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Kenson – “He Loves to Dress Up…”

Kenson – “He Loves to Dress Up…”

"But also doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty!" If you could see Kenson in church, he is a handsome young guy who loves to dress up! But, go to the mechanic shop and you will usually find him under the hood of a car or fixing flat tires. He “loves mechanic work!” He doesn’t mind...
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Fon Bwapen, Haiti Update:

Fon Bwapen, Haiti Update:

Here are the pictures from a new area where we sent some Feed My Starving Children meals. These are the people who were so hungry they were living off sugar water from the dirty river. They all got together and helped make a road so that our truck could get to where they were. Thank...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“The Widow’s Mite…” “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” (John 12:43) This is what John said about the people who believed in Jesus, but did not want to confess him… they were afraid they would be “kicked out of the temple,” because they wanted the “praise of men”...
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The Gangs Took Over Their Orphanage

The Gangs Took Over Their Orphanage

These children, from an orphanage in Ganthier, Haiti, lost their home when the gangs took over their orphanage. Yesterday, one of our older children told us about a group of children sleeping in our Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market). They had been begging for a little food from the ladies who sell there but did...
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The 400 Mawozo tried many times to break the nice concrete bridge coming into Ganthier near us. The new chief of police, who came by for food yesterday, told me late yesterday afternoon that the gang was not able to break the bridge completely. The gang welded some iron bars across the bridge and then...
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“Tithes, Offerings, and Alms…”

“Tithes, Offerings, and Alms…”

Many Christians do not know the difference between tithes, offerings, and alms. We know that the Lord blesses every dime, every dollar, and everything we give. Tithes are what we owe God! It is ten percent of our income. When we give above that, we are giving offerings and we are “going the extra mile."...
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Mikalange “The Not so Quiet Twin…”

Mikalange “The Not so Quiet Twin…”

Mikalange is the “not so quiet” twin! Sometimes, she “pushes the envelope,” but she is quick to say, “I’m sorry.” She is 15, loves soccer, and is in 10th grade. She is the "tougher twin." In the morning, this tough young teen works in the Malnutrition Center, but her dream is to be a dentist....
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Coals of Fire.” Have you ever had an enemy that you “really wanted to get back at?” Let’s face it. Somewhere in our life, we have all had an enemy. More than likely, some of our enemies have been those who are jealous of us. The book of Proverbs has so many wise sayings. One...
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Mika, the Quiet One

Mika, the Quiet One

Mika Georges is one of twins, and she is the quiet one! She and her twin sister were born in the faraway village of Covant, Haiti! Mika loves math and reading! She is into music, singing, and Praise Dancing! The ladies appreciate her help in the kitchen and Mika is a good cook. She easily...
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Zachary… He’s a Church-Going Young Man

Zachary… He’s a Church-Going Young Man

Zachary is our youngest!! He is the one “whose Voodoo mother,” was going to kill him when he was a baby! But. God rescued him just in time! He loves to dress up for church but he “does not” want to wear a “Graduation Cap,” and march up the aisle for the Kindergarten Graduation! He...
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