“What’s Love Got to Do With It?” Tina Turner sang that song and made a hit record. Yet, she never understood that love, the “real love,” or the lack of love, has everything to do with everything that affects the whole world. In fact, you can sum up the crime problem by saying, “it starts with a lack of love.”
There are four kinds of love in the Bible… Philia is the kind of love that has to do with friendship. David and Jonathan, in the Bible, “loved each other.” They were best friends and would have done anything for one another.
Storge is the “family kind of love.” It is the love that a brother has for a brother…” or a child for his mother and father.
Eros is the love between a man and a woman. When Jacob first saw Rachel coming towards him, she got down off her camel, and did obedience to him, bowing before him, because she had just learned that Jacob was the land-owner and son of Abraham. Jacob, on the other hand, was “love-struck,” when he first saw Rachel! The Bible says, “And Jacob kissed Rachel; and lifted up his voice and wept.” Genesis 29:11
Then, there is the “Agape love,” the purest of all love. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His “only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Agape love is the love that “sacrifices.” Agape love would make someone “take your place,” if a man held a gun to your head. Agape love “goes beyond” anything that anyone asks of him or her. Agape love says, “it’s not a sacrifice, it’s a joy!” Agape love says, “I would give all to help my neighbor, that I don’t even know.” Agape love says, “I will wash the filthy, dirty sores on that man’s feet, and I will do it with great love.” Agape love says, “I don’t mind walking through a garbage dump to feed a hungry child. Who cares if my clothes get dirty?” Agape love says, “I used to be a prostitute. But Jesus loved me when no one else did and he forgave all my sins… so I will wash His feet with my tears.”
Agape love “wants to do it in secret,” so that no one will get the Glory but Jesus. Agape love is the “widow that gave her last mites,” that she thought “no one saw.”
Have a great and beautiful day, because “God really, really, loves you with Agape love!” Sherry