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New updates from Haiti: 

I hope you receive this today. I’m writing this at 1:22 AM this morning. Sorry, yesterday I could not get any of our emails out with pictures. We are still in Jeremie. Hoping to leave today around noon back to Fond Parisien to our Children’s Home.

Yesterday was a special day. Mayor Yvrose had 250 pastors come from the rural provinces to pick up food for their areas by truck. They were so thankful! It was a long hot day. Mission accomplished! One picture is of me with the mayor pointing towards white cardboard on the ground. She slept on the cardboard all night to be close to the food.

Today our rice, cooking oil, and condensed milk for the children will go to an area where many have lost their homes and are living under tarps. Also, our meals will be going to other hard-hit areas.

Jesse Ostrander, Hubert, and our Haitian son Carlos did an outstanding job traveling deep into the hard-to-reach places all this week about 4 1/2 hours from us. They were giving out our rice, beans, and cooking oil… All the time sharing the love of Jesus.

Later on today or tomorrow we have an amazing story to share with you from Jeremie of the Lord’s protection and wisdom.

Thank you to everyone who has helped to make all of this possible. We are doing this together!

Love is something you do.

Bobby and Sherry

P.S. We are believing the Lord for 1,000 tents for families who have lost everything. We have one family who will match two tents for every tent you purchase. PTL!

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Word from the Mission Field

God Lifts Up… God Brings Down…

Nothing is in the hands of man. When God wants to lift someone up, promote them, nothing can stop it!

When God wants to bring someone down, no one can stop it!

“For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” Psalm 75:6-7

So next time, when you want that raise, “talk to the Boss!!”

Have a great day,
Sherry Burnette

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Update on Earthquake Disaster Relief

Bobby and Sherry are still in the devastated areas around the western port city of Jeremie, working with local leaders there to distribute massive food aid and other relief goods. They have been trying all morning to get communications back to us and were only just now able to get a broken, staticky message to me by phone. They want everyone to know how much your concern, prayers, and support mean to them and the affected people of Haiti.

They found a place to stay last night after working late into the night distributing food, but it had no hot water, one small bed, and no operating toilet, yet they felt blessed to have a dry place to sleep until this morning.

Today, they have arranged for 250 church pastors from the remote, interior areas of the earthquake, that no one else remembers to come to meet the Love A Child trucks to get rice, beans, cooking oil, baby milk, etc. to take back to their communities. By addressing the huge need in this way, Bobby and Sherry are able to get more aid out to a wider area than they could have done any other way.

Because too many roads are blocked and destroyed and too many bridges are out, they paid for a large commercial boat to take hundreds of pounds of food, etc. to the port of Jeremie where they then had to hire armed guards to protect the food from large gangs of thieves so they could get the food loaded into trucks to take it where it was most needed. They send their thanks for your continued prayers and donations to help Haiti recover from yet another tragedy. They hope to return to the Children’s Home by tomorrow, but there is much work they must do beforehand. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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Word from the Mission Field

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

During a time like this, when so many Haitians have been devastated, now is the time to show the love of God. People are watching you and me, the world is watching us. When we do good unto others that are suffering, it glorifies our father who is in heaven…

Bobby Burnette

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A Double Matching Grant

So many Haitian families have lost their little houses in the earthquake. It has been unbelievable, all the requests that have come in from all over the southern part of Haiti. They are truly desperate, not only for food but for shelter. I know because we have seen this with our own eyes. Once a family is given a tent, they will live in it until they can scrape up enough money to build a small Haitian-style house, which usually takes about a year. We experienced this with many families after the 2010 earthquake. The Lord has laid upon our hearts to help Haitian families by giving tents to those that have lost everything.

Please help… We have good news. One friend/donor family told Sherry and me that they will match two tents with every one tent that is bought. So, if you purchase one tent, we will have three tents! If you purchase five tents, you will produce 15 tents! An average family-style tent on Amazon costs around $180.00. Please note, if you purchase a tent on Amazon, let our office know right away so our donor/friend can match it.

Attention: If you are a missionary living in the rural areas that have been badly hit by the earthquake, and you know of Haitian families who have lost their houses, please contact us. We will help as many as possible. When we bless someone in need, the Lord will bless us.

Love is something you do!

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Florence – “A Gift in Her Hands”

We are so proud of Florence. She and her siblings, Julanne, Julia, and Frantzo were the first group of “four siblings” that we took into our Love A Child Orphanage. Now, Julanne is a Kindergarten teacher at Love A Child, Julia is a lab tech at our Birthing Center, Frantzo is studying Theology, and Florence is in Italy studying Radiology and Physical Therapy. She also is learning Italian while she is there.

Florence has always been sweet, funny, kind, and caring. God “dropped a gift in her hands,” while she was volunteering after the 2010 earthquake… a gift for hands-on therapy. If you have a pain in your body, she can find it, massage it out, and set you free of it! It is a “gift from God!” We love her and miss her! Sherry

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Distributing Food to Desperate People

We have been at the boat dock with Mayor Yvrose here in Jérémie. (You can see her picture with Sherry and me.) It has taken most of the afternoon yesterday… until 3:00 am, then back at the boat dock again, unloading food to the big trucks. These big trucks were rented so we can carry food from the docks.

