We wish to thank each and every one of you who have sacrificed large and small and the widow's mite to provide tents for the poor, who suffered from the last earthquake. We sent tents to Stephanie, from the Haiti Deaf Academy, who had requested tents. By a miracle, we had enough tents for her...
We are here today in the Dominican Republic (DR) checking into expanding here. Today we are here looking into setting up a feeding/sustainability program for the Haitian people. Thousands of Haitians have fled here to the DR from Haiti. Today, we will pick up Bryon Ray at the Punta Cana airport. It was too dangerous...
“Nothing to Live For.” It’s hard to believe that in this day and time, there are so many people who feel like that… Some are on drugs, some are wealthy, and others are miserable with life... they have no friends. This is how a man felt in Mark the 5th chapter. Jesus had just been...
Thank you for your prayers. We made it here safe in Punta Cana. PTL! We had a delicious meal at Dionys restaurant. With us are Philimond, Joker, and Emmanuel. We just called our Haitian daughter Michelene who lives near our mission house. She has a good job managing a “boutik” in a tourist area. She...
Passing through Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. Three more hours to go to Punta Cana! We have our mission house there. Tomorrow, we will be taking care of the Lord's business and looking into a future feeding program for the Haitians. Thousands of Haitians have been fleeing into the Dominican Republic. Keep...
As most of you know, the conditions in Haiti right now are as bad or worse as they have ever been. In Bobby and Sherry’s many years living there, they have never seen it this bad. Lawless, violent gangs have crippled the nation and there is no safety. Anywhere. For anyone. This has caused commerce...
We have crossed over the Dominican Republic border. We have 6 more hours of driving. We will be in the DR taking care of business on Monday, returning to Haiti on Tuesday. Please pray for our safe travels. Love is something you do! Bobby, Sherry, and Philimond
Neither be thou afraid: “Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1: 9 “Moses the servant of the Lord is dead now.” Joshua 1: 2 Moses, God's servant, has died, and now the Lord has raised up Joshua...
Stephano, he is 11 years old and in 5th grade. Stephano’s father abandoned him when he was born. His mother was in prison with mental problems. We believe Stephano is really Dominican or Dominican/Haitian. The Department of Social affairs brought him to us when he was about three years old. Stephano is very intelligent and loves...
The 17 missionaries are not released yet. The gang is saying on Facebook, they will kill them if they do not receive one million dollars each. Please be in prayer. Our hearts are broken. We were hoping to have our third container of tents, tarps, and emergency supplies pulled in today from the port. Looks...