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A Young Lady with a Bright Future

Jolina is turning out to be a special young lady. She loves church and singing! She is also a very good student. She works hard and studies hard, but look out boys, she plays hard too! She is tough at basketball and soccer! She has been known to “mow down” a couple of her big brothers. She is a good worker and loves to cook!

Jolina and her cousin, Daphline, were babies when they were brought to our orphanage. Her father had been killed and her mother could not take the stress of losing her husband. Jolina knows no other family than the other children at Love A Child. I can see a bright future for her.


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Earthquake Tent Update

This morning at the crack of dawn, Hubert, Joel, Watson, and more of the Haitian team will leave for Lazile, one of the hardest-hit earthquake areas, to start putting up tents for the earthquake victims who lost everything. Hubert, along with his men, has gone ahead and so far have charted 1,300 locations of families who lost their dwelling. Hubert has put on paper for us the family name, how many family members, and the location where to put up each tent. He has pages of locations with more men this week finding more families to put on our chart. Each family receives a red ticket so they can receive their tent.
Sherry and I will be there on Wednesday for several days helping to put up tents at the earthquake epicenter. We will be in areas where “no one goes” in the interior. Our second 40-foot “container load” of earthquake tents arrived yesterday in Haiti!  Thank you again to everyone who helped financially and prayerfully to make all of this possible. It has been raining hard all night long and still raining. These poor people will be so thankful to have these tents to have a shelter out of the rain and a place to sleep.
Love is something you do! We love you…  –  Bobby and Sherry Burnette



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Word from the Mission Field

“Stay by the Stuff.”

Soldiers are made for battle. When a war is going on, they get “itchy” and they want to go, no matter how dangerous it is. And, don’t you remember when you were a child, your mother or father had said to you, “you stay here and watch the stuff…” But, you would have rather gone with them.

This was the situation with David’s men, in the Bible. They were warriors! They knew how to fight! In 1 Samuel 30, the Amalekites had come into Ziklag, while David and his men were gone, and stolen everything and had taken captive all the soldier’s women and children, including David’s household, and burned Ziklag down to the ground.

David and his men are furious and ready to go after them but there were 200 men who had already been wounded in battle and they could not cross the Brook Besor. So, David had to leave them behind… David is furious and ready to go to battle, but he prays and asks the Lord first, if he should go… the answer was, “yes! Go get ’em!”

The Bible says that David and his 400 men won the battle and recovered all and took everything the Amalekites had also. When it came time to divide the spoil with the soldiers, David made sure that those who were wounded (who wanted to go but could not) would have equal rights to the spoil. This angered his men, who fought the battle.

But David said, “For as his part be that goeth forth into battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff. They shall part alike.” 1 Samuel 30:24

We live in Haiti and are on the front lines, but without you, staying behind and watching the “stuff” we could not do anything for the Lord! When we reach Heaven, we will ALL share in the reward, because you are just as important in your work, as anyone going into battle! We love you and appreciate you!

Bobby and Sherry

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I Don’t Know How They Survive

We have been living and working here in Haiti for many years. When we first moved to Haiti, I thought we had seen the worst… but now, through the years and especially these last few years, it has gone “from bad to worse.” We not only have gangs blocking the roads so that the poor cannot pass to sell, but if and when the mothers can sell, often there are gangs around, ready to take the mother’s money.

Just recently we had an extremely malnourished baby brought to our Malnutrition Clinic. The aunt was raising the baby because the mother “had lost her mind,” and could not care for the child. Then, when the aunt sold anything to make money, the robbers took it. We now see more children and mothers drinking “saltwater soup” because they have no food and children eating “mud cookies” more often.

Pray for the people and children of Haiti, and also for the missionaries whose hearts are for the poor… There are many times we cannot sleep and tears come often. Thank you for your love and support.


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Word from the Mission Field

“How to Handle Your Enemies.”

We all have enemies, let’s face it. Most times, it is because of jealousy. David had enemies too; in fact, King Saul was “number one” on the list… all because of jealousy. David prayed this prayer, “Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for they be many that fight against me, O thou most High. What time I am afraid I will trust in thee. In God I will praise His words, in God, I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.” Psalm 56:2-4

So today, do not fear your enemies. They are not fighting you… they are fighting God, who is “fighting for you!” Have a great day!


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A Big Family!

The children at our Children’s Home all love “Poppie Bobby!” Here you see little Ginyia and Noah! Ginyia’s mother died during childbirth. Her father left and her grandfather couldn’t help. He told Ginyia’s sister to go and find someone to take care of the baby. That’s when we got Ginyia. Noah was found at our front gate, beaten, starving, with teeth marks in his skin. It took a long time for him to recover.

