“Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside, and the fowls came and devoured them up: some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they...
This is Natalie. What a sweetie she has turned out to be. However, she is not “timid" at all! HA!! Natalie is always at "the top of her class." She loves school. She is a very obedient little girl and hard-working! In this picture, she was cleaning out her closet!! She loves to sing, and...
Later on today, we will be taking the children from our orphanage to visit with the children at Pastor Claude's Orphanage. It is so good for these children to "bond" with other children in other orphanages and since we have been so close to Pastor Claude for many years, our children love going there! In...
"I am not able to bear all these people alone, because it is too heavy for me. And if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray thee, out of hand..." Numbers 11:14 Poor Moses. He was sick and tired of hearing the Israelites complain, day after day. Even after the Lord had delivered...
Daphline is "all personality!" She is "ONE TOUGH COOKIE" in Soccer!! Go ahead and put her up against the big boys, she can hold her own!!! But, Daphline is all girl too... she loves to help braid younger girl’s hair and she is good at it!! She will help in any kind of work at...
As you may know, Stephanie’s little baby, Christian, 2 days old, was taken by ambulance to try to get to Petit Fre ak Se Hospital, who specializes in babies and children. The ambulance was turned around by the street thugs, so they had to take Stephanie and the baby to Ebeneezer Hospital. So far, the...
Stephanie, one of our older Love A Child children, had a baby boy two nights ago, "Christian." Today she brought him back to our Birthing Center because he was not breathing well. From there, we sent him by ambulance to Petit Fre ak Se, the children's hospital. We were not worried because this is the best...
We love helping the poor. Jesus said, “when you do this unto the least of these, my little ones, you are doing it unto me.” We try to give these items in the poorest areas, where they have no outside help. Sometimes, we just drive through a village until we see children and hop out...
"Go ye…" This message is burning within my heart. "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 Is the Lord dealing with you today? Is God calling you? Missions are the heart of God. He wants the church to reach the world. Jesus' great commission, as he steps on the...
We really love Jean Richard. He came to us right after the earthquake in 2010, when the orphanage for the handicapped, where he was staying, completely collapsed. He came to live with us then. We found out that he has a great gift for playing the keyboard! There are many times when I feel a...