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The Middle of Nowhere!  

Location Haiti: The Middle of Nowhere!   These are the forgotten ones, off the beaten path in the “middle of nowhere!” We only saw one hut in the whole area! I told Sherry that when we arrived, “no one is here waiting for their food like all the many other locations!”[…]

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Our Mikael…

Mikael’s mother died when he was very young, and his father Marcel Antoine could not care for him and his brother. They were in poor health from malnutrition. Mikael was a good child and obedient, but his brother was a problem! We had to send his brother to another family[…]

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Food for the Forgotten Mountain People Today:

This morning, we left early for the interior up in the mountains to bring “Feed My Starving Children” (FMSC) meals! This will be the first time we’ve ever been to this area. The people are very hungry. We will be giving out 32,400 meals! After we give the meals to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“God can hear your prayer anywhere!” The story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale is a remarkable story of God’s forgiveness. God had called Jonah to go to Nineveh to preach repentance to this sin filled city. But Jonah ran and caught a ride in a boat to “flee[…]

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More Malnourished Children

“Gangs in Haiti bring more malnourished children…” Malnutrition in small children and babies here in Haiti is very common, especially in the last four years, since the gangs have taken control in most areas. A mother with a malnourished child will always be looking for a “hospital” to take in[…]

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“Growing up Too Fast!”

“Your Face is Your Passport,” a Haitian Creole Proverb… Stephano’s mother had been in prison for years when we first got him. His father had abandoned him. So, his parents did not want him. That didn’t stop Stephano! He always has had a smile from ear to ear! He is[…]

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Praise Report! PTL! Tomorrow, Hubert and his Love A Child crew will start feeding everyone every day at the Anse-a-Veau prison. All the food is bought, and we are ready to start! Hubert, his wife, and the team will actually cook a hot meal daily and serve the food to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Best Hiding Place.” Have you ever been faced with danger? When I was a small child living in Pennsylvania, we lived out in the country. We had a neighbor whose name was Bernie. She was terrified of storms, and each time a storm came, my mother would send me[…]

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Lomene and Widlene

Lomene, left, and Widlene, right, has just graduated from a special college in Haiti that teaches professional cooking! Lomene has completed two years and Widlene has completed one year! Widlene has one more year to go. Next year she will learn how to make those “beautiful wedding cakes,” etc.! For[…]

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Update on Jackson:

This morning, as Bobby was getting dressed for church, I  went to check on Jackson. (Many of you knew that he was very, very sick yesterday.) I could not find Jackson in his room, so I went into the dining room. He was not there and so I looked in[…]

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