Joshua… You can imagine how shocked we were to find an abandoned baby, left in the weeds near our front gate! He looked to be about 11 months old, but he was so frail, he could not sit or crawl! After sending him to our Jesus Healing Center Clinic, he was referred to a children’s...
Poor mothers here in Haiti, work "very hard." In many cases, their husbands have left them and gone to the Dominican Republic years ago. Usually, the mothers are the "breadwinners," for their families. These women carry "heavy loads" on their heads to bring to our market, "Gwo Mache Mirak" (Big Miracle Market) so that they...
“This Great God We Serve.” Oh, what a great God we serve!! We cannot limit this God we serve! Apostle Paul said it like this, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20 Sometimes, we think...
Many other areas received Feed My Starving Children meals this week. We had a great day today giving food to the hungry. Matthew 25:40 Haiti is in a crisis for food. We’ve never seen it this bad since Sherry and I moved here on July 1, 1991. I know in the future Haiti will have a...
Jameson… He was brought to our Jesus Healing Center with severe eye and skin problems. He had lived in a village of dust and mud huts, and he constantly showed up at our clinic with “impetigo,” and infections. He was constantly crying with his eyes. We finally told his mother that he would be better...
"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest... shall not cease." Genesis 8:22 This week, Wilner and the ATC (Agricultural Training Center) staff had another big harvest of different crops from their large gardens, which they delivered to the kitchens at the Children’s Home and the Birthing Center. These big, beautiful, healthy vegetables are always welcomed...
“What Must I Do to Have Eternal Life?” In Luke 18:18 a certain ruler asked Jesus, “Good Master, what shall I do to have eternal life?” Jesus said, “You know the commandments.” Then the rich, young ruler said, “I have kept all the commandments since my youth.” Then Jesus said, “Yet, thou lackest one thing…...
Other villages including Bois-des-Mieus received several thousand meals! Because of the gangs and all the turmoil, most people have very little money, if any money. I went into shock yesterday when we bought a bag of rice I've paid many times $12.50 for... it now sold for $38.00! Poor Haitians cannot afford to buy food....
Years ago (when there were no gangs), we had just started our orphanage. It was a rented building in Petionville, Haiti. When our teams came to Haiti, they would always buy “small Haitian gifts,” from a lady named “Madamn Cheap-Cheap!” She told us about a mother who had died, and the father deserted the baby,...
You are doing great in helping us reach our goal for the $25,000 Matching Gift Challenge that will end on the last day of February. Almost 100 “NEW” partners have joined to help us get the full $25,000 match from an anonymous donor. Your response so far has been great, but as of now, we...