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Word from the Mission Field

God loves a sad giver… No, the Bible says “God loves a cheerful giver” II Corinthians 9:7 “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be[…]

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Puny Peanut All Grown Up!

Pistache….it means “peanut” in Creole. When we have two children with the same name, we usually give one a nickname…so we called Wilner “Pistache.” Years ago, when we were doing a Mobile Medical Clinic, a father brought his son to me… I sat the little boy on my lap and[…]

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How would you like to keep 85 kids “busy” at the same time? Ha! It’s quite a job! This particular day, was “scrubbing the floors” day! The kids took the “water hose” and began scrubbing the floor in the cafeteria and all the hallways at the Love A Child Children’s[…]

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Paving the Way to More Prayers!

We praise the Lord for a partner who wanted us to have a construction company to put in pavers through all the medical buildings. It’s an answer to prayer because so much dust has been blowing on the pregnant mothers and those coming for the clinic. We are so happy[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The God of the Second Chance.” “Howbeit the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaven.” Judges 16:22 Samson was a great man of God. There is no bodybuilder or man alive who could have done what he did. He killed a lion with his bare hands,[…]

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Tough Love for Sarah!

Sarah is one of our sweetest older girls here at Love A Child. Sarah and her brother, Joseph, were brought to us by a pastor when their mother died. Both Sarah and her brother had kwashiorkor malnutrition. With lots of love, good medical care, and patience they both grew and[…]

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Update on Baby Garvens

You may remember the very sick baby, Garvens Michel who was brought to our clinic by his young mother Lolita Michel. The baby was about six months old according to his mother. Garvens was malnourished and extremely dehydrated. Our doctors put him on IVs and then transferred him to a[…]

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Special Program Begins Tonight!

Tonight and all of this week, we are airing a very special program. We heard about the severe drought that is sweeping through Haiti, and we stepped up to help these poor desperate families. Their animals are dying, their crops have died, and they are starving to death. We will[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

 “…and this is but a light thing in the eyes of the Lord…”  2 Kings 3:18 So, you think your problem is too big for our “big God”? You don’t know any way out? Maybe you think that God cannot do what He says He will do… This message is[…]

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Blankies for Mommies!

Blankets given to the poor here in Haiti are like gold! Many of the families we work with in feeding programs or those who come to our Jesus Healing Center or Birthing Center live far away, high up in the mountains. Although it is hot here in Haiti, up in[…]

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