"Look Who Shows Up, at the 'Show-down?'" - Part One In I Kings 18th chapter, there is a "show-down" on Mt. Carmel... "Whose god is God?" All Israel is gathered together along with the Prophet Elijah, facing off 450 prophets that worshipped Baal, along with 400 more, who ate at "Jezebel's table." Elijah challenges them to...
Does this look like Double Trouble or what?? This is Samuel and Noah from our Children’s home! I snapped this as they went down the slide together! These two are a mess!! Do you notice they are both missing their two front teeth? They are two peas in a pod and are always so joyful!...
I just went to visit our Jesus Healing Center. I always try to go by the ER and visit the sick. I saw this elderly man on IVs… passing by, I noticed his toe with the string tied around it and I said, “Oh, he has diarrhea.” The nurse said, “Madamn Sherry, how did you...
“Wow!" Look what the Lord has done since we began working in the village of Sapaterre, where they make all those mountains of mud cookies to sell! Through our wonderful partners, the Click Foundation, there is now a beautiful Church! Thank you, Donnie and Debbie! Other partners helped sponsor women to have jobs to sell...
STOP LOOKING IN THE REAR-VIEW MIRROR!... "Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus...” Philippians 3:13-14 So many people can only live and talk about the past. Let's not live in the...
Wow! Trying to get all these boys to stop playing on the playground for one minute in order to take a picture is close to impossible! Then trying to get them to look at the camera all at the same time IS IMPOSSIBLE! Haha! These boys can go, go, and go! They love to play...
We are so thankful to MAP International for their wonderful donation of medicine we received a few days ago. It was held up in Haiti Customs for a while, due to political problems in the country. During those perilous times, the poor in many areas could not even get transportation to a clinic for help… Medicines...
We welcome Jesse Ostrander who came in yesterday! He will be working on the Birthing Center among other things. Jesse is busy for the Lord! Jesse is the son of Mark Ostrander. He is a chip off the old block (well not too old, ha!). Jesse has been here about 70 times now. He is...
"Forgiveness…" What a story Jesus told us about "forgiveness." Sometimes, it's hard to forgive, but when we think about our own life, how much Jesus has already forgiven us, it's easier to forgive. In Matthew 18:23-35, Jesus tells his disciples the story of the king who had servants who "owed the king." The most indebted...
Last week our older girls asked me if they could put together some care packages for some specific families in the church. They were concerned for some of the families who they could see were struggling. Last Friday they spent the whole day putting together little sacks for them. These sacks had general hygiene supplies...