Elalie Saint-Drin is 22 years old. She is from an area called "Bwademye," not far from Love A Child. She was still in school when she found out she was pregnant. She knew she could not continue to go to school and take care of a baby because she was already struggling to survive. Elalie's...
Join us in the desolate, mountain villages of Haiti, where you will see a poor grandmother who has had to bury her own daughter, a pain no parent wants to endure; despite her declining health and circumstances she now has five grandchildren to care for. Witness another mother’s heartbreak when her husband’s health is taken...
"Wisdom is Better Than Weapons of War..." (Part Two) Tuesday morning, we told the story in 1st Samuel 25 about David and his men in times of battle. King Saul had been chasing them, probably for several years. David and his men were renegades, hiding in caves in the hills and trying to stay out...
Today, Jesse Ostrander, who was with Jasson, called us from the Dominican Republic. It was in regard to the Dominican Doctor who had seen Jasson and was trying to determine if he should have a Kidney Transplant or if there were other options. Jesse, who was with the Dominican Doctor from the Dominican Republic, was...
A few days ago, Philemond, our main driver and faithful worker for many, many years, drove to the Dominican Republic with Joker, our mechanic, Dieuferly, who had the club-foot operation, and Jasson, who has kidney disease, Jasson is about 11. Jesse Ostrander, missionary and construction worker, flew from the states to the Dominican Republic, to...
YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD OR HAVE FOUGHT TOO MANY BATTLES NOT TO SAY, “LORD GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN!” I love the story of Caleb… “As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for...
Just look at this little beauty! Little Daphline was born in the mountains of Savaan Roche, Haiti, some of the highest mountains we have worked in! Her mother died shortly after she was born and her father gave Daphline to her mother's sister, (her aunt), whose husband had just been murdered! She already had nine...
Today we received reports from Mayor Yvrose in Jérémie, Haiti, telling us where all the rice, cooking oil, and condensed milk were distributed. Sherry and I were there with her in the beginning, and then after a few days, we left and she continued on. We were amazed at all the places, especially the forgotten...
Due to Sherry's dental emergency, Sherry and I could not fly into the Dominican Republic as planned. We had wanted to be with Dieuferly at his doctor's appointment today and to take little Jackson to the doctor/hospital appointment he has tomorrow concerning a possible future kidney transplant. Jesse Ostrander is flying in today, taking our...
"Wisdom is better than weapons of war..." (Part One) It's easy to go to war, especially when you have been fighting all your life. But the Bible teaches us that there is one thing better than war… it is called, "WISDOM." Ecclesiastes 9:18 says, "Wisdom is better than weapons of war…" It's easy to get mad and lose...