"A Repenting Heart..." In Luke 15:10, Jesus was teaching on something very important... "a repenting heart." He said, "There is joy in the presence of the Angels of God, over one sinner that repenteth." Then, he went on to tell the story of what we call "The Prodigal Son." When we say this, instantly, people...
We used to call him "Little Carlos," but we can't call him that anymore! Carlos has grown up to be a pleasant, hardworking, respectful young man. The first time we saw Carlos and his mother was when we were in our first old "rented" orphanage. We were so poor and could hardly afford anything! Carlos’ mother, Jan,...
Today, we began distributing food in many villages. We started today with Miracle Village. This is the village that we built for the families who lost their homes in the 2010 earthquake. We built these houses with wood because everyone was afraid of cement blocks falling on them! We always teach the families to "keep...
Today, at 4:00 p.m., we will have the dedication for the new Jesus Healing Center Staff dorm/housing! Then everyone will move in! PTL! Mission accomplished! I'm sorry. I know several of you always like to come through the years to Haiti when we dedicate a building and visit. This time because of the dangers on...
This week Love A Child TV takes you through despondent villages in Haiti to witness the hopeless realities of restavek slave children in “One Child at a Time.” Your heart will break when you see children separated from their families because their parents can no longer support them. Children who have escaped violent, gang-held areas...
“Take The Limits Off God!” I could read the stories of Elisha and Elijah over and over again! Just to think that we are serving the same God makes me so excited! In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we see the “widow woman,” who could not pay her debt. How many of us have been in that...
This is Daniel, the twin of Daniella. He and his sister had another sibling born at the same time, but their mother died along with the baby. It was during the time when Haiti was again facing political problems, and men with guns were in the streets. When their mother went to the General Hospital, the men...
Today, was an exciting day as we began to load medical supplies and medicines to share. We received “many” pallets of medicines from MAP International and pallets of medical supplies from World Vision. It takes both medicines and medical supplies both to help the poor with good care. Our favorite friend, Pastor Claude, showed up...
Rad told me this morning that 1,200 plus tents were delivered to our Love A Child warehouse yesterday in Fort Myers from Bass Pro Shops, where they were manufactured in the state of Washington. Several hundred more are on their way! Plus 2,500 tarps are coming! Friday morning, hopefully, the office will be loading a...
Wilner the head of our LAC Agricultural Training Center, emailed me. I was so happy to see they started this chicken project on their own. Every Haitian should have some chickens for eggs and meat in their back yard if possible. Wilner is learning how to write in English... Dear my Big Boss. How was...