Pastor Mark Ostrander and our Haitian workers (dream team) are still working this week in Miracle Village, building three more houses for three Haitian families. They are making good progress! When they are finished, we will buy furniture to put in each home. We built Miracle Village after the massive 2010 earthquake for those who...
I was told by my close friend, Lori, that when we started a Malnutrition Center that it would fill up quickly. We decided to start with a small number of in-house patients because when you have more sick babies, you have to add a bigger staff. We have certain guidelines to follow that tell us...
"Out of the mouth of the lion…" Someone once asked, "Were there lions in Bible days?" Yes! Of course!!! There are scriptures and stories, but the best one that we all know is Daniel "in" the den of lions! This, of course, is hard for non-believers to think about how a man could survive "being thrown into a den of...
About 15 years ago, Bobby and I got a phone call from our Haitian Director, Nelio Barthelemy. He said that we would need to take in another baby. Most of our children have come to us due to the fact that their mothers died during childbirth or immediately after. So I asked him, “Where is...
We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander back again to Haiti. He will be working with our Haitian construction workers (the dream team) remodeling the old Jesus Healing Center for our Love A Child offices. He is also overseeing the building of the new medical staff housing dorm. A lot of good things are happening. I’m so...
“If God be for us, who shall be against us?” We are facing many things today that we have never faced before. Some people are discouraged, some are angry, and some feel like “giving up!” Do not despair. This is all part of God’s plan. He knows the beginning and the end. You may feel...
Colin was born into a family who centered their lives around Voodoo. Colin’s father was deeply involved in Voodoo. He was a hateful man. When Colin was very small his stepmother cooked big pots of rice for the family. When each child had a little, Colin would go back for the “rice scrapings.” His father...
"Every Praise." I have always had a hard time getting our Love A Child kids (especially the older boys) up and out of bed in the morning, especially Jonathan and David (twins). I have tried everything in the book, believe me! That is when I decided to give "Kamy" (one of our workers, who is...
All I Want for Christmas is... We just wanted to bring everyone up to date on "Little Samuel." (We call him Little Samuel because we have "two Samuels" at our Love A Child Children's Home.) This Little Samuel is four and "smart as a whip!" He is in Pre-school but makes very good grades. He...
It was not long ago that we were filming a Love A Child program in the village of Chambrun… Chambrun is a village of 90% Voodoo. I know that there have been people who say "this isn't so," but it is. From the moment you walk into the village, you see all kinds of "voodoo"...