"The goodness of God..." "Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?" Romans 2:4 Everyone seems to think that "hitting someone on the head with a Bible" will win them to the Lord, or preaching to someone until they are...
Joshua and Kenzy are as different as can be, but they are best-brother friends. They are both in preschool! Joshua is outgoing, a loudmouth, funny, and loves sports. He is a mess!! He has good health and eats everything in his sight!! Kenzy is quiet, shy, clingy, loving, and loves to be held! Both children were left...
Today, we sent two large trucks, Pinzgauers, up to Peyi Pouri to deliver more medicines for our upcoming Mobile Medical Clinic. On the way down, our driver saw a pregnant woman trying to make it down to our Birthing Center. She had already delivered one baby, but another one was coming. When they carried her into...
PRAISE REPORT! People have been asking about the two vehicles we need. The smaller four-wheel drive food truck cost was $25,000. The total need has been met! PTL! Our clinic van, which was stolen by the Papaya Gang, costs $45,000 to replace it. Last week, $5,000 came in from one person. We were still lacking $40,000. One family just sent...
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 – If you are called of God, let this flame burn within you! Maybe some of you are called of God to be a missionary. Let this flame burn within you…GO! Bobby
This is Jean Richard, a young man with cerebral palsy who is in his last year in school, Philo. Jean Richard came to us after the earthquake because the orphanage where he was staying had been destroyed! He is such a wonderful young man. He is an excellent keyboard player; playing for our church and...
Mathew 7:7 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find…” We had been praying for sponsors for three students who really wanted to come to our next session of “ATC School,” and God just provided them! Three of our faithful donors just gave the funds to provide scholarships for three deserving and eager Haitian students to...
Good morning! I’m having a delicious cup of Haitian coffee! Sherry and I had our first cup at 4:00 a.m. Sooo good! We are still working on a way to help promote the hard-working coffee farmers high up in the mountains. And still working on a way to get a cup of coffee to you!...
"Don’t let them see your back!" We all go through battles. No one can ever live and say, "I've never fought a battle." It doesn’t have to be a physical battle, but anything that makes you stand, and "fight" is a battle. Psalm 78:9 describes the "children of Ephraim…" The children of Ephraim, being armed,...
I came outside to see one of our kids with a sandal on one foot and a tennis shoe on the other! It was Jackson, the little boy who had severe malnutrition when we found him. I said, “Jackson, why are you wearing someone else’s tennis shoe?” He said, “Well, I didn’t have any to...