GOD IS ABLE TO DO MORE! “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” (Ephesians 3:20) I can think of some pretty big things, but God can do more than we can ask or think! God can do exceeding abundantly...
Trying to get everyone to look at the camera, and smile all at the same time, is nearly impossible! Here are some of our children that were playing outside. These kids love their playtime, and if they had their choice, they would spend the entire day outside on the playground, playing soccer, basketball, and jumping rope....
Today, Pastor Souffrance from Peyi Pouri came to thank us for the food we have been sending up there each month. It is a very, very tough area to take food. It is on the top of a high mountain, and you must have "four-wheel drive trucks," or "four-on-the-floor" mountain mules!!! Pastor Souffrance "rented” ten mules...
In our post yesterday, we told you about the huge electric problem that we are having, which almost blew up our 200-kW generator. Our solar power for our Love A Child Children's Home lasted 20 hours, which is wonderful. Now, all of our power is finished for the whole compound. David, our electrician, and his crew...
"Nothing ever happens by accident…" Have you ever wondered about "why" certain circumstances happen in your life? When I was 16, I had just made a recommitment to come back to the Lord... We had heard about a "tent revival" in Orlando, Florida, which was over 50 miles from our house. A lady was preaching...
One of my favorite things about Sundays is getting the children here at our Love A Child Children’s Home ready for church! They know all week long what they are going to wear because they get so excited to “dress up.” All Haitians, no matter how poor they are, will wear their very best clothes...
Sherry, Kaeli, and I want to wish all the mothers a happy Mother's Day today! You are special before the Lord. Sorry, we wanted to wish you a happy mothers day earlier in the morning. I was so happy it was Sunday because I was telling Marty, who is with us, how peaceful Sundays are...
DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE LOST DIRECTION IN YOUR LIFE? The word says: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 Sometimes in life, we may not understand why certain things...
I guess they couldn’t hold it any longer! Yesterday all the children here at our Love A Child Children’s Home were playing outside. When I walked out to go watch them play this is what I saw! This is Noah and Samuel with not a worry in the world! Haha! Happy Saturday everyone! Love, Kaeli
These are the latest pictures from last night of the new Birthing Center. The lights and the A/C are on! This will be a busy week. The dedication will be on Friday, May 17th at 10:00 a.m. Babies are coming! This Birthing Center will be a pre and postnatal care along with a women’s learning center....