The Ultimate Boss! I know you all know Stephanie here at our children’s home! Stephanie used to be the child that everyone feared! Seriously, it’s like you could get mad at her and she would be in trouble, but she did not care... LIKE AT ALL!! Stephanie has always had a special place in my...
Some of you know the story of this young man named Darius. During our Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains of Peyi Pouri, his uncle came down from another village, (higher up than we were), and said his nephew was dying, and he was too sick to walk to the clinic. We sent our new...
“Expecting to receive something of them.” Act 3:5 “Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms...
We are SHOUTING Happy Birthday to our sweet Roselyne!! Today, Roselyne turned 19-years-old! Roselyne is such a leader here in our children’s home! She wakes up every morning at 4:00 AM and prays until 5:00 AM! She is first in her class and is finishing her senior year in high school!! During the summer and...
As some of you know, we take "Mobile Medical Clinics" into difficult mountain areas, which we call the "Regions Beyond." On our last trip, we were in the Peyi Pouri Mountains. We had to take eight truckloads of medicines and supplies up dangerous mountains to do this, but God was there. People also came from...
Today and tomorrow is a big holiday in Haiti. Fet Gede, also known as the "Festival of the Ancestors,” is the talking to the dead holiday! So many are going to the graveyards to talk to their loved ones. Our Haitian crew is working on the Birthing Center. God bless them! Love Is Something You Do. Bobby
“My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God…”Psalm 42:2 Today what does your soul thirst for? I remember years ago before I turned 20, I was in Jamaica on a missions trip on a very hot summer day. A great old man of God named Daddy Blair preached a sermon under an old-fashioned brush...
Two peas in a pod! I know you all have seen pictures of Joshua and Kenzy from our Children’s Home! These two are just about attached at the hip! They want to wear the same exact clothes, they want to sleep in the same bed, and if one of them doesn’t want to eat, then...
Everyone is working hard on the Birthing Center! We are in need of several items before we can open the Birthing Center. Please take a look at our wish list on Amazon to see how you can help. Babies can’t wait! Sherry
“Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.” John 6:27– All of us missionaries here in Haiti and around the world don’t labor for meat or substance which perisheth, but for the meat which gives...