"Passing by on the other side..." We have all heard the story of the "good Samaritan." Jesus told this story in Luke 10: "A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves who stripped him of his garment, wounded him, and departed him, leaving him half dead…" But there's hope for the...
“I’m just gonna sit right here, close my eyes, and really enjoy this mango!” Yep! That’s exactly what Lucson from here at our Love A Child Children’s Home is thinking!! These kids don’t play around when it comes to their mangos! They love them! Love, Kaeli
Even though Haiti is a turmoil politically, there are poor families with children living far in the mountains who need food. In many areas of Haiti, "food distribution" is becoming quite dangerous, and we must be very careful and often have to hire local police to come and help us. Right now, a "large can...
“Leaving A Legacy…” Someone once said, “It’s not what you take with you when you go, it’s what you leave behind that counts…” Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither...
Joshua is from our Love A Child Children’s Home, and he keeps everyone on their toes. When we found Joshua outside our gate in the bushes, we really did not think he would live. He spent over a month in the hospital and when he made it home, we were still unsure how fully recovered...
"As soon as school is out, it starts all over again!" We never get a break from school! As soon as it is over, we have to start measuring all of the kids for school uniforms again! Books are not free, so we will have to buy six to eight books for each child! Most areas...
Bright and early this morning, we had a sweet lady come in to give birth. The poor lady has been following our prenatal program. A few weeks ago, she came in with a bad vaginal infection. The doctors gave her medicine to take, but she told us this morning that she never took it. She...
“Go the extra mile.” This is something Jesus asked his disciples, and you and I, to do. But what did this mean in the Bible days? Did you know that “Cyrus the Great” came up with the idea of “mail delivery?” He would give the mail to “carriers,” but in turn, they could make anyone carry...
I’m sure most of you know Ti Mika (Little Mika). Ti Mika is without a doubt one of the funniest kids to be around! Ti Mika is always full of joy and can make anyone laugh! Her body is built just like a gymnast, and she can run faster than anyone I’ve ever seen! She...
Our Birthing Center is in full effect, and today it started with a new baby girl!!!! The mother, Sofia, is 17 years old. She is the sweetest! She came from right down the road in Miracle Village. Her family was one of the earthquake victims. They were all at the Love A Child Field Hospital...