enemy.” The devil always tries to do what he can, to envelope us with fear. The Word of God says, “fear hath torment.”

Sometimes, the “fear” of something, is worse than the actual thing itself. Satan loves to torment us, in any way we can. I John 4:18 says, “perfect love casts out fear.” That means that when we love the Lord with all our hearts, there is no room, for fear to be tormenting us!! Let’s fall in love with Jesus, and fill our hearts with love, so that there is no place, for fear!


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We Are Not Forgotten

This is what one lady said to us, as they welcomed us to their village, destroyed by the 7.2 earthquake that shook southern Haiti, August 14th! Up until now, many of the earthquake victims had felt that they were forgotten… but the Lord had not forgotten them. After spending many days in the heat of sun, moving away debris, and finding nearly everything gone, they finally had “hope!” Because of you, our generous partners, we were able to give tents to areas where the earthquake hit hardest… in areas such as “Petit Trou de Nippes, Lierve, and Lazile and tents are going to many other areas besides these!

We give special thanks to Hubert and his team, who went to each family in each area; first they checked on the families and then gathered information on the need for tents, name of families, how many children and people, the ID number of each family member and cell phone number, etc. So, each “village” had a huge spreadsheet of facts, before the tents arrived!! If it had not been for Hubert, this job would have been “nearly impossible.” Special thanks to Joel who helped with the logistics and how to vet each family.

We were thankful to Jesse, who has been helping Hubert and the team to set everything up ahead of time. And thankful to “Casimi,” our container driver, who made two trips through the most dangerous area in all Haiti… Martissaint!” He blew through that area like a cloud of dust, with our precious cargo of tents!! (I think the Angels were hanging on!!)

Philemond, our own driver, has been with us all the way! Our team got up early each morning and we had “villages” scheduled throughout the day. So far, we have distributed “family-sized tents” to 791 families, spread out in all directions, over dangerous mountain roads! But, we still have more to go. Tomorrow, we will be sharing some precious stories of families who received tents, especially the elderly.

During a disaster like this one, and the earthquake of 2010, the one thing that sticks in our minds that the victims have said, “You didn’t forget about us!” One lady said, “we are not forgotten!” As long as we know “help is on the way,” we can survive!! “You” are the help that God has sent to these people! We thank you with all our hearts, more stories tomorrow, Bobby and Sherry

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