Hello from the Grand Canyon! From: The Burnette Family Pictured from left to right: Sherry Burnette, Julie Martin (daughter), Dave Martin (son-in-law), Bobby Burnette, Aiden Burnette (grandson), Brandon Burnette (grandson), Julie Burnette (daughter-in-law), and Jonathan Burnette (son). God hath made Heaven and Earth his wonders to behold! Missionary Bobby Burnette
Sherry and I made it here to the Grand Canyon yesterday. Our children and grandchildren come in a little later in the evening. Later, I will share some pictures of the Grand Canyon. Sherry and I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for all of the Lord's blessings. Today in...
"God Cannot Lie" Have you ever felt in your heart that God was going to do something in your life? Maybe it was a "calling," or maybe you were praying about a marriage or a job, and God brought it to pass. His Word is so powerful, that GOD CANNOT LIE! You may think that you...
All our children have come from the worst cases imaginable. Jean Edwouard was one of them… He was a restavek slave child. In fact, he was in a small village not far from us where we have a food distribution each month. As Bobby was busy with the team, I noticed a cute little boy, about...
These pictures tell the story, without using any words. The poor people up in the mountains are begging us to come for a Mobile Medical Clinic. We would have planned to come earlier, but the roads were washed out (again). Pastor Souffrance, who is over our Church in Peyi Pouri, is so highly respected by...
Sherry and I took a short break from Haiti. I never realized how much we needed this. Last night we stayed in Flagstaff, AZ, at a hotel by the name of "Little America.” Never stayed in a hotel like this beautiful, quaint place. So relaxing, very reasonable in price, huge fireplace, everyone is so nice....
Stay on course: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith…" 11 Timothy 4:7 - Apostle Paul said these words. I've gone too far to turn back now! It's important to stay on course, keeping our eyes on Jesus. So many circumstances and people try to pull us off...
We wish to thank our partners who have been sending in dresses and clothing for the girls and boys. Here, we see Ginyia, Rodna, Mikalange, Fabiola, Nazarene (Rachael), and Zoey. They were so excited to receive these clothes from one of our partners. Here in Haiti, in most Christian orphanages, we try to keep the...
Life in Haiti is so tough right now. The mothers, who take on the big responsibility to feed their children, are now depressed, sad, and discouraged. Many cannot even make it to Church due to the gangs in the streets. So, they have their poor children to think about, and the problem of "not hearing...
Two of the 17 missionaries have been released. They were released due to severe illness. This has been confirmed by the Miami Herald newspaper. The kidnappers still have the remaining missionaries. Our hearts go out to the missionaries and their families. Please remain in prayer. We took a much-needed break from Haiti. We spent two...