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This morning we loaded 43,500 Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals for our food distribution tomorrow morning. We’ll be in an undisclosed location for security reasons. The children and the families there are very hungry. Some children have not had a meal in two days. In the morning, we’ll also[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Abandoned” Have you ever been “abandoned?” It really means “left behind” or forgotten about. Sometimes, we have read that a baby was found “abandoned” in a garbage can. People abandon puppies or dogs they don’t want. But being “abandoned” can mean many other things, too. A husband leaves his faithful[…]

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Waiting for a Miracle

In the “extremely poor,” village of mud huts and hungry children, little Maniolita spends her days alone in her “mud and stick” room in a tiny hut. Her mother, Madamn Altidor, works in the streets, or sometimes the market, selling anything she can. On many days, there is not enough[…]

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February 8th. Prime Minister Ariel Henry did not resign last evening. Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry gave a brief public address last evening calling for calm as violent protests have erupted across the country, demanding he step down. Henry’s speech did little to appease the tens of thousands of angry[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 — I believe more in the invisible than the things, which are seen. Faith is the evidence of things not seen! By faith, I can see the Lord saving your family right now, healing[…]

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Preparing for the Future!

This afternoon, I took these pictures of Pastor Mark Ostrander and his construction team (Dream Team), building housing for future missionary teams amid chaos here. We are looking past today, into the future of Haiti! The best is yet to come! Every Haitian who has a job, they say, feeds[…]

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Pray for Haiti Today

Today is February 7th! Today, a new president is supposed to be sworn in here in Haiti! This can’t happen because Haiti’s Prime Minister had no elections in Haiti last November, as promised. Former rebel leader Guy Philippe, along with many tens of thousands of Haitians across the whole country,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God can give you favor and wisdom in the middle of your crisis! “And the patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt: but God was with him, And delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt;[…]

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Sweet Rodna

When Rodna’s mother died (when she was a baby), her father had to borrow money for his wife’s funeral. The man he borrowed the money from, kidnapped all Rodna’s siblings. We had to pay the ransom money out of our own pocket; then, Rodna’s father asked us to take her[…]

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Raising Thoroughbreds

This is Widelene. She is in college studying how to be a professional cook! Just look at these yummy desserts! When we began to build our Love A Child Orphanage here in Haiti, some people told us, “You got to have a poor-looking orphanage! If you build it beautiful, people[…]

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