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Dimelia Has Been Accepted to a Medical University in Italy!

Dimelia is such a joy! Her father brought her to us when she was about three. She had been badly burned when she was younger, so when her father brought her to us, she was severely scarred. She was a sad little girl. She could not lift her arms (due to scar tissue) or turn her neck. We sent her to Shriners Hospitals for Children in Boston many times, where she had “several grafts,” and suffered a lot.  While traveling back and forth, she missed a lot of school in Haiti, but she studied in the U.S. She speaks perfect English and graduated from an English speaking high school, in Haiti, with honors. But her French was not good enough for[…]

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Feeding More Children! Grateful for Our Sponsors!

Children are the reason we moved to Haiti! They have stolen our hearts! Special thanks to Pastor Britt, for sponsoring the “Feeding Center,” for the children in the village of Old Letant. This is where they cook and prepare all the food for the children! Most poor children in Haiti[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Wait Upon the Lord…” Have you ever tried to “hurry God up” or “help God out?” The hardest thing to do sometimes is to “wait upon the Lord.” His timing is not “our timing,” but He is always “on time.“ In I Samuel 10:8, Saul had just been anointed King of Israel by the Prophet Samuel…Samuel had poured oil on Saul‘s head and then told Saul where to find his lost mules that he had been looking for. Then Samuel said, “And thou shalt go down before me in Gilgal; and, behold I[…]

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Cute Little Pistol

We call him Ti Samuel (Little Samuel) because we have an older “Samuel” here at our Love A Child Children’s Home. What can I say about this little pistol? He is cute as a button and is missing some teeth. The Department of Social Services brought us a child, and one[…]

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God Has Big Plans!

We had a great board meeting and discussed our plans for the future. Bobby and Pastor Mark gave wonderful updates on the progress of our new Jesus Healing Center, our Malnutrition Center, and other projects. The Malnutrition Center building is being sponsored by Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope,[…]

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A Story of Heartbreak and Hope Begins Tonight!

Join us this week as we follow Madamn Vela and her poor family on their journey from earthly destitution to Heavenly destiny on our latest show, “Mercy for Madamn Vela.” You will witness the utter poverty and misery this poor family had endured their entire lives; how each life event[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The God of My Mercy” For many years, David was chased and hounded by King Saul, his “number one enemy.” Although David had done nothing wrong, he was hated by King Saul simply because of jealousy. Twice, while King Saul was hunting David, Saul fell asleep in two different caves[…]

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A Special Young Lady

Her full name is Yolanda Estima Burnette. Her mother’s name was Marie Elmise Hermulus. She was born in the mountains of Covant, where our highest mountain project is located. As with many of our Love A Child kids, her mother died shortly after she was born. Her father was left[…]

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PTL! Casimi Had a Succesful Trip!

Good news! We just spoke with Nelio, our Haitian director, and just as we were talking with him, he found out that Casimi had made it to Love A Child with the container of rice! Praise the Lord; the angels worked overtime!  Thank you for your prayers. Casimi is one of the best “container truck drivers” there is in Haiti! Next week, we have two containers of Feed My Starving Children rice coming in! Ain’t God good?! Bobby and Sherry    

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Latest Update from Haiti

Please pray again today that Casimi, our container truck driver, will be able to pick up the 1500 bags of premium rice from the port in Port-au-Prince. As you know, yesterday there was too much trouble on the streets. May the angels of the Lord be with Casimi as he travels to the port. It’s extremely hazardous. Today Jesse Ostrander is working on the Jesus Healing Center and also building a house for a poor Haitian family in Miracle Village. We are very thankful for[…]

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