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More Beans!

This morning we unloaded another load of beans. The Haitians love their beans and rice. This is their staple diet. (Most cannot afford them.) One time we brought our Haitian Director Nelio to Florida on his first trip to America.

We took him out, buying him steak, chicken, seafood. Then, on the third day, he asked us could he just have his beans and rice every day! He said, “I’m dying without my beans and rice!” So every day, he had his beans and rice.

We bought the beans, including the shipping from America, for $15,000. Beans here are way too expensive to buy here in Haiti, and they are hard to find. Please pray about helping in the future with some beans.

Thank you for all your help.
Missionary Bobby Burnette

P.S. PTL for the money to buy the semi. We are rolling!


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Bryon Ray Gets the Job Done!

We love and appreciate Bryon Ray. He comes here and stays 30 days at a time. He is from the Mission Church in Palm Bay, Florida. Mark Ostrander is his pastor. He helps and supervises all the construction. He is a hard endless worker. He gets the job done! He loves all the children here.

Thank you, Bryon… we love you!
Bobby and Sherry Burnette


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Word from the Mission Field

He’s an “On-Time God!”

We serve an “On-Time-God!” No matter if He’s “three days late,” He’s always on time! Don’t ever think, “He’s asleep in the boat,” because He knows exactly what is going on 24 hours a day! He’s got the storm “under control!” He never sleeps! And even if we run out of food, He never does! He fed 5,000 men, plus women and children on top of a mountain, near a desert, with nothing but five loaves and two fishes!! He knows when you are facing the “lion, the bear, and the giant!” He may not have an AK-47 ready for you, but He will make sure you have a sling and a couple of stones, and “He never misses!” That’s our God!!!

“Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.” – Psalm 139:7 – 10

He’s always on-time, never late, and already has a plan worked out for you because He loves you! Have a great day, and put that problem under your feet!



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Lomene Goes to Cooking School

As you may know, we found Lomene, (a restavek slave child) when she was cooking and caring for two families at a time. At that time, she was about seven. Her mother had died and she had been sent to care for two families. We brought her into our Love A Child Orphanage. We put her in school and she has tried hard… but her dream in life has been to be a “Chief Cook!”

“Nini” has been cooking for us and for all our visitors for over 30 years. We had hired Nini to wash clothes by hand because years ago, we had no electricity. She was washing our clothes by hand but we never knew she was a “good cook.” Nini is such a part of our life, and our family, and loves to cook! We had been letting Lomene “learn under Nini,” but it is going downhill. Bobby told Nini, “Just start her with eggs!” (Bobby likes his eggs over, medium, but not “flat on the floor!”) This morning, we had visitors, and everyone had “scrambled eggs.” Bobby decided to put Lomene to the test to see if she could cook some good eggs, that look like eggs when she is finished! Bobby was so upset. He said he’d never seen anyone who can cook an egg over, which turned out to look as flat as a razor blade!

Lomene is now graduating from Philo, the last year of high school. God bless her! Lomene tries so hard to cook, but she is getting worse every day! She just got through showing me the “Cooking School” she wants to attend! We will see… Bobby said she has to pass “eggs over” first! We will keep you updated on Lomene’s dream of being a cook! She may surprise us all!


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Seeing Children Eat Big Plates of Food is Worth it All!

A few days ago, we distributed food to many organizations. There were over 100 on our list to receive food, but about seven of the organizations have yet to come due to dangerous conditions in Haiti. Haiti is in a time of violence, gangs, and hunger. Therefore, it is difficult for all missionaries to “get around in Haiti.” This is what happened to one of the organizations we share food with, “Loaves and Fishes” We just received this note from them. It explains the problems that missionaries in Haiti must go through to feed their children.


The 14+ hour roundtrip for our driver to pick up the food from Love A Child was very “brutal” this time. He faced a lot of dangers on the roads from and back home to Gonaives, multiple blown tires, and dangers with getting gas. We were scared for him and honestly, scared for our school’s food supply! By the grace of God, he made it safely.

Seeing these children getting a hot meal when school is on break, something that most do not receive when school is out, makes us extremely grateful for the protection God continues to give our driver and the blessings God grants Feed My Starving Children and Love A Child! “Thank you” will never be enough!

We are a small non-profit and do not have funds for a feeding program so this is truly a miraculous gift!!!!

Sharing His Love,

The Lewis & Leslie Families

Haiti Loaves & Fishes

Just look at these children and see their faces as they eat the food that came from Feed My Starving Children that our partners, like you, sponsor to bring this food to Haiti.  We are all missionaries struggling to feed Haiti’s children. But seeing children eat big plates of food is worth it all!!

Bobby and Sherry

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Jesse Ostrander is Back!

We welcome Jesse Ostrander today to Haiti. Jesse has been here probably 85 or more times. He will be here for 30 days this time, doing more work on the medical staff dorm and overseeing more projects. Jesse is a hard worker and a hero of the faith. He loves the Haitian people.

He really helps to take a load off of Sherry and me. We love you, Jesse, and your precious family.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.” Lamentations 3:22-24

Forget about how you may have messed up yesterday. God’s mercies are new every morning. You can get out of bed today with a new, fresh and clean slate. Just say “thank you Jesus” and go out and have the best day ever! We love you. Have a blessed day.

Bobby and Sherry

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Mikael… He Always Has a Smile on His Face

Mikael loves soccer and basketball! He has a wonderful voice, and he sings in our Children’s Service at night and plays the drums! His goal is to be an engineer. He has a brother in the mountains but his parents both died. Mikael is intelligent and very obedient!! He is a hard worker!!! I see him working at 4:30 every morning, sweeping, collecting the trash, watering the plants, and much more. He always has a smile on his face! He is just such a good kid! I hardly ever know he is around (and that’s saying a lot when you have 85 kids, all ages)! I can only say that if his parents were alive, they would be proud of him. We love Mikael so much!!!


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Internet Issues

Sorry, but we have been having internet problems all day. Be sure to check back later, Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Pride and Humility…” You can spot a “proud spirit” in a person a mile away.  “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18

The ancient city of Tyre was one of the most wealthy in the world in Bible days, but the heart of the King was lifted up and haughty, like Satan himself. In Ezekiel 26, God tells that He would destroy Tyre and make her “like the top of a rock.” “It shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea.” God prophesied that this city would be “underwater.” Later, the King of Babylon came to destroy it and 250 years later, Alexander the Great did the same. God hates a “proud spirit, but blesses the humble.” James 4:10

“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up.” Have a great day in the Lord!


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