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Word from the Mission Field

“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19 — I met Bobby in an old-fashioned tent revival in Orlando, Florida. I was 17 and he was 18. After the service that night, Bobby shook hands with my mother and me. He told[…]

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Our Stephano…

Stephano has been in bed sick with a very high fever for over a week. Because of the swelling of his jaws and his high fever, the doctor thought he had the mumps. I was afraid he had drunk some bad water. He is so sick, with swollen glands and[…]

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Pastor Mark is our hero!

Here is Pastor Mark Ostrander this morning with his dream Haitian construction team. Pastor leaves this afternoon for the Dominican Republic and then into Florida tomorrow. Mark is on our board of directors and has traveled here around 600 times!!!! He is a genius in construction. Works very hard! They[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

This was one of my mother’s favorite scriptures that I would hear her talking about on the phone. She always had a scripture ready for anything and everything. This one is saying that “if you cannot stand when things are not too bad, then you won’t be able to stand[…]

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Blessings Today at “Gwo Maché Mirak”

We built Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market) here in the community to bless the whole area as a sustainability project to create jobs. We are helping Haitians to help themselves. Thank you, Pastor Jentezen and your Kingdom Connection partners, for helping sponsor the market by giving $1,000,000. Since then,[…]

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Happening Today in Haiti:

This afternoon, we will be in another area distributing 300,000 life-saving meals. Be looking for the pictures and report this evening! Many people think Love A Child has left Haiti due to the gangs, dangers, kidnapping, and so much more. No, we are here open for business for the Lord![…]

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“Open Wide Thine Hand”

“If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the Lord thy God given thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother: But thou shalt ‘open wide thine hand’ unto[…]

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Delivering Food to the Hungry in the Middle of Nowhere

This morning, we traveled to a very remote area of the mountains of Haiti called “Bwa Pen Chal.” It was named after a Haitian man who discovered the remote village. We wanted to take food to these parents and feed their children, but the mountain road had washed away! However,[…]

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Our Smiling Preschooler!

Just look at this kid! Look at her smile! Have you ever seen so many teeth on a preschooler!? Ha! Zoey is in preschool, and so much bigger and smarter than her age! She learns fast! Zoey makes good grades and is “way ahead” for her age. She loves to do[…]

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This morning, very early, we left for an undisclosed location (for security reasons) to a very difficult area to travel to. We’ll be giving out 43,200 Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals, plus we will be cooking hot, delicious meals for the children on site. These children have not had[…]

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