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Nakou…there is really no translation for this word. It’s just the name of one of the villages we started working in, years ago. We had several Mobile Clinics in this village. The village of Nakou is a “rough” village to work in. Of course, many poor mothers struggle each day[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Thy will or my will?” Jesus prayed the most magnificent prayer in Matthew 6:10. It is called, “The Lord’s Prayer,” because He was not only teaching His disciples how to pray, but the “multitudes” and us. In this day and time that we are living in, many people, especially Christians,[…]

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God Still Has Big Plans For Mackenson

It’s hard to believe that this “nice-looking young teenager,” Mackenson, is now 13! How time flies! It was “just yesterday” that he was brought to our Mobile Clinic in Covant, far in the mountains of Haiti. His father had carried him a long way, and I knew as soon as[…]

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Food on the Border

This area is called Fond Bayard. It is a village right on the “Haiti” side of the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The people in this large village were deported from the Dominican Republic. They are “half Haitian and half Dominican.” They are very sweet people. We have[…]

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Our Jesus Healing Center Staff Are Like the Good Samaritan

Our Jesus Healing Center is a model of the “Good Samaritan.” This poor man is Mr. Elysee Jean. He is 36 years old. He is from Port-au-Prince (several hours away from us, in traffic). Elysee has one child and lives with his mother. He came with a horrible infection on[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Fishers of Men…” “And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17) “… he that winneth souls is wise.” (Proverbs 11:31) When I was a boy, I fished every day after school. In my last year of high school, my English teacher would come[…]

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“An Old Man in the Body of a Child”

We were working so hard in a Mobile Medical Clinic when a poor mountain man appeared with his son, “Wilner.” I sat down with Wilner on my lap… he had no hair, a huge bloated belly, and swollen feet. I thought he was about 7 years old, but his father[…]

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Village After Village…

“Village after village…” This is one of the villages where we distributed food yesterday…there will be more areas this week. This village is called “Nacou.” We received some containers of Feed My Starving Children food, sponsored by our friends and partners, with small and large gifts. This food distribution began[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“If God be for us, who shall be against us?” We are facing many things today that we have never faced before. Some people are discouraged, some are angry, and some feel like “giving up!” Do not despair. This is all part of God’s plan. He knows the beginning and[…]

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A Future Doctor for the Jesus Healing Center

We have several of our Love A Child children in universities studying medicine. One of them is Roselyne. We found her during a Mobile Medical Clinic. Her legs were congenitally twisted, and she suffered from malnutrition. We brought her to our orphanage and cared for her. In several years’ time,[…]

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