We are changing planes in Miami heading to Charlotte, S. C., then changing planes this evening for Raleigh N.C. On Monday, we return to Haiti. By Wednesday, Sherry, Jesse, and I will be at the earthquake epicenter putting up 1,200 tents. Actually, by Monday, the tents start going up for the poor families and children....
If we covered her and couldn't see anything except her eyes, we would know her automatically! This is funny, sweet, and mischievous Mikalange, who is a twin to Mika. These two were born in the mountains of Covant, one of the highest mountains we have ever worked in! Her mother, Madamn Mercilia, died soon after delivering the twins, as...
Greetings from our Birthing Center and from four new little citizens of Haiti! Our Birthing Center saves lives every day... instead of mothers dying during childbirth in unsanitary conditions, they have their babies in a beautiful Birthing Center that "never closes!" 24/7 our Midwives and Doctors are on call. Every mother gets special attention, medical...
We love our Malnutrition Clinic... Sometimes we shed tears at the children who are brought here... and sometimes, it is tears of joy. Sanon Wadly was brought to our Malnutrition Clinic by his aunt. Little Sanon had been living with his aunt for several years because his mother had mental problems and his father had...
Read: Proverbs 11:13 I love Haitian proverbs. They come from the old-timers who had a lot of wisdom. They say, "Little by little, the bird builds a nest," and "A little dog is really brave in front of his master's house." One proverb says, "Dirty clothes are washed in the family." That means you don't need...
Jameson and Jonas are two of my favorite boys! They are always happy, sweet, smiling, and funny! Jameson came to us because he had such a horrible skin condition that was inherited from his mother. Oftentimes his mouth and other parts of his body will be broken out attacking certain areas of his body. Then...
Stories depicting the desperate circumstances of the marginalized in Haiti are brought to Bobby and Sherry’s attention in this week’s program, “The Widow’s Mite.” A 14-year-old boy, tired of watching his sister sleep in the elements, puts his young body to the task of building her a mud hut. Your heart will be touched as...
Jasson (Jackson) is the little boy with kidney problems. As you may recall, the specialist said that it will be difficult to get a kidney transplant for Jasson, because it is difficult to find a donor and kidneys go to Dominicans first. The second option for Jasson is a special machine that does dialysis on children. The doctor told us...
Not in "That" Dirty River!" Well, you asked for it... But, "how bad do you want it?" The story begins in II Kings 5. "Now Na-a-man, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honorable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria: he...
Moses... We cannot believe he is in the 8th grade this year. It seems like yesterday, the children's hospital was calling us to "come and handpick up a baby who had been dropped into an outhouse!" Apparently, his mother might have had too many children and didn't want another one. Instead of taking him to...