Both children are doing well in school. Noah loves to work, and he loves to dance, especially to Christian music!! Ginyia loves to dance with the girl’s Praise Team! All Haitians love to sing, and they love dance! When you operate an orphanage it cannot be just an “orphanage,” or a “children’s home!” It has to be a “family!” Thank you, partners!!

Bobby and Sherry

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The Semi Container is Rolling Full of Tents!

Thank you for your prayers. This morning, our driver, Casimi, made it through “Martissaint,” one of the most dangerous areas in Haiti. Yesterday they burned a “bullet-proof car,” and many days, they have their rifles pointing out of windows to shoot at the drivers, especially semis, pulling containers. They want to steal them. Our container should arrive in Anse-a-Veau around 12:30 p.m. today. Please pray! You never know what’s around the next corner in Haiti! Casimi is our hero. He has “nerves of steel, and he keeps the angels busy!”

Two days ago, our second 40-ft container, full of tents, left the Fort Myers office for Haiti. This coming week we must do this same thing over again. Plus, we have 2,500 tarps coming for the earthquake areas. Wednesday, Sherry, Jesse, and I will be there putting up tents. Next week, watch for pictures of the tents and all of our crew working together, hard! Hubert is a Haitian worker like I have never seen in my life!

God bless our team, Hubert, and God bless you our precious partners… Right now, precious, poor Haitian families are living with their little children in the worst conditions imaginable… there is no “FEMA,” no “Government help!” Little babies and children are sleeping in the mud, in the rain, with pieces of “cardboard,” scraps of anything they can find. For them, having a nice, big, clean family tent, would be like living in the finest hotel!!! The Bible says that the Lord “lifts up the beggar from the dunghill…” God uses people like you, to do this! Thank you so much, Bobby and Sherry



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Word from the Mission Field

“Your Battles Make You Who You Are…”

The Book of Joshua is so exciting! Right before Moses died, he left his “mantle” on the shoulders of a young man, very close to his heart named Joshua. He was “full of faith” and unafraid! His first major battle after the death of Moses was the Battle of Jericho, which as we know, was the most fortified city of its time. Right before the battle, he sees a “man with a sword drawn in his hand,” and Joshua asked him, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?” “And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come.” Joshua 5:14

I believe God sends his Angels to help us fight our battles! After that battle, he went on to win one after another. He too crossed the Red Sea and the waters stood up in heaps as it did for Moses, and he took many cities after that. Each battle made him “stronger.” The Lord allows us to face battles, too. Each time we come through one, it makes us stronger and grows our faith in God! And, God would never give you a “battle” you cannot win! Have a great day!


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Latest News

We are changing planes in Miami heading to Charlotte, S. C., then changing planes this evening for Raleigh N.C.

On Monday, we return to Haiti. By Wednesday, Sherry, Jesse, and I will be at the earthquake epicenter putting up 1,200 tents. Actually, by Monday, the tents start going up for the poor families and children. PTL, another 40-foot container left the Fort Myers office full of tents yesterday for Haiti! Our semi-tractor and container with the tents must pass through very dangerous areas this weekend. Casimi really needs your prayers. May the angels of the Lord be with everyone. You will have an updated report by noon tomorrow… hear the whole story soon and who all is helping, and working so hard in the earthquake area of south Haiti.

Thank all of you who helped with your generosity to make all of this possible. Love is something you do!

Bobby and Sherry

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Mikalange: Her Eyes Tell the Secret…

If we covered her and couldn’t see anything except her eyes, we would know her automatically! This is funny, sweet, and mischievous Mikalange, who is a twin to Mika. These two were born in the mountains of Covant, one of the highest mountains we have ever worked in! Her mother, Madamn Mercilia, died soon after delivering the twins, as many mothers in Haiti do. Her father brought them to us, and Mikalange loves to “dress up and go to church!” She is currently learning the drums, which incidentally, are almost under our room. She loves to cook and play soccer and basketball, and the boys are all afraid of her!!! Ha! She wants to be a dentist!

Each evening, we have an “after school professor” help the older children with math, chemistry, etc. so they will do better in the higher grades. She is in the eighth grade now. We have taught all of our children… “Put Jesus first, and education second!” They are all “striving for a good education!”

I just love to see this girl smile… even when she is just cooking or washing dishes, she is always smiling! We all love Mikalange, but I’m glad there is just one of her! We love her… she brings us so much joy! – Sherry

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