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Word from the Mission Field

No evil or plague shall come nigh thee… “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalm 91:10 & 11 Yesterday, if you saw our post, we went[…]

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Another Class of ATC Graduates!

This afternoon was the culmination of our latest three-week course on Sustainable Agriculture in Haiti at the Agriculture Training Center (ATC). The students have studied and worked very hard these past three weeks to gain new life-giving skills for having productive gardens even in the harsh conditions in Haiti. Now, these guys[…]

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Jovanie’s Headed Back to Midwifery School

Jovanie is getting ready to go back to her “midwife” college in Hinche, Haiti. She was in need of a “female skeleton for anatomy” for her midwife classes, and our Love A Child office sent her a wonderful gift… and now she’s holding it! She had already finished nursing college, but[…]

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Finally Made it Back to Truttier to Feed the Poor!

This morning, we got up at 3:00 a.m. to prepare to go to Truttier, the garbage dump, near Cité Soleil. This is a “very, very dangerous area of Haiti, inhabited by many gangs, with large guns.” We had been unable to do a distribution here due to the violence. When[…]

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Miracle for Jackson!

We just got a miracle for Jackson last night! We received word that MAP International had arranged a donation of Jackson’s desperately needed medicine for his kidney problems. What a miracle! We have received a lot of wonderful donations of medicines from MAP International for years and it has always[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

What Time I am Afraid… All of us have been in a position of “being afraid.” There have been times that we have broken down in the middle of “nowhere” here in Haiti and “scary-looking people have shown up there, “in the middle of nowhere!” The only way to defeat[…]

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Urgent Request for Jackson!

Urgent request! We rescued Jackson from the mountains of Savaan Pit during a Mobile Clinic a little over two years ago. His stomach was horribly swollen and we had a hard time getting him healthy. He still has kidney problems and is on this special medication, Tacrolimus (pictured). For a[…]

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Urgent Request for Prayer!

Yesterday, we sent some of our workers into a very dangerous area of Haiti to “spy out the land.” This one area is probably the saddest area we have ever seen, and it is almost impossible to go there and not cry. The children, men and women, and even some of the “street guys” were all begging for food. One little girl started crying, telling our worker how she dreamed of “leaving Haiti, getting a job, and feeding her mother, father, and family!” Another elderly woman began to cry as she told us how hard it was to find food each day for herself, for[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

We are on the winning side! Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me? We are in a battle of spiritual and natural warfare. But, we are on the winning side!! I remember years ago when I took our son Jonathan to a[…]

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Show Me Those Muscles!

In January of 2018, a little toddler was abandoned in the mud near our gate. He had some of his teeth “knocked out,” and had been burned, bitten, and starved. We took him to our Jesus Healing Center, and he was terrified. He had been abused horribly and had malnutrition. But when a child feels love, he or she heals so[…]

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