"God's Little Angels..." Just look at our little visitors!!! Look at these sweeties who have "come to join" us this past week! Each morning, mothers come to our Birthing Center. Before they are allowed to see the doctor, they must attend our "Mothers Training Classes." These classes teach mothers how to take care of their...
“Who Is Your Real Enemy?” I am sure you have had this happen in your life a time or two. You are finally able to talk to a “real person” on the phone about your problem, but they couldn’t care less. Instead of helping you, they are aggravating you. You are just “a problem to...
Jolina! What can I say? She’s such a sweet, ladylike girl, but on the soccer field, she’s a terror!!! She can play basketball, play soccer, and jump rope! What a combination for a 12-year-old girl! She loves helping the mothers at our Love A Child Children’s Home! She is a hard worker! She is in...
We wish to thank Lori at Real Hope for Haiti for all of the advice, time, and patience she had to give to us today. Philemond drove Nixon, Dr Barthelemy, and myself to Real Hope for Haiti outreach in Cazelle. I hadn’t been there for a while and had forgotten what a rough ride it...
Correction, I just spoke to Sherry on the phone. She saw the post I put up, and she told me it wasn't 100-miles to get there, but maybe 60 miles or so... She said they are still traveling now on a long unpaved bumpy, bumpy road. She said, well, it feels like a long way!...
Sherry, Mr. Nixon (the Administrator of the Jesus Healing Center/ Birthing Center), and Dr. Barthelemy all left this morning on a 100-mile ride to visit Lori at Real Hope for Haiti. Lori is the head and founder of three malnutrition centers in her area of the country. Sherry has known Lori for several years and...
It is probably the "most preached about" story in the Bible...David and Goliath. David was the shepherd boy, tending his father's sheep, while his big brothers were warriors, constantly at war with the Philistines. However, when Goliath, the "Philistine Champion," came out to meet the Israeli soldiers, he was a terrifying giant! He was over 9...
Meet "Jepth-te and Peterson…" Jepth-te is 10 years old and his brother, Peterson, is 8 years old. These boys are so precious and so obedient. They are brothers. How they came to us is a strange, "Haitian story…" A few weeks ago, our pastor, "Ludis," called me to meet him in our Mobile Medical Clinic...
Moving more furnishings into the Malnutrition Center! We still have one more container coming from America then we will be ready to open! The rocking chairs for the babies are on the front porch. Mothers and their small babies will be saved. We will also be teaching the mothers a skill so they can make...
These are not "all" of the children from our Children's Home...some are in college, and some are taking "high school tests" on the weekends. Just think, if you had "one or two" children in college, that would be stressful enough...but we have six, and next year, more. We are so proud of our children, and they consider...