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Update on Job

JOB IS DOING GREAT! Late this afternoon, Sherry and I went by to visit Job in the Santo Domingo hospital. Job was smiling and doing very well! Job had a knee operation, and he has long legs. Wow! Jesse and the Love A Child nurse, Kita, have been with Job[…]

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Noah… “Death’s Doorstep”

I never thought Noah would live… I know I have shared his story recently, but seeing him in his school uniform is such a miracle for me to see! You see when Noah was a baby, his mother (or relative) abandoned him in the bushes near our front gate. It[…]

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Travel Update:

We have just crossed the Haitian-Dominican border on foot and met our driver on the Dominican side! Looking forward to seeing Jackson and Job late this afternoon. Job’s operation went well this morning. Tomorrow morning we will be leaving for Florida from Santo Domingo for our Love A Child board[…]

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Today, one of our Love A Child children, Job, will be receiving another operation in the Dominican Republic. You may recall that Job had gotten a serious infection in his lower leg, and we could not get him through the gangs to a hospital here in Haiti.. so we took[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God will restore the years the cankerworm hath eaten! “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.” Joel 2:25 I really feel within my heart that this scripture is for several of you[…]

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Fabienne, Finding Her Path in Life

She is one of our sweetest older girls. She is always smiling, and “loves Poppie Bobby.” Her mother had been working for us years ago, and Fabienne always came to work with her. But, we had to let her mother go. She asked if Fabienne could stay with us and[…]

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Updates on Jackson and Job: Please Pray

Please pray for Jackson: Very important Tomorrow will be Job’s surgery. Update: Yesterday, both Jackson and Job had appointments with doctors. Job had some x-rays taken of his leg and chest so that he can be cleared for surgery. The leg x-rays were for the surgeon. The chest x-rays were[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The calling of God… “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14 “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” 2 Peter 1:10 If we are truly called of God, nothing can stop us…[…]

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STATE OF EMERGENCY I’m hearing that right now the Port-au-Prince airport is under attack by the gangs. Another source just texted me saying that the airport has been taken over by the gangs! I cannot verify any of this. We are about 30 miles from the airport. The U.S. Embassy[…]

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