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A Lot of Potatoes Make up the Load!

“Anpil patat fe chay.” It is a Haitian Creole proverb that means, “a lot of sweet potatoes make up the load.” That’s so true… when all of us put in our “little bit,” it becomes a lot, and the Lord multiplies it, just like the little boy’s fishes and loaves![…]

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Hats and Dresses for Little Ones

“Our Dorcas Friends.” Everyone can help the poor, whether you give, go pray, or make clothing so that we can send it to Haiti! God has blessed us with the most wonderful, caring people in the world! Each month, we receive handmade dresses, shorts for boys, or baby hats, etc.,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

This is an important message for someone reading this right now, who is in an “impossible situation.” After the ten plagues that the Lord put upon Pharaoh, of Egypt, the last one, killing his son, Pharaoh decides reluctantly to let the Israelites go! – Exodus 14 As they head to[…]

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“Will the Real ‘Bobby Burnette’ Please Stand Up?”

It was about fifteen years ago that a poor mountain man died right before his wife gave birth to a baby boy. He had other children, and his wife had been in poor health. When she gave birth, she died soon after — apparently because of “the childbirth fever,” the[…]

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Mom, Dad, Help!! We’re Out of Underwear!

We made a quick trip to the states to see some family, and got a text from our older kids… “Mom, Dad, help!! We’re out of underwear!!” A trip to Walmart! With 85 kids, 2/3 are boys, but, girls need twice as much “underwear as boys!!” It took a whole[…]

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So Much for Social Distancing Here in Haiti

These are some shots “outside our gate” at our old Jesus Healing Center clinic here at Love A Child! So much for “social distancing” outside! The crowds of sick people with their children are afraid they won’t get a chance to see a doctor. So, they push and press to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 Bless the fatherless and a widow this week. Sherry and I have been talking. We are no longer going to call our home, an[…]

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Fabiola is not Your Normal Teenaged Girl

Normally, it might be hard to find a sweet young girl “smiling and laughing,” as she is doing chores in the States! Fabiola helps cook, wash clothes by hand, iron, help with the little ones, and much more! (Cooking and helping with the two of the toddlers is her favorite.)[…]

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Delicious Food!

Wow! These girls can cook!! We just got a new stove for the downstairs kitchen and these girls “have been going to town!” Just look at all these wonderful dishes they cooked up! On Christmas and New Year’s day they always cook “special food” for the kids!! They know how[…]

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New Year’s Day in Haiti

New Year’s Day is the biggest holiday for Haitians! They make a special soup from a certain pumpkin called “soup joumou!” If you don’t have this soup on the first day of the year, it is almost a disaster! They “have to have this soup” on January 1st. Many Haitians[…]

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