Our main goal is to reach the “forgotten people” who are “way out in the middle of nowhere,” crying and waiting for help! A lot of this food will travel to those regions… and even further out.

In another area of Haiti, we have Jesse Ostrander working with our Love A Child people to distribute food to “rural areas” in the section of Nippes, Haiti. He is working with a wonderful partner named “Hubert.” This area suffered a “lot” from the earthquake. There are people in this area who are so far back in the mountains that it is difficult to reach them. In fact, when a team went in to rescue these people, a few allowed themselves to be rescued, but the rest would not go with them. We are told that some are “afraid to leave their area,” and others “are waiting for the leaf doctor in their area to come.” We can see that doctors are still needed in these “hard-to-reach” areas and we are thankful for those who have already come.

Jesse and other missionaries in rural areas have been telling us how houses everywhere have collapsed. Jesse Ostrander said it’s unbelievable how desperate people are for shelter who have lost everything.

This evening at 8:00 pm, I will put up a special post about the tents and how the Lord is moving. Every tent counts!

It is best to partner with other missionaries and outsiders when a tragedy happens, because one person, one organization, cannot do it all! We desperately need “one another.” Nothing can be done without the help of friends like you, who are reading this post right now. Thank you so much, friends and partners, who give “from the widow’s mite” to larger gifts! On behalf of the poor in Haiti who are suffering, thank you!!! Bobby and Sherry

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Disaster Relief

It is hard for us to comprehend the suffering, despair, and total desperation of those who have been through this earthquake in the southern part of Haiti.

We are here in Jeremie, one of the areas affected by the earthquake. Yesterday, the workers began unloading the boat of rice (6,000 sacks), cooking oil, beans, and milk for babies — tons of food. The people, along with Mayor Yvrose, worked into the night until 3:00 am. They are back out there, still unloading.

Today, we will start giving food to the hardest-hit provinces.

Jesse Ostrander and our other crew are in Nippes, Haiti, in hard-to-reach areas that no one has gone.

Jesse said, “too many people, not enough food,” even though we had sent tons of food. That is how this earthquake has affected them.

Having been through the 2010 earthquake you could describe the word as a feeling of “hopelessness.”  Today, the food that you have sent, your love, and your sacrifices will go a long way to let them know that someone loved them. Thank you so much for your giving hearts. The work is not finished yet, we have more to do. Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“What’s Love Got to Do With It?” Tina Turner sang that song and made a hit record. Yet, she never understood that love, the “real love,” or the lack of love, has everything to do with everything that affects the whole world. In fact, you can sum up the crime problem by saying, “it starts with a lack of love.”

There are four kinds of love in the Bible… Philia is the kind of love that has to do with friendship. David and Jonathan, in the Bible, “loved each other.” They were best friends and would have done anything for one another.

Storge is the “family kind of love.” It is the love that a brother has for a brother…” or a child for his mother and father.

Eros is the love between a man and a woman. When Jacob first saw Rachel coming towards him, she got down off her camel, and did obedience to him, bowing before him, because she had just learned that Jacob was the land-owner and son of Abraham. Jacob, on the other hand, was “love-struck,” when he first saw Rachel! The Bible says, “And Jacob kissed Rachel; and lifted up his voice and wept.” Genesis 29:11

Then, there is the “Agape love,” the purest of all love. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His “only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Agape love is the love that “sacrifices.” Agape love would make someone “take your place,” if a man held a gun to your head. Agape love “goes beyond” anything that anyone asks of him or her.  Agape love says, “it’s not a sacrifice, it’s a joy!” Agape love says, “I would give all to help my neighbor, that I don’t even know.” Agape love says, “I will wash the filthy, dirty sores on that man’s feet, and I will do it with great love.” Agape love says, “I don’t mind walking through a garbage dump to feed a hungry child. Who cares if my clothes get dirty?” Agape love says, “I used to be a prostitute. But Jesus loved me when no one else did and he forgave all my sins… so I will wash His feet with my tears.”

Agape love “wants to do it in secret,” so that no one will get the Glory but Jesus. Agape love is the “widow that gave her last mites,” that she thought “no one saw.”

Have a great and beautiful day, because “God really, really, loves you with Agape love!” Sherry

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Nelson… “Out of the Pigpen and into the Palace…”

What a great kid he has turned out to be!!! When I think about the first time we saw Nelson, it still brings tears to my eyes… His Voodoo parents were so mean to him… setting him on the ground in the hot sun, with no water, and this poor child was not able to walk. All he could do was “sit on his knees in the sun,” until someone came and picked him up. We took him to our orphanage, knowing that he could not walk! We finally got him a little tricycle that he could hold on to, and this allowed him to start to walk! Soon he was running! Then he started talking!

He could not believe the difference between our orphanage and where he came from. He thought he was living in a palace or mansion! He had a clean bed, and clean clothes and plenty to eat.. and lots of brothers and sisters!!!

He is now in school and doing great! He is so sweet and so smart! Anyone would be proud to claim him! He is a “road runner” when playing soccer!!! We love this kid!!! God has brought him out of the pigpen and put him in the “palace!” (At least, our clean home is a palace to him!) Oh yes, we love Nelson!!! Sherry

PS: Notice he has his Bible… he was on the way to Church!